Emotional Eating

highvoltagequeen Posts: 60
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
It's really hard when I'm feeling so emotionally depressed, that I have to also detatch myself from the comfort of ordering pizza, or walking to the gas station and getting food. Food was the last comfort I had when I was upset, and now I don't even have that.

I don't want to exercise, I don't want to sleep, I don't want to do anything but think about the food I'm not eating. I'm not hungry, I'm just upset. I know that.

It doesn't make it any less hard to know that comfort eating isn't even in my corner anymore.


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    The key is distraction. I know you said you don't want to workout or whatever - but, really.. it is the best way to get your mind off food obsessions.

    Go for a walk. Go outside and do yard work. Do SOMETHING that gets you away from the kitchen and food, etc.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    I know how you feel girl. My boyfriend and I broke up yesterday plus TOM just arrived, so I'm emotional and wanting to eat everything!!! Today at lunch I had 3 cookies and am still under my daily calories, so I'm just gonna go to the gym and work it real hard so I can have a decent dinner. You can have treats, but eat them in moderation
  • Me and moderation have never seen eye to eye. That's why its better I stay away in general. I'm not at that point of learning to control moderation when I'm emotional. It's a learning period right now just to not give into ordering a pizza.
  • flietz
    flietz Posts: 4
    I felt that was as well for the first 5 days. Since then, I've focused myself on what I can do! Today for instance, I cleaned my 5 year old son's bedroom! 210 minutes later, and 865 calories burned I felt better. I am an emotional eater as well. I find that if I WANT to eat it, I will work for it! Let me tell you, at 11pm, a 3Musketeers ALWAYS sounds pretty good! :) Well, if I want it, I gotta work for it. Not the best way, but hey I've lost 12lbs so far, can't be that bad! ;) Chin up, it will get better! I am in the process of alot myself, I know how that pizza looks when you are sitting all alone! Try to find a friend to talk to, get online, pick up the phone! It is all I can do myself to keep from being completely miserable once my son goes to sleep!
  • jpaw1002
    jpaw1002 Posts: 322 Member
    i hear u, its been one of those days for me too. drinking more water seems to help. or trying to go do something. the time when u dont feel like it is when u should. bout the whole moderation thing i hear u on that too thats why if its my weakness i do not keep it in my house. ill have one little of w/e it is and buy it at that place and have it but i wont have a whole box or bag or w/e it is in the house at easy reach.
  • Devon967
    Devon967 Posts: 1
    I get the same way at times... I have found an outlet in watercolor painting.... just paint your emotions.... it really helps.. and everyonce in awhile I paint something amazing..... try it:happy:
  • TakuraHunt
    TakuraHunt Posts: 208
    I am the complete opposite... I usually don't eat when I am depressed. But working out always helps me feel better, even if just for the moment, it gets my mind off of the depressing situation - thats a moment all to yourself, clear your mind... think of only you, or what I do - use the anger, depression, disappointment or what ever feeling it is to push you to get through your workout. :wink:
  • Frankly I don't have the money to emotionally eat either. All these factors never seemed to stop me in the past. They are stopping me now. I just need to talk about it and voice my frustrations somehow that I cant eat my frustrations away like I normally have in the past. Food was my friend but that is why I weigh as much as I do.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    if you dont want to exercise or anything then play a video game or read a book :) Im an emotional eater too trust me! And i'll probably make ppl mad by suggesting video games but hey your looking for a distraction! Good luck!! P.S. I find that texting or calling a friend helps too lol my friends always have stories for me so it keeps me distracted for a while lol
  • flietz
    flietz Posts: 4
    If you ever need someone to chat with, you can add me on your yahoo- just message me your sn! I am always looking for distractions!
  • liberty741
    liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
    Oh honey, I am an emotional eater too and I just want to give you a big hug! It will be alright. Food is my friend and comfort, and when I am dieting I feel very depressed that I don' thave it to turn to. My dog died and I felt increasingly lonely and depressed not to have that beautiful happy and friendly dog to come home to. So I def have been binging when I come home. We just have to find other ways to calm ourselves. I am reading hte book "women, food and god" and it is helping a little bit.

    We're all in this together, you're not alone!

    Another help for me is Rocco Dispirito's cookbooks. He makes great comfort foods a healthy way. If you like to cook, I'd strongly recommend his books!

    Feel free to add me if you would like to chat!

    Good luck!
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    My boyfriend and I got into a fight when he wasn't here. All I wanted to do was eat popcorn, ice cream, etc. Instead I cleaned up my place and just did that. It's hard to distract yourself from the urge to eat, just try it sometimes every little step is a success.
  • Its been almost two weeks since I've even spoken to the girl that broke my heart... probably why I'm still through the emotional stages of needing some sort of comfort.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The key to this for me was learning to make my favorite foods but in a healthier way. If I'm having a bad day and I really want pizza or nachos, I make them. I use whole wheat crust, plenty of veggies and low fat cheese for the pizza. I use fat free beans and maybe some low fat meat with jalapenos, onions and low fat cheddar with all natural corn chips for the nachos. Or, if like today, I'm craving some yummy pasta with red wine. I make that with plenty of healthy veggies, lean meat (sometimes) and whole grain pasta. In fact, it smells like it might be done. Mmmmmm. Gotta go
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    First and for most if your going to make a commitment to losing weight you have to tell yourself NO!!! Every time your emotional find something else to do, writing, drawing, walking around your neighborhood. This is a lifestyle change just remind yourself of the person you want to be and dont let food get in your way!
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