2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    crottsra wrote: »
    Can someone adopt me! So I have lost 29 lbs thus far and plan to lose an additional 50lbs. I am not doing any fad diets etc, but have been keeping track of carbs, calories, and fats. Overall I want to make a permanent diet change and eat healthier. Not to mention have an amazing butt and rocking stomach. Right now i have the wind in my shoes and feel super motivated, but I need someone who is going to keep me motivated when the going gets tough! I'm 5ft9in sw: 232, cw:203, goal: 150-155.

    @crottsra I'm keen... Message me!
  • KingOfVolleyball
    KingOfVolleyball Posts: 4 Member
    I want to be adopted by a mentor! .o.
    *anticipation rises*
  • oceanvixen79
    oceanvixen79 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm a noob and looking for a mentor! Just got a vivofit for my birthday yesterday and stumbled on MFP because of it.

    Thanks in advance!

  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Mentor update
    have adopted 2 motivated people,one of whom contacted me directly with a detailed message.just the way the thread SHOULD work.
    the other i contacted,after reading a DETAiLED post they made explaining their current situ.thats the other way this thread can work succesfully.

    one person didnt respond to my message with an offer of help !

    no idea who still requires help.
    my name is still on the list should i fit your goals.

    good luck.
  • dmcaputo82
    dmcaputo82 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! My name is Denise and I would love to be "adopted" by a mentor. I am 33 years old, recently left my job and have been pretty down and depressed the past few weeks. I am ready to turn that all around and start taking care of myself. While I keep saying to myself, you can do this alone, I know that having a buddy, guide and inspiration would do wonders for my motivation. If anyone can help me or if you just want to be fitness buddies throughout our journey together, feel free to message me or send me a request!
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Much thanks to all the new mentors. All mentors up to this post have now been added to the OP.
  • jjanssen216
    jjanssen216 Posts: 3 Member
    Just joined and I'm looking for a mentor. I need someone to help me get everything started because I feel overwhelmed in getting going. I'm 25 years old, 5' 8". My current weight is 163 and my goal is 130. I'm a student and I have a 24 Hour Fitness membership. Typically in the past I've lost 10 lbs here and there but eventually gained it all back. I want and need a permanent lifestyle change and would love someone to help me get there! :)
  • ekim64
    ekim64 Posts: 11 Member
    Would love to have a mentor. I have 80 pounds to lose.
  • michaelabrait
    michaelabrait Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2016
    Not sure if I'm too late to this party, but I could definitely use a mentor... I've struggled with great weight fluctuation for my entire life and right now I just want to lose it for good and (eventually) work my way to becoming stronger.
    I'm a college student taking 18 credits and working 30-40 hours a week so meal planning and exercise just falls to the wayside, I don't ever have time to focus on it (unless I want to neglect homework or sleep) so I really need some kind of motivation or plan to follow because if not, I'll end up starving myself and I don't want to do that. I say this because I know myself, and i'll eventually get frustrated but still desperately want to lose the weight and.. yeah.

    Anyways, I would love some help/a mentor/maybe even a group of newbies to work with to keep me accountable and help me meal plan. My ultimate goal weight is about 60-70 pounds away right now, so I'd definitely like to get started!

    Thanks in advance! :)
  • jbean_journey444
    Not exactly sure what to do here either! But I would LOVE a mentor! Trying to get my life on track and finally find my healthy and happy. I want to be the girl I know who has been hiding deep down. Started tracking Jan 8...down 10lbs or so. Exercising and Logging. Many reasons for me to want to get my life under control. I have ALOT of weight to lose. I want to do this for me, for my kids, my husband, family- just a better life in general!

    If you are willing to adopt me I can tell you whatever you need to know! THANKS!
  • gigi2892014
    gigi2892014 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi there I would love to have a mentor. I am Gigi from London. If anyone is interested mail me :))
  • scottsteurer
    scottsteurer Posts: 20 Member
    I would like to become a mentor.

    About 5 months ago I weighed 228 lbs. Most Ive ever weighed. Ive been an athlete all my life but let myself go the last 3-4 years. I download MFP and bought a road bike to bike with my girlfriend. after about a month id lost 5 lbs. So then I started lifting weights and running and now I weigh 205 lbs. Ive recently started doing Body Combat for my cardio while still lifting to drop the last 15 lbs. Im also getting a Bachelor's in Exercise Science and becoming a Triathlete. So if you would love to have a motivated mentor. Im your guy!
  • codyandme2011
    codyandme2011 Posts: 9 Member
    Nova wrote: »
    Welcome to the 2016 Adopt-a-Noob Discussion!

    This thread is dedicated to those MFP members that would like to volunteer their time to mentor or adopt a new comer to MFP; with the high volume that occurs in the beginning of the year, this will be an easy way for new members to view profiles of members to friend and lean on for advice, guidance or direction.

    For those who participated in the Adopt-a-Noob discussion last year - giant thanks for your willingness to give back and support others on their path. If you have recently posted in the original discussion, or volunteered last year and have bandwidth again, please be sure to re-post here.


    We will maintain a list of forum members (in this post) of all the members that would like to become a mentor or volunteer their time. We suggest that you post some background (essentially a short profile) on yourself to give the new members some prior knowledge. If at any time, you want to revise your post, please send an update to @Nova, @Jordan or @Alex, and we will alter your original post as soon as we are able.

    Also, if you see new members posting in this topic, please feel free to reach out to them.

    New members

    Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.

    Keep in mind, that mentors are NOT obligated to accept new members if they do NOT feel it's a good fit... especially if you PM them with a creepy message or their plate is full. 2015 discussion here

    Thank you for your support!

    P.S. - please follow the rules. All thread hijacking will be followed by a strike as it violates the rules. If you don't understand the rules, please see below.


    (MFP Staff will update this section as people throw their hat in to adopt noobs for the new year)

    I'm looking for a mentor. I'm Karyn from maine usa. Weight loss surgery Aug 2011. Up 33 lbs since January 2015. Can't find a good gym routine to do. Need help n advice
  • codyandme2011
    codyandme2011 Posts: 9 Member
    cw106 wrote: »
    i am available to mentor with no restrictions or requirements.
    i live in the uk.male,in my 50s.
    i have lost 50kg(100 +lbs), reversed my type 2 diabetes,controlled both ibs-c and diverticulitis mainly thru diet and exercise.
    i have gone from couch25k to completing half marathon and training for full marathons in both running and indoor rowing.

    You sound accomplished. Care to lend a hand to me? Been doing it on my own for 4+yrs. Now up 33 lbs in 13 months. Lack of focus n excuses I'm sure. I'm in maine, usa. Surgical weight loss patient looking for mentor
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Thats what we are here for.
    Will send you a message.
  • eemonf
    eemonf Posts: 23 Member
    I am late to post here but I just got back into working out and I would really appreciate the support of a mentor.

    I am currently a junior in college studying education. I've been trying to work out on and off for a few years now. In the last two years I've definitely let working out fall on my list of priorities. At this point I really want to make a major lifestyle change in order to feel better about my body and have more energy throughout my day.

    I know I need to get active and work out daily...but I also know food is my biggest albatross. I'd definitely like some help with nutrition.

    I know this is the time for me to make lifelong healthy habits a part of my daily life. Anything would be appreciated! Please pm me :)
  • fionasnowflake
    fionasnowflake Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I'm Fi! A newbie to MFP and I'm looking for a mentor. I've sent a couple of messages to people on the list but with no reply so wondering if just posting here would be a better plan...

    I live in Devon, UK. I'm aiming for healthy weight loss by cutting down processed foods, particularly sugar and processed carbs, whilst upping my fruit and veg intake. Two months ago I started work in quite a sedentary job (went from averaging 14000 steps/day on my Fitbit to 1500!) and I've gained about a stone. I was reasonably happy with my previous weight but wouldn't have objected to losing some - now I've gained more I am committed to losing it! As you can see from my profile photo, I love snowboarding but don't get to do it all that often. I'd love to improve my fitness so next time I go I can really get the most out of the mountain.

    I'd love to hear from anyone who can offer some support! Thanks, and good luck everyone :)
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm really not sure how to do this but I really need a mentor as well. 39 5'10 cw 218 with about 50lbs to lose. Really need support.
  • yazelbaitari
    yazelbaitari Posts: 2 Member

    My name is Yasmine, and I would really love to have a mentor. I'm currently about 265 lbs, and hoping to drop over 100 of that to be at a healthy weight for my height and age ( I'm 5"2 & 22). I also have a thyroid disorder. I'm not necessarily new to mfp, but I've never been consistent and want to start.

    I've currently quit drinking pop, and have started to go to a gym with a friend.I'm trying to meal prep when I have time. I have a fitbit that I'm starting to use for tracking as well. . As a student with a part-time job, my schedule is hectic and my budget tight, so I'm hoping someone can help me with tips and tricks that will also fit my current situation and I'm not looking for a fad diet, but to make healthier lifestyle changes

    I'm really hoping a mentor will help keep me accountable, encourage me to try new routines or recipes, and help me better understand nutrition and how to work out productively.

    I hope someone will take me on! :)
This discussion has been closed.