
I've recently started to walk for 30+ minutes at a time up some very, very steep hills, and my feet/ankle bones are absolutely killing me. I'm around 200 lbs., 5'5 or 5'6, and I've just started taking calcium supplements, and Tylenol/OTC pain killers DO help but not very much. Back in January, when I started to walk in general for fitness, I noticed that my shin bones (along with my ankle and feet bones) were also hurting after workouts, except it was more of a dull, aching pain. Now, it's more of a sharp, hurts-to-apply-pressure sort of pain, which makes walking in general difficult for me. Is there any CHEAP or FREE way I can get around this? It's making exercise extremely difficult for me.

I'm not sure if this is related, but I did have a major issue with Sciatica earlier this year.

(And I know I should consult a doctor and whatnot, but I am seriously without the money to do so at the moment, so I'm looking for advice from anyone who has dealt with similar issues...)


  • contritebiggs
    rest my friend, rest. Just like muscles, bones need time to repair and recuperate. Take it easy for a few days and rest those feet when you're home, they'll respond better if they get a little TLC...
  • wanderson99
    Ice is your friend! Everyday!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Personally, I hate going to the doctor, I work in medicine, and I just don't want to go if I'm not dying. I had shin pain as well as my 4th and 5th bones in my left foot were killing me. All I can tell you is to rest. It helps me. I lost my mojo because of it though. I was walking with a friend for 5 days in a row, and I think I did too much too fast. Now, I am not motivated to walk. uh. But I am getting around to walking today, I hope.
    I hope this helps you some.
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Sounds very familiar to me...like shin splints. I get them from running - hurts like heck after a while!! I've done some research on them and have decided that I need to strengthen my lower leg area. I do calve raises and, while sitting in a chair, do toe raises. I feel this contraction all the way up my shin, so I know that I'm working on getting that area NOT to hurt so much! It took much longer for them to start hurting this time, but alas, they started! Good luck with that...if it's truly shin splints, I can feel your pain (literally!!).
    Take care!
  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    I was getting pain like that and agree that it sounds like shin splints. Try doing some good stretches after you've warmed up and that should help. I also use a cheap Dr. Scholl's orthotic in my shoes and that seemed to help. (Not the ones you step on the machine for, the ones you can find with all of the shoe inserts/pads.) I even get that in the pool and doing some stretching really helps.