Carbs.... Do I really need that many?

I'm finding it very hard most days to reach my carbs goal. A lot of days I don't even reach half. I'm not a big carb person and now that I've cut out soda and RedBull I usually don't come close. Even though I eat quite a bit of fresh fruit. I don't have much trouble with Protein and fat though, lol. My macros are set at default.


  • Yellowon02
    Yellowon02 Posts: 76 Member
    I don't agree with the default settings. So there. Haha!

    The carbs are way too high and fat and protein way too low.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    I don't agree with the default settings. So there. Haha!

    The carbs are way too high and fat and protein way too low.

    Good! My body agrees :)
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    i never hit my carbs macro either. or protein. I almost always go over fat and sugar though. but I'm scared to mess with the macros coz I assume they're at what they're at for a reason. but what do I know
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Are you coming close to your calorie target? Then I suggest you modify your macro ratio to the way you eat. You are obviously getting enough protein.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Carbs are not essential for the body. Eat enough protein and fats to get to your calories. You are fine.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Carbs are not essential for the body. Eat enough protein and fats to get to your calories. You are fine.

    Not essential....but if you are athletic they help with energy. Let the debate begin.
  • Yellowon02
    Yellowon02 Posts: 76 Member
    Essential if you want to poop. And not be malnourished. ;)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Carbs are not essential for the body. Eat enough protein and fats to get to your calories. You are fine.

    essential for any kind of lifting program or exercise regimen ..

  • heggadonh
    heggadonh Posts: 2 Member
    Depends by what you term essential. Fruit and veg = essential. Bread and pasta etc, not really essential if you get the fibre and b vits from elsewhere.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Carbs are not essential for the body. Eat enough protein and fats to get to your calories. You are fine.

    it is not essential to limit carbs and exceed your fat minimum by 50% either…..
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Carbs are not essential for the body. Eat enough protein and fats to get to your calories. You are fine.
    Well, for feeding oodles of people(think world pop) they may be essential. Unless, maybe everyone ought to switch to high fat diets for fuel. Are you shorting the coconut futures in the hopes of making money? Do you own dairy cows and want to impact the markets? Have you heard of Michael Milken?!?!? (ironic last name given the discussion of cornering markets and fat).
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP many people manually adjust their macro settings to targets that best fit their lifestyle and personal health and fitness goals. A lot of people treat the protein and fat goals as minimums and the carbs sort of sort themselves out. If you don't have a medical reason to restrict carbs they can be part of a balanced diet as many "healthy" foods such as fruits and vegetables, grains, etc are carbs containing micronutrients.

    For weight loss, the calorie deficit is what matters the most, macro balance can provide satiety and impact body composition.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    OP----see above. mcaros and settings for personal goals makes sense. P and F are mini's for many and carbs are the rubberband....some days it stretches for more, other days it is less. Hit your P and F mini's and let carbs be flexible. Now, the bigger question is......what should P and F be?!?!?!?!?!?
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I rarely ever look at macros unless it's a quick glance to see if I have had enough protein. You will be fine. Some people barely eat any carbs at all, and some eat mostly carbs like I do. It's all about personal preference and what helps you be happy while you diet.
  • VisofSer
    VisofSer Posts: 130 Member
    To add another voice;

    You can live quite well on 0g carbs. You cannot live on 0g fat or protein.

    Trying to do exercise, let alone significant exercise such as weight lifting, sprints, or other high value and high cost activity, without any carbs is usually a recipe for a bad time.

    For a diet, the most important thing is what type of deficit, fat or carb, helps you adhere to the diet better and you find you feel best on. Set your protein at a useful level, and whatever carb or fat level you hit while keeping yourself in a calorie deficit will work.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    VisofSer wrote: »
    To add another voice;

    You can live quite well on 0g carbs. You cannot live on 0g fat or protein.

    Trying to do exercise, let alone significant exercise such as weight lifting, sprints, or other high value and high cost activity, without any carbs is usually a recipe for a bad time.

    For a diet, the most important thing is what type of deficit, fat or carb, helps you adhere to the diet better and you find you feel best on. Set your protein at a useful level, and whatever carb or fat level you hit while keeping yourself in a calorie deficit will work.

    Sounds good!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    VisofSer wrote: »
    To add another voice;

    You can live quite well on 0g carbs. You cannot live on 0g fat or protein.

    Trying to do exercise, let alone significant exercise such as weight lifting, sprints, or other high value and high cost activity, without any carbs is usually a recipe for a bad time.

    For a diet, the most important thing is what type of deficit, fat or carb, helps you adhere to the diet better and you find you feel best on. Set your protein at a useful level, and whatever carb or fat level you hit while keeping yourself in a calorie deficit will work.

    maybe you can live quite well on zero carbs, but i can't because I would have zero energy.

  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    @ndj1979 so do carbs = energy iyo?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Cynsonya wrote: »
    @ndj1979 so do carbs = energy iyo?

    carbs = a macro nutrient that should not be demonized.

    there is no reason to avoid carbs unless has a medical condition to do so or some kind of food allergy