Looking for freinds

My name is Ted I am looking for friends to share weight-loss goals problems fixes hopefully success stories a little more about me I am 48 years old I weigh 425 pounds recently I have been sitting around watching TV not doing much of anything else so one week ago I began to go to the YMCA and work out and swim after one week I lost no weight at all i found that I lowered my calorie intake is too low I went from taking in 4000 to 5000 calaries per day to taking in 1800 calaries per day so next week I hope to be more successful


  • tiffanychoraz
    tiffanychoraz Posts: 4 Member
    That's awesome!
  • fairylady1962
    fairylady1962 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Ted
    Well done on starting going to the YMCA and swimming, that's great.
    Its easy to sit around and watch tv and not think about what you are eating, I know I've done it.
    That was a huge drop in calorie intake, You do have to eat more the larger you are. Eating to little makes your body think Its being starved so it conserves what it has. Up your calories to 2,200 and see how that goes.
    I wish you luck on your journey, You can do it.
  • juellie1
    juellie1 Posts: 2 Member
    Ted, I commend you. I "only" have 40 lbs to lose and can't seem to get motivated. I'm so impressed that you started this journey. I wish you motivation and success!! Swim a lap for me. ;)
  • bkirksey623
    bkirksey623 Posts: 1 Member
    Great start