Food addiction

Chocolate is the love of my life. But unfortunately something clicks in my brain and all of a sudden, 1 chocolate chip cookie has turned into 10. I'm active, healthy but overweight and this has been the battle of my life. I start every day healthily and end in disaster. Sugar is a terrible addiction, I feel like I will never be able to kick the habit. Anyone know what it takes to get over the hump? I'm thinking purging all sugary stuff but that wouldn't be fair to my kids. Help!


  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    There are several strategies to deal with problem foods.
    Some people just eliminate them and don't keep them in their house. I think as a start while building dietary momentum it can help, but I think ultimately, permanently removing food for non-medical or non-ethical reasons is perpetuating an emotionally unhealthy relationship with food. There is some evidence that such restrictions lead to increased cravings because a person is making a food a greater and greater reward as now it isn't just the food, but the sensation of self-determination, not having to obey rules, even if they are rules you set on yourself.
    Some people find that pre-logging their entire day, including exact numbers of snacks helps, i.e., "I have 1 cookie today at noon, 1 before bed, and tomorrow I can do the same! There will always be cookies! Yum."
    Some find that taking snacks and repackaging them into individual servings helps, i.e. "I'm opening the cookie package. I get to eat the whole thing!"
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited February 2016
    Food is not addicting. You are giving too much power to food which is a cop out. Learn to eat all foods in moderation, you cannot avoid sugary goodness for the rest of your life. Kids learn by watching their parents, you don't want them to have the same silly notions about sugar. Chocolate chips, FTW!

    You can do this!!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    We are all addicted to food. Just try going without it for a few days!

    I would suggest making your own chocolate cookies with lots of fiber (add things like PB2, nuts, oats, ground flax). High fiber slows digestion which can help with the "I need ALL the cookies" type fiascos.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited February 2016
    Some people just overeat anything, but the most common stuff people crave, is sweet, fatty and non-nutritious. That should tell us something. I have suffered from intense cravings too. They lessen when I don't feel tempted. So I chose to stop buying "problem foods". I know that what I eat doesn't affect my health and weight as long as I watch portions, so in principle, I can have whatever I want. But what I want, has changed after eating really well and very little sweets etc. So now I just focus on delicious unproblematic foods. And I've realised that I don't "love" chocolate, cookies, candy, chips, ice cream, I really can't say I do, as I haven't had any in a year and don't miss them. I just want a lot of it, all the time. That would affect my health and weight dramatically.
  • aubreytoe
    aubreytoe Posts: 35 Member
    Food can be addicting for people. Specifically sugar. There have been many studies that prove this.

    I also struggle with chocolate. I am really kind of picky about my chocolate though. So, I buy the poptarts that I don't like and the snacks that I could care less about.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    There are several strategies to deal with problem foods.
    Some people just eliminate them and don't keep them in their house. I think as a start while building dietary momentum it can help, but I think ultimately, permanently removing food for non-medical or non-ethical reasons is perpetuating an emotionally unhealthy relationship with food. There is some evidence that such restrictions lead to increased cravings because a person is making a food a greater and greater reward as now it isn't just the food, but the sensation of self-determination, not having to obey rules, even if they are rules you set on yourself.
    Some people find that pre-logging their entire day, including exact numbers of snacks helps, i.e., "I have 1 cookie today at noon, 1 before bed, and tomorrow I can do the same! There will always be cookies! Yum."
    Some find that taking snacks and repackaging them into individual servings helps, i.e. "I'm opening the cookie package. I get to eat the whole thing!"

    This post is where it's at. My response is long and has two factors.

    Food Tips:
    At the start, I simply did not have certain things around. (Chips. Cookies I can more or less deal with, but salty snacks are my kryptonite.) If I really, really wanted something, I'd have to go out and get an individual portion of it. Laziness/being broke usually stopped me from doing it, but sometimes I chose to.

    Later, when I became more comfortable with logging and felt like I could manage it, I started bringing in small portions and having them around, or buying a larger bag and portioning it out. It helped when I transitioned from working at home to working outside the home because I wasn't around the food all of the time and I could pack things as part of my lunch.

    Nowadays, I don't have too much trouble with foods. I still struggle when there's chips nearby and I'm bored (read: most winter weekends) but overall, I have a lot easier relationship with smaller portions and moderation.

    Other Thoughts:
    Also! Have you looked into decision fatigue? Learning that willpower is a finite resource helped me feel less *kitten* about the days where I'm simply worn out at the end of the day. The combination of knowing I'll turn to food when I'm worn down and knowing what foods I'm likely to overeat has helped a lot in curbing those days where I undo an entire day or two worth of deficit.

    (Note: It has not ended them. I polished off what was left of a box of Cheez-its, unmeasured, the first day of my period because it was late, I was tired and watching TV, and they were right there. Nothing is perfect, lol.)
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    Food is ABSOLUTELY addictive! Not for everyone who is overweight, but it is for some! Research has shown it can be just as addicting as drugs or alcohol...again, for some, not all....
  • coltsmama2015
    coltsmama2015 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Except my vice is salt. I literally feel sick if I don't eat something greasy/salty each day. All aspects of food gives me super high anxiety. If I don't have money to get what I want, or if I don't have time to cook because my baby won't stop crying, I feel so overwhelmed. Even the thought of never eating certain foods again makes me anxious. Food really is a necessary evil...
  • Vanessalookingood
    Vanessalookingood Posts: 135 Member
    I was a big time sugar addict, cake and baked goods every night and lots.... those days are gone. On Jan. 1st, I got rid of every bit of junk in the house. That, I think has helped immensely because if it is not in the house, I don't crave it. Saturdays is family treat day in our house. We have whatever we want for supper and we'll get a big bag of chips to share and a bar, and when its's gone. Also I quit drinking Diet pepsi. I think that was giving me sweet cravings. The more sugar I eat the more sugar I want. When I don't eat it I just don't crave it.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    aubreytoe wrote: »
    Food can be addicting for people. Specifically sugar. There have been many studies that prove this.

    I also struggle with chocolate. I am really kind of picky about my chocolate though. So, I buy the poptarts that I don't like and the snacks that I could care less about.

    Actually, there have been a few studies done at rats that initially caused the claim that sugar is addicting. The same results have not panned out in human trials. At least one of the studies had a write up that was so completely ignorant of biology as to claim that humans evolved with low access to sugar - sorry, our ancestors were frugivores similar to modern chimps, if you're claiming otherwise, please don't work in biology.

    The other issue with claiming sugar is addictive is that none of the eating behaviors people call addictive exhibit themselves with raw sugar - people who claim addiction won't substitute what they want to eat for eating a bag of sugar straight, something those rats would do. This shows that it wouldn't be appropriate to say the sugar itself, as a substance, is addictive. Rather, we tend to see that humans sometimes, rarer than the number of people using the term, have eating addiction - a behavioral addiction similar to gambling addiction, rather than a fixed substance dependence.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    edited February 2016
    I am a sugar-holic. I've become pre-diabetic so I've been extremely careful lately. Sugar has been shown to have the same chemical reaction in the brain as cocaine does so yes it's extremely addictive. Personally I have to keep it out of the house as much as possible, and if I want ice cream or a treat I go out and buy one single cone or one chocolate bar. If I have to leave the house to get it 99% of the time I won't go because it's too much hassle.

    There's sugar free options out there if you want some options to keep in the cupboard. I just bought some Lily's chocolate from Whole Foods last night to keep around. I limit myself to 1 row at a time though and put the rest away. If you can't do that, get SUPER dark chocolate, like 90% chocolate and try that until you have it under control. It's so intense I can only handle 2 squares at most.

    You can also try:

    Sugar free jello/pudding with a little whip cream

    Almonds with flavoring - smokehouse is my favorite, and there's a company that makes vanilla and chocolate ones that are lightly sweetened and high in fiber

    Greek yogurt (full fat, low fat has added sugar) with a few berries

    Flavored teas, these are mostly low on sugar and you can always add a little honey if you need it. Tea goes a long way since you have to sip it plus it counts towards your daily water intake.

    As far as your kids go that's up to you as a parent, but you'll want to show them healthy eating habits anyway right? Instead of keeping a tub of ice cream around the house, have a single night where everyone gets an ice cream cone. Or have a movie night with one bag of popcorn or one treat they picked out for that night. For example last weekend I took my daughter to the arcade (she's 3) and she spent her points on a small bag of M&Ms and a bouncy ball. We don't keep M&Ms in the house but she can have them sometimes when we go out.

    I hope this helps and gives you some ideas :)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Sarahb29 wrote: »
    Sugar has been shown to have the same chemical reaction in the brain as cocaine does so yes it's extremely addictive. Personally I have to keep it out of the house as much as possible, and if I want ice cream or a treat I go out and buy one single cone or one chocolate bar. If I have to leave the house to get it 99% of the time I won't go because it's too much hassle.

    You know what else gives the same chemical reaction as stated above? Petting that cat in your avatar...
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    Chocolate is the love of my life. But unfortunately something clicks in my brain and all of a sudden, 1 chocolate chip cookie has turned into 10. I'm active, healthy but overweight and this has been the battle of my life. I start every day healthily and end in disaster. Sugar is a terrible addiction, I feel like I will never be able to kick the habit. Anyone know what it takes to get over the hump? I'm thinking purging all sugary stuff but that wouldn't be fair to my kids. Help!

    There are some foods that I feel crazy over. I will not have them in the house because it isn't worth the mental games that go on. You are in charge of what your kids eat. Buy or make things that aren't on the crazy list for you. My laziness often wins because I won't leave the house for whatever I think I need to eat that doesn't fit in my goal for the day.

    The longer I have been counting calories, the shorter my crazy list is. I still struggle though. I save calories to eat during the times of the day/night when I want to eat instead of eating just because of the time on the clock. I also eat low cal treats like Skinny Cow ice cream almost every day. In the beginning though I couldn't have SK ice cream in the house because I would polish off 3 or 4 a day.

    One tip I read somewhere here was to picture myself one year from the time I am considering eating something that will put me over my calorie goal. I want to be smaller in a year. If I continue to overeat I will not be smaller.

    Also I have given up eating what I considwred diet foods. I eat what I want and will eat the same when at goal. At first I was very hungry because the foods I wanted did not fill me up. Cookies will not satisfy real hunger. In the beginning I was very strict with my calorie goal. When I reached it, done for the day. I learned what filled me up and what didn't with that method. I had hungry times doing it like that but I had no choice. I know when I am hungry now or if I am just wanting to eat for other reasons.

    Stick with it. In my opinion these issues are not solved overnight. Someone here says you have to be viligent the rest of your life. I believe that.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Sarahb29 wrote: »
    Sugar has been shown to have the same chemical reaction in the brain as cocaine does so yes it's extremely addictive. Personally I have to keep it out of the house as much as possible, and if I want ice cream or a treat I go out and buy one single cone or one chocolate bar. If I have to leave the house to get it 99% of the time I won't go because it's too much hassle.

    You know what else gives the same chemical reaction as stated above? Petting that cat in your avatar...

    Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Who can resist?
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    Recognize the trigger foods. And replace the refined sugar junk foods with low glycemic healthy sweets that are also healthy for your children. Refined sugar is addictive. Fill fruit bowls with pesticide free healthy fruits. Buy organic fruit juices. There are thousands of healthy sweet alternatives. You are not depriving your children by removing refined and junk food sweets from your home; you are protecting their health.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Sarahb29 wrote: »
    Sugar has been shown to have the same chemical reaction in the brain as cocaine does so yes it's extremely addictive. Personally I have to keep it out of the house as much as possible, and if I want ice cream or a treat I go out and buy one single cone or one chocolate bar. If I have to leave the house to get it 99% of the time I won't go because it's too much hassle.

    You know what else gives the same chemical reaction as stated above? Petting that cat in your avatar...

    I am trying to help the OP and I don't see how that kind of comment is helpful. She says she's addicted to sugar.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Because step one is realizing that "No, she's not addicted to sugar".
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    gramarye wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    There are several strategies to deal with problem foods.
    Some people just eliminate them and don't keep them in their house. I think as a start while building dietary momentum it can help, but I think ultimately, permanently removing food for non-medical or non-ethical reasons is perpetuating an emotionally unhealthy relationship with food. There is some evidence that such restrictions lead to increased cravings because a person is making a food a greater and greater reward as now it isn't just the food, but the sensation of self-determination, not having to obey rules, even if they are rules you set on yourself.
    Some people find that pre-logging their entire day, including exact numbers of snacks helps, i.e., "I have 1 cookie today at noon, 1 before bed, and tomorrow I can do the same! There will always be cookies! Yum."
    Some find that taking snacks and repackaging them into individual servings helps, i.e. "I'm opening the cookie package. I get to eat the whole thing!"

    This post is where it's at. My response is long and has two factors.

    Food Tips:
    At the start, I simply did not have certain things around. (Chips. Cookies I can more or less deal with, but salty snacks are my kryptonite.) If I really, really wanted something, I'd have to go out and get an individual portion of it. Laziness/being broke usually stopped me from doing it, but sometimes I chose to.

    Later, when I became more comfortable with logging and felt like I could manage it, I started bringing in small portions and having them around, or buying a larger bag and portioning it out. It helped when I transitioned from working at home to working outside the home because I wasn't around the food all of the time and I could pack things as part of my lunch.

    Nowadays, I don't have too much trouble with foods. I still struggle when there's chips nearby and I'm bored (read: most winter weekends) but overall, I have a lot easier relationship with smaller portions and moderation.

    Other Thoughts:
    Also! Have you looked into decision fatigue? Learning that willpower is a finite resource helped me feel less *kitten* about the days where I'm simply worn out at the end of the day. The combination of knowing I'll turn to food when I'm worn down and knowing what foods I'm likely to overeat has helped a lot in curbing those days where I undo an entire day or two worth of deficit.

    (Note: It has not ended them. I polished off what was left of a box of Cheez-its, unmeasured, the first day of my period because it was late, I was tired and watching TV, and they were right there. Nothing is perfect, lol.)

    Good tips in the quotes above. Another one to throw out is the HALT acronym. Try not to let yourself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. These are times when our willpower is lower than normal and we're more likely to overeat. Now, that's a lot easier said than done, and strategies to help with those feelings, but sometimes it helps to know.
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member

    Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Who can resist?[/quote]

    Thanks. Now that song is stuck in my head! ;)