I am feeling down

ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
And when i feel down it means i want to eat those bad foods. I missed my morning workout, i still can do it but i just dont feel like it. All those little things build up and then i either get angry or sad. I dont have anyone to talk to and that makes things worse. It was my 4 year anniversary last week and we did nothing, i didnt ever get a card. This weekend is here and he wants to have his brother come over and we can all hang out. :| Anyways he come on here hopefully he wont read this. And if he does, "Hi!"


  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    HUGS!!! I hope things get better for ya.. Yeah I've been in a very crabby mood today and I have this urge to eat. I did eat some chocolate..but hopefully I'm still under my calories.. I'm here if you ever need to talk
  • caitlinsmum
    caitlinsmum Posts: 55 Member
    ((hugs)) :flowerforyou: Don't eat those 'bad foods' - if you're like me, you'll feel even worse afterwards. How abouit putting on your favourite music or go for a walk or something you enjoy ?
  • caitlinsmum
    caitlinsmum Posts: 55 Member
    Oops - double posted - so here's some more ((hugs))
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I'm sorry!! Now go work out!! You'll feel better.

    My husband's family is not into celebrating anything. My family celebrates EVERYTHING! He makes me feel silly about it but where's the joy in life if you don't celebrate anything??

    In any case...MEN! LOL

    Really, walk away from the bad foods and go work out.
  • getnfitn2011
    Awww I am sorry you are down!!!! (((hugs)))) name is Misty by the way and yes a total stranger just gave you hugs...sorry if that creeped you out but I am a empathetic person!!! My husband once told me that only the big anniv's count like five ten and so on....we are approaching out ten year so he better make up for it! LOL I am sorry that last line when you said hi was really funny!! Keep your chin up and just stay positive it will all work out!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Wow that's so sad!! I know what it's like to feel alone. Super hugs to you and I hope things get better! Stay on track, give yourself something to be happy about!
  • nikkircaddell
    Yea I think working out is the answer too because you know you will feel more proud of yourself after you do than if you give into the bad foods they will just bring you down more.
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    oh girl! I can so feel your pain. but trust me, make yourself workout. you know without me telling you, that you will feel so much better afterwards. just start out slow, and maybe tone down what you usually do. but the excercise wiill produce all those great endorphins to make you feel better. so, get after it!!

    and hell, he is just being a man! go buy yourself something instead!!
  • putnam80
    putnam80 Posts: 69 Member
    Sorry to hear this! I understand about some days just feeling down because you missed a workout. I get that feeling after a few days usually. Its funny. before I started exercising on a regular basis, i could play video games or watch movies all day long and it would never bother me. Now, I still work outside all day long, but then if i miss my walk, i cant clear my head and start to get a little crazy. getting short with people at work, and just feeling like blowing up. I really need my walks with my dog to clear my head. I had been going every morning but since i have to be to work at 7am, i didnt want to get up before 5 to get in a few miles as well as make breakfast and shower. So now I just finish my day off with 4-6 miles a night. I sleep so much better now, but also feel more rested even when i dont get as much sleep.

    on another note. sorry to hear about the missed anniversary. Happy anniversary! you should voice your concerns with your husband. keeping in feelings or sharing them with us does not address the problems.

    good luck
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    O no! I would so feel the same way if our anniversary was looked over! Do the work out, for you. You're not getting healthy for him, you're doing it for you!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    "Bad foods" in my opinion are ok IF you can take a couple of bites and then walk away. Working out is so good for your mental state! Sorry things are rough right now and hope they look up but don't let it drag you down from achieving your goals. Beat that frustration out on a punching bag!:explode:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Have you told him how you feel? I promise you, he has NO idea. I'm sure once you tell him, he will go "D'oh!" and make up for it. Don't make food your friend and confidant...it doesn't listen. ;) Do you have any girl friends to talk to? Those are important!!
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    Sorry to hear he was such a bum! I would go to the gym, even if you don't feel like it. You will feel so much better :)
  • marmitegirly2
    marmitegirly2 Posts: 35 Member
    Don't give in, it will make you feel worse although I appreciate the chocolate-as-therapy feelings. Why don't you say you'll just do a 10 minutes workout - chances are you'll end up doing more, but if you don't that 10 minutes will still release some happy hormones. If all fails, have a big bubbly bath with a good book. (( hugs ))
  • chantillychopper
    you have lost 12 lbs...do you know how great that is....if not, go find a 5lb bag of sugar x's 2 and realize how much that is. now if you are feeling depressed....put on some headphones with music....and shake your butt around the block....you can always find something to smile about...do not give in to your feelings!
  • chantillychopper
    you have lost 12 lbs...do you know how great that is....if not, go find a 5lb bag of sugar x's 2 and realize how much that is. now if you are feeling depressed....put on some headphones with music....and shake your butt around the block....you can always find something to smile about...do not give in to your feelings!
  • dpetre
    dpetre Posts: 22
    Dont make yourself feel worse by eating something bad. It might seem ok now because you are feeling down, but later you will really regret it. I always do.
    Instead, put on some music and dance...that will get you into a better mood and get you up and moving around. If you have to eat, eat something healthy. I promise, that will make you feel better about yourself. Now the hubby....well, some men just dont get it sometimes....talk to him and let him know how you feel. I hope you feel better :)
  • dpetre
    dpetre Posts: 22
    Great post!! :)
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    ahhhhhhhh, I feel for you. Is there any chance of him feeling a bit left out with the diet/lifestyle change or have you been doing this for ages? just a thought. I think this weekend is a case of dressing in something nice, not too overly sexy and exuding confidence, his interest will soon pick up and it will make you feel great.
    ps. (in a whisper) sometimes when I feel down... I have that piece of chocolate. (Don't tell anyone!)
  • pelester3117
    Don't give in! find something to do to take yourself away from the situation. A long walk, a good movie, or good book will do wonders. Hang in there! Quitting is never the answer.