Is it possible..... & Wii users....

I just started this about 3 days ago and Im trying really hard to stay in my calorie range adn so far Ive done great! I hate exercise though, I love walking but living in Phoenix, AZ its not always possible to walk during the day... or night for that matter. The heat gives me really bad migraines. I do have a WII but I am a little skeptical about buying the fancy work out stuff because I dont know how well it works :( so my question is... is it possble to lose weight by sticking to the calorie goals and not work out? BTW I have a desk job and school 5 days a week....


  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    yes it is possible.. but you will feel better if you get a little exercise. Try the Just Dance video.. you don't have to buy the board or any of that jazz. It's a good starting point.

    You can find games on sale on or on Craigslist.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Yup I have zumba, just dance 2, and 2 EA sports workout games.. You dont really need any fancy items for these games. Also Leslie Sansone's walking dvds are good for when its too hot out or raining outside.

    Oh and yes its possible to lose weight with just diet and no exercise but exercising helps keep us fit and strength in our muscles and bones.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Try the Just Dance video.. you don't have to buy the board or any of that jazz. It's a good starting point.
    YES, YES and YES. The Just Dance games are a riot, and can provide a decent workout. Amazon and Craigslist are a great source for used copies that are cheaper than new.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I have the wii -fit and board and hubby bought me the wii fit plus game, I lost my first 14lb just using that in the evenings as I was home alone with two children, so couldn't go out even if I wanted to.
    it all helps.
  • CWRose
    CWRose Posts: 62
    I used the wii stuff for the first month and half and lost 10 lbs. No exercise and proper diet will only take you so far before you will have to exercise to continue to lose. Good luck! :)
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I have the Wii Fit and some other games and rarely use them, I am in Florida and it is just to hot to walk outside or even be outside for that matter. But when I was using the Wii Fit it did work and I only did 30 minutes a day. I would work on all the cardio ones. I am very interested in the Zumba and Just dance vidoes but like you dont want to waste my money knowing I will only use them a couple of times
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    I have seen some people here on MFP that only do less calorie intake and not exercise and still lose weight.

    Plus those of us that DO exercise, we eat our exercise calories back (well, most of us do, we are supposed to, and MFP promotes it) so we are technically only doing calories too.

    Exercise will give you more energy and make you feel better. Also you can get toned up once you burn off the fat. AND if you don't eat all your exercise calories back and as long as you NET at least 1200 calories you can lose weight faster.

    I have a Wii I use it all the time. I just wake up early and do it... then it's done for the day!

    Good luck with everything. Whatever you choose to do, just stick with it and don't give up!
  • krystikel
    krystikel Posts: 1 Member
    I am NOT an exercise person. I love walking but I hate hot and cold weather, so I'm very limited in when I can get out to walk. I also have no exercise equipment (although I would love a treadmill!).

    Having said that, I will say that I have the Wii fit and I LOVE it. It truly does give me a great workout. I was skeptical at first as well, but after using it just once I knew it would definitely work. It gets you moving more than you'd think and at the beginning I couldn't go for very long on it. I gradually increased my exercise time though and now I can do it for about an hour each time.

    It's great for me because it takes up so little room to store but yet offers a great workout to someone who doesn't like to exercise. It's a win win situation! :) Perhaps if you know someone who has it they could loan it to you so you can give it a try to see if it's something you would want to invest in.

    Good luck! :)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    ive lost all my pounds with hardly any excercise. im listed as sedentary; if i go to the grocery store and im there for 30minutes i log 15minutes of slow walking. If i do alot of cleaning, lets say an hour, i log it as 30minutes. if i mow the lawn i enter it, and any activity i try to accomadate cuz having it set to sedentary means that you havent even got out of bed that day or anything.

    So basically; my activity is just increased life activity and not excercise.. sometimes i might do a few minutes jogging in place (maybe once a week), or go to the gym for 20minutes (4x in a 3.25months) cuz my gym has day passes you can buy and its cheaper to go once or twice a month than to have a full membership... but going to the gym is just to try to tone a bit more here and there, not for weight loss reasons.

    I also drink half my body weight a day in ounces of water (for me its 17 cups a day right now; started off as 20).

    Im technically disabled so i cant excercise for physical reasons; but you can most def loose weight without excercise!
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    OMG when I posted this topic i was afraid I would get a bunch of people telling me I was lazy and that nothing would happen! This makes me love this place even more because everyone is so helpful and SO REAL!!!! Thank you all so much for the help! I think i might have to go trade in some other games (the nonactive ones) for some fun fast ones!!!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Why not get some resistance bands? Heck, I do them while watching t.v.! They are super easy to use, and you just do your own thing. Not sure on the cost, because I got mine from work. I am a surg tech and we have something like the bands to get all the blood out of a limb before surgery. Things expire all the time and they have to just toss them out. So, I take em home and don't feel bad when the kids want to use em as well. Sorry for getting off topic. I also love Leslie sansone. Do you have netflix? They have work out DVD's as well. You can try them and if you love one, then you can buy it. I hate to buy DVD's for fear of hating them and wasting my money.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    OMG when I posted this topic i was afraid I would get a bunch of people telling me I was lazy and that nothing would happen! This makes me love this place even more because everyone is so helpful and SO REAL!!!! Thank you all so much for the help!
    You are among friends. :laugh:
    I think i might have to go trade in some other games (the nonactive ones) for some fun fast ones!!!
    I cannot stress how absolutely hilarious the Just Dance games are. I have no dancing skills AT ALL, and I love the game. It's a riot, and gives me a decent workout. Any age and skill level can play and have a good time.
  • strawberry1969
    strawberry1969 Posts: 1,476 Member
    ive lost over 40lbs before joining the mfp site i hated exercise but my daughter has lost a lot of weight and given me her wii fit board which i lost a lot of weight using now i love the zumba on the wii i do 45 minutes everyday and it makes you feel like youve had a good workout.
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    OMG when I posted this topic i was afraid I would get a bunch of people telling me I was lazy and that nothing would happen! This makes me love this place even more because everyone is so helpful and SO REAL!!!! Thank you all so much for the help!
    You are among friends. :laugh:
    I think i might have to go trade in some other games (the nonactive ones) for some fun fast ones!!!
    I cannot stress how absolutely hilarious the Just Dance games are. I have no dancing skills AT ALL, and I love the game. It's a riot, and gives me a decent workout. Any age and skill level can play and have a good time.

    100% TRUE!! I hate workout videos and weather doesn't always permit outdoor activities that I prefer. I would rather shovel dirt in my garden for two hours than do a 20 minute workout video haha. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Just Dance 2. It is a riot and it has catchy songs. My 9 y/o wont play with me anymore because I now beat his high scores. He says it isn't fair that I "practiced" while he was at school.
    Good Luck!
  • emfoley2
    emfoley2 Posts: 30 Member
    You look younger than I am, so this may not be an issue for you, but I had trouble getting the scale to budge before I started doing some regular exercise. I'm not a big exercise person either, but I started doing yoga a couple of times a week, and it all got easier - the exercise isn't burning that many calories, but it seemed to kick-start my metabolism.

    Just Dance sounds like fun - will have to kidnap the kids Wii and try it!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I hate to sweat. I really hate it. It feels gross. I stink. I don't want it in my eyes. So, I swim. Well, I did until the kid got out of school. So, until we put an in-ground lap-pool in our postage stamp backyard, it's sweat for me. :(

    Upside: I dance in my living room with my kids. I put on a "Dancing off the Inches" DVD and work it. They think I'm a professional. (I have smart kids, eh?)

    Then, it's showers for all.

    It can be fun. I usually sucks. But here is what keeps me goin': I love to eat. I love food. So, if I can build muscle to burn calories for me, without working out as hard or for as long... I am on board with that plan. So, step up, girl. Let's get your sweat on!!
  • Zoe678
    Zoe678 Posts: 134 Member
    I've lost 12 pounds in 22 days using just my Wii as exercise. I eat about 1500 calories and then burn off 200 to 300 calories using my Wii for about an hour each night. I love Wii Fit Plus, the hula hooping and running are sweet. And the Free Step is amazing because you can watch tv while doing it!
  • Dreamweaver4036
    Love, love, LOVE my Wii fit. Hated to exersize before I got it but it really makes it fun! I love that it weight you in everyday, gives you a graph showing your progress and makes you weight loss goals just a bit more tangable! I HIGHLY recommend it! Well worth the money:)
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I have the PS3 version of EA Sports Active 2, which is also available for the Wii. I've lost over 40 lbs (should be ~42 lbs when I weigh in tomorrow) doing nothing but working out with the program and using the MFP iPhone app to track calories. I eat back most of my exercise calories. I've been doing this for just over 5 months.

    Trust me, it works!
  • cassmsta
    cassmsta Posts: 75
    I have also been thinking about buying a wii just for wii fit, sounds like it would be a great investment :)