


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Thank guys. Yeah it's protein that is my biggest downfall. I just do not get enough of it in my diet. I think I also need to focus more on feeding my body the right stuff instead of just worrying about loosing weight.

    Does anybody meal prep for the week?

    I don't officially meal prep, but I will make batches of higher protein foods to make them easy to grab.

    I will press and marinate tofu to make a big batch of baked tofu. This can be used for sandwiches, eaten for dinner, or I can just grab it and snack on it. I will make seitan in big batches so I will have it for the week (and freeze any that I might not be using right away). I will marinate tempeh so I just have to cook it when I get home from work (or I will make a batch of tempeh "sausage" crumbles" that can be mixed with beans and pasta or whatever for meals. I will do a batch of slow-cooker beans and freeze what I won't use within a few days.

    I personally find vegetables and carbohydrate-rich foods to be easier to prepare, it's the higher protein stuff that I plan for.

    I find that when I focus on protein, I feel fuller and more energetic. I don't even eat a lot of it (@BecomingBane is our resident vegan protein master!), but I am a firm believer that it's something that we need.

    Ack... I missed this. Have you ever tried mixing beans in with the seitan dough and steaming it? Let me link a recipe... it's phenomenal.

    I use this recipe to make hot dogs for summer cookouts. It always goes over well with my non vegan friends which is a plus.

    Yes, I have done this with white beans and with black beans. I find it makes for an incredible texture! One of my favorite ways to make seitan.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I agree.. I've done it for hot dogs and burgers and both turned out amazing. Maybe I like to eat too much. (not too much food... just too much enjoyment of eating, lol)
  • rawroy
    rawroy Posts: 106 Member
    rawroy wrote: »
    Pressed post by mistake...anyway..
    Who is debunking this research so I can dive deeper.

    Look, no one is saying that you can't follow a low fat diet, but Plantbasedknight is on many boards telling people to remove fat from their diet entirely as well as oils and this is just nonsense. There are many and varied diets, and many of them are effective, but espousing one particular diet as if it is the be all end all diet is unrealistic on a grand scale.

    But ok, let's take a look at the one study/ scientist they have thrown at me most often, T. Colin Campbell and his China Study.

    Here is an editorial with clearly sourced information:

    and another:

    and another with clearly cited sources:

    There is enough actual science there to keep you reading for a long time if you're of a mind.

    Here are some additional insights:

    Man, you trying to keep me busy for a while with those links! LOL
    Even if I tried eliminating fat, I'd fail. Just had a White Chocolate Madadamia Nut Clif Bar.

    All diets if followed to a T will help you lose or gain weight but I don't trust them anymore.
    I remember what worked for me before, but it was bad and unhealthy with all those energy fat pills I was taking and starving myself on 1,500 calories a day!

    My "lifelong" health and fitness goals have been achieved by going plant based. It's been 2 years and is automatic now. I don't have to worry about getting fat but now I'm focusing on a short term 6 pack goal, asthetic and athletic goals so I'm experimenting with carbs, proteins, and fats ratios but from mostly plant based, not processed. I'm not into that bulking and cutting bodybuilders do. For some reason my friends always seem to be bulking...

    I read up on Atkins and I don't like that one at all.
    Check this out
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'll have to try post punk kitchen. The name appeals to me. oi.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    rawroy wrote: »
    rawroy wrote: »
    Pressed post by mistake...anyway..
    Who is debunking this research so I can dive deeper.

    Look, no one is saying that you can't follow a low fat diet, but Plantbasedknight is on many boards telling people to remove fat from their diet entirely as well as oils and this is just nonsense. There are many and varied diets, and many of them are effective, but espousing one particular diet as if it is the be all end all diet is unrealistic on a grand scale.

    But ok, let's take a look at the one study/ scientist they have thrown at me most often, T. Colin Campbell and his China Study.

    Here is an editorial with clearly sourced information:

    and another:

    and another with clearly cited sources:

    There is enough actual science there to keep you reading for a long time if you're of a mind.

    Here are some additional insights:

    Man, you trying to keep me busy for a while with those links! LOL
    Even if I tried eliminating fat, I'd fail. Just had a White Chocolate Madadamia Nut Clif Bar.

    All diets if followed to a T will help you lose or gain weight but I don't trust them anymore.
    I remember what worked for me before, but it was bad and unhealthy with all those energy fat pills I was taking and starving myself on 1,500 calories a day!

    My "lifelong" health and fitness goals have been achieved by going plant based. It's been 2 years and is automatic now. I don't have to worry about getting fat but now I'm focusing on a short term 6 pack goal, asthetic and athletic goals so I'm experimenting with carbs, proteins, and fats ratios but from mostly plant based, not processed. I'm not into that bulking and cutting bodybuilders do. For some reason my friends always seem to be bulking...

    I read up on Atkins and I don't like that one at all.
    Check this out

    I agree with you that most, if not all diets when followed can help you lose or gain... the true difference will be nutrition and health markers which can only be verified by blood-work.

    Your lifelong goals sound well thought out and I wish you all the best. My goals are purely strength based right now and less for aesthetics. I'll follow up with aesthetics once I've reached the strength goals I'm reaching for, but this does require me to run a constant lean/clean bulk but since I'm not competing currently, I don't really need to bulk/cut. I run clean bulk until I hit goals, and then run slow recomp to get back to the bf% that I prefer. It's a much more time consuming process, but again, since I'm not competing not a big deal. I'm not in a hurry, so no real worries there.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I'll have to try post punk kitchen. The name appeals to me. oi.

    As it should. great place and seemingly good people making amazing food.
  • withoutasaddle
    withoutasaddle Posts: 191 Member
    Baby vegan here, still transitioning from vegetarian (lapses maybe two foods a week) but your welcome to add me. I'm doing it for health so it'll be more veggies than Oreos for me
  • Thangwen
    Thangwen Posts: 2 Member
    they can its called the paleo or ketogenic diet. it causes diabetes and it is not healthy. it shortens life. the fat you eat is the fat you wear. If you work out like crazy in the gym maybe that's why you are eating all the at fat and not getting very fat. for a normal person consuming fats in the form of free oils and fried foods is a disaster. such foods are inflammation and cancer promoting.

    I would like to know where you got the source for the Paleo diet causing diabetes and not being healthy, shortening life, etc.

    From my experience, not only has my glucose levels normalized since going on the Paleo eating pattern, my multiple sclerosis is in control with out ANY of the tons of medications I used to be on, and my cholesterol is down to the levels of someone 20 years younger than I am.

    My 80 yo father who was taking insulin shots every day no longer has to since following the paleo eating pattern.

    Most paleo people don't eat an abundance of fried foods, but when we do, we use avocado oil or the like... a healthy fat, and ones that don't break down into a carcinogen due to high heat points breaking it down (like olive oil, and modified vegetable oil) Most of us like to roast or grill our foods at any rate. :)

    At any rate, good luck with your journey, and congrats on finding the right eating pattern for yourself!