College, 20s, Relatively Healthy, Summer weight loss HELP

I gained the freshman 15 and desperately want/NEED to lose it before my last year of college. I’ve always been a conscious eater and I’m interested and even knowledgeable about nutrition, but when I went to college I was eating healthy meals PLUS lots of partying and late night pizzas…

I’m logging religiously and working out 6-7/week (not even eating back all of my exercise calories burned) but I have only lost 3-4 pounds in the past 4 weeks! (SW: 155 CW: 151-152) I majorly cut out chocolate (my everything), cut down on carbs and processed foods, and have only had one night of drinking (champagne). I really need motivation and tips on how to kick this up a notch. My GW is 140.

I’ve looked around but can’t find anyone in a similar place.
If you are in a similar situation, friend me, or post any thoughts!


  • hng2101
    hng2101 Posts: 54 Member
    I WAS in a similar place going into my senior year of undergrad but I had 30 pounds to lose. I followed a similar plan--I only drank once a week, maybe less actually, and was running 1.5 to 3 miles 5 days a week. I was also REALLY active that summer. I had two jobs, an internship, and played slow pitch softball.

    Summer was easy. The hard part for me was going back to school. Fall semester I only maintained my weight loss, spring semester I upped my workouts and started losing again.
  • aneumany
    aneumany Posts: 165 Member
    idk how many calories ur eating if its only 1200 id say u might want to up it around 1400 or so, id eat back my exercise calories its not like u want to loose that much weight..AND.. idk wat kind of work outs ur doing.. but i would do some intense cardio/intervals a few times a week, therye AWESOME at blasting fat!...if u need some more advice, befriend me!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    not in the same place but losing 3-4 pounds over 4 weeks is the way MFP is set up to work. The idea is to lose 1 lb per week and keep it off for good. This is a safe way to lose weight and what most health professionals recommend because it does not put a strain on the body and the organs. Weight Watchers is set up the same way. So, actually you are right on track! :) Just log everything and every adult beverage too! There are different schools of thought on here, but most folks follow the program and eat a particular # of calories per day that MFP gives them. MFP is already set up to give you a deficit each day, so you don't want an additional deficit on top of the deficit.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I gained the freshman 15 and desperately want/NEED to lose it before my last year of college. I’ve always been a conscious eater and I’m interested and even knowledgeable about nutrition, but when I went to college I was eating healthy meals PLUS lots of partying and late night pizzas…

    I’m logging religiously and working out 6-7/week (not even eating back all of my exercise calories burned) but I have only lost 3-4 pounds in the past 4 weeks! (SW: 155 CW: 151-152) I majorly cut out chocolate (my everything), cut down on carbs and processed foods, and have only had one night of drinking (champagne). I really need motivation and tips on how to kick this up a notch. My GW is 140.

    I’ve looked around but can’t find anyone in a similar place.
    If you are in a similar situation, friend me, or post any thoughts!

    I feel ya! I am in a similar boat except more than 15 lbs. Maybe your BMR was calculated incorrectly so if I were you I would use a different calculator to see. Also, take measurements. Are your close fitting significantly looser? Maybe all the extra working out is toning you but you haven't seen results on the scale. Scales are evil like that sometimes. It could be a medical problem, thyroid possibly, but more than likely it isnt. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out what works for you and what doesn't. Maybe you are eating too much or too little. Drink enough water and check your sodium levels as well =)
  • L568
    L568 Posts: 15
    Thank you all!
  • rachelllk
    rachelllk Posts: 63
    I'm gonna be a junior in the Fall and unfortunately I love pizza, drinking and all the other unhealthy aspects of college life. I've been working out almost every day and am 150lbs (149 now) and looking to get down to 135-140 so feel free to friend me. It'd be nice to have someone who's in a similar situation!
  • amandaplz88
    amandaplz88 Posts: 7 Member
    I just graduated and I'm also looking to get rid of all the weight I gained from late night drinking and eating. Dang beer & pizza.
  • rococo11
    rococo11 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, I'm also a 20 something college student. I'm looking to lose about 15 lbs this summer. Not sure if I can be any help (I'm new too!) but I figure its always nice to meet somebody in the same boat. Good Luck
  • megan4pr
    megan4pr Posts: 12
    This is my life!!! Haha. Seriously. Feel free to add me.
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Hey! Im a college sophomore- 19 years old! I have similar weightloss goals to you and weigh about the same as your current weight!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend! Id love to keep you motivated and help with any advice you need!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    I gained 20lbs over 4 years of college...and then another 10 in grad school and 18 months in the "real world' so I was there, and I AM there..all at the same time.

    3-4 lbs in 4 weeks is great progress! With another 6-8 before your back at school - you'll definitely be able to lose another 4-6 by the time you go're on track. But 10 lbs that took months to put on take the same amount of months to take off.

    Keep eating well -- 1300-1500 calories are probably a good range, 1200 may not be enough for you to metabolize everything properly). Vary your excercise regimen -- summer is perfect for walking, swimming, hiking, tennis, and if all else fails inside the air conditioned gym.
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I'm 22 and in my last year 1/2 of undergrad (I've changed my major quite a bit lol). Then I've got 4 years of vet school ahead of me if I can get in.. so feel free to add me as well :) I've got about 10-15 lbs I'd like to lose that has been on me for quite a while
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    I'm in a similar situation! I'm going to be a college junior and I want to lose 15 pounds these next 8-12 weeks! Maybe we can motivate each other! We are around the same start weight :))