Binge eaters out there needing support



  • kelieghjane
    kelieghjane Posts: 31 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I've been binge eating for years but it's really out of control at the min. I have good intentions and get towards the eve and I just binge and sabatage myself. I'm now at my biggest, feeling really low can't see a way out

    I usually would have bout 800, I start binging when I get home from work about 4pm I start snacking on healthy food but then reach for the sugar. This happens in the period before I eat my tea. I am going to try eating 4 healthy small meals to see if I curb it a little. I'm also going to commit to logging all binges and staying away from trigger foods
    ab6046 wrote: »
    It's so reassuring to hear that other people are dealing with this (not that I would wish it one anyone!) I think it's great that we can support each other.

    I think identifying triggers is very important as well. Also, interesting question about the medication. Ironically, I did try something over ten years ago. I believe it was called Campral. The crazy thing worked. I no longer felt the urge to binge. Strangely, that really disturbed me because I didn't know what to do with myself so I stopped taking it almost immediately. I think so much of my identity and coping is wrapped up in this and has been forever, that I just didn't know what to do with myself if I wasn't constantly thinking about or eating food. I've thought about it rectory though, and think maybe it's time to give it another go. I spend so much time obsessing over binging and would really like to stop.

    I'm going to add you all, although obviously you don't need to accept! Feel free to message me anytime. Thanks again for the support

    Thank you for the add, can I ask what is the medication you was taking? Is it an anti depressant?
  • Karihappy
    Karihappy Posts: 116 Member
    Just ate 870 calories worth of buttered popcorn popped in coconut oil. Delish, but now feeling the inevitable guilt trip of, "Why did you do this again to yourself?" Not giving up, by any means. Will just start fresh again. Just hoping I don't do the usual, "Well, I've already messed up today, I'll just eat/drink anything and everything I want to for the rest of the day and start again tomorrow," spiel.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Oh yes. I either binge or starve it seems, I can never be normal for long. X(
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    I ALWAYS do that, and then my relatively minor episode turns into a full blown 10,000+ calorie binge and I feel horrible, and binge again as a result. It's truly awful, and illogical to say "well I already screwed up, might as well get this out of my system then start over tomorrow" because that's not how it is. So frustrating!
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    ab6046 wrote: »
    I ALWAYS do that, and then my relatively minor episode turns into a full blown 10,000+ calorie binge and I feel horrible, and binge again as a result. It's truly awful, and illogical to say "well I already screwed up, might as well get this out of my system then start over tomorrow" because that's not how it is. So frustrating!

    Very curious....what does a 10,000 calorie binge look like?
  • alittlelife14
    alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
    Add me all binge eaters
  • Isaiahw40
    Isaiahw40 Posts: 2 Member
    I had like one chip one little gram and boom bagis all gone. I had a thousand extra calories. WWorked off half but I think it's because I was dehydrated and didn't start my day exercising like I usually do.
  • bbell1424
    bbell1424 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm exactly the same! Trying really hard not to eat a huge bag of crisps/popcorn or whole big bar of chocolate. Best thing for me so far is not buying them at all and not having them in the house. Dark chocolate has helped the normal chocolate addiction loads as its much harder to eat a whole bar of that because of how rich it is but still stuck on the crisps! Feel free to add too!
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    Very curious....what does a 10,000 calorie binge look like?[/quote]

    I wish I could direct you to look at my diary, but usually when I have really bad binges I stop logging them on MFP and only log them in my food journal. However, you could look at Christmas for example. Although, I can't say that was really a typical binge, since it was holiday food.

    Usually, it starts with a really strong craving for something (usually sugar). So I stuff myself with fruits and vegetables to try to satiate it, but inevitably I end up eating what I wanted in the first place plus more. I am also triggered by eating out. If I have dinner plans for example, I will binge in anticipation (because I don't trust that I'll control myself), and then continue binging afterwards. I tend to start binging on sweets, then I get sick of sweets and alternate to salty, until I am sick of salty and alternate to sweets again. It often starts with trail mix, and involves other stuff that I don't keep around. One of my big things recently is tapioca pudding; I'll make four or five batches of tapioca (each batch around 1,700 calories) and that's how it begins. I will usually binge on anything that I have (which isn't usually anything that triggers me since I keep that stuff away), and then will eventually go out and buy things like trail mix that I usually deprive myself of. It's actually surprisingly easy to consume 10,000+ calories (think macadamia nuts, for example)!

  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    I can totally identify with all of you, please add me anyone who would like to :-)
  • Karihappy
    Karihappy Posts: 116 Member
    So, unfortunately, my 870-calorie popcorn ended up the beginning of a binge for me. I ended up polishing off a bottle of wine and dining on New York style - Roasted Garlic Bagel Crisps with cheese and salami on them, a Klondike Neopolitian Ice Cream Bar, and half of a grilled Italian sandwich. Sure would love to know what sets me off. Didn't even exercise yesterday, which makes it even worse. I usually burn off over 500 calories in exercise a day. Today I'm starving and trying oh so hard not to keep up the bad eating, but I'm not exercising today either, and my husband keeps making all this delicious-smelling food, and it's driving me crazy!!! :(
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    If yr anything like me, the first bite you take of a trigger food or craving food, yr lost and down the rabbit hole u go. Chew gum. Extra dessert delights gum is astounding. And drink lots of hot tea. Ginger tea seems more satisfying for some reason. If u can't stand the cooking smells try going for a walk, take bath, spray febreeze. I know yr struggle. I'm here to listen u need me!
  • bjade18
    bjade18 Posts: 21 Member
    Yeah I binge eat really bad sometimes. Due to stress and not knowing how to handle my life I gained 20 pounds in a short period of time because of binge eating. I'll binge eat anything too doesn't have to be junk. Just whatever tastes good. I have a huge problem with binge eating too after dinner. It's usually okay during the day but dinner time hits and bam I eat everything. Last night I had a nice supper and I ended up eating a whole bag of cheddar rice thins or whatever they're called. The day before I binged on pizza and taquitos.. I know it really has to do with emotional issues for me or boredom and stuff like that. I think doing some yoga or exercise after dinner if you're like me is a great idea. Would help keep my mind off food.
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    Great advice! I've been meaning to try that gum for a while now, so I think I will. Especially since they have dessert favors and my binges usually start with a sweet tooth (which is odd since I consider myself to be a salty tooth).

    Karihappy, that sounds just like me. Once I get started its all downhill from there. My husband is also an incredible cook, and it's the worst/best thing ever.
  • Karihappy
    Karihappy Posts: 116 Member
    I did manage to get out to take a short 45-minute walk. Only went 2 miles, but, hey, it's something. And so far so good on eating right today. Let's remember that it's okay to live it up once in a while -- that's just life and the way we will always live life -- but we've just got to get back on the right path ASAP, sooner rather than later! Here's to all of us bingers getting back on track! :)5229779.png
  • JensJourney11
    JensJourney11 Posts: 90 Member
    You are definitely not alone. It's so frustrating. I don't understand why I have these moments where I can't control myself. I'm not hungry, I'm not enjoying stuffing my face and yet I keep eating.
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    Great job on the walk! That's great, and it provides a good distraction. I always tell myself that should be my strategy, but I usually keep eating.

    And Jipster, I know exactly how you feel. I used to enjoy binging, at least at the start of the binge. It no longer brings me pleasure or satisfaction of any kind. As a result, I feel my binges have gotten bigger as I'm trying to cope with this and achieve that feeling I used to get. Ultimately, I think it's a good thing because I'm hoping that that means maybe I'll start to cut down or stop soon.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I'm trying to understand myself on this, too. Early in life I was a huge emotional eater, but through the years I broke that habit and it's not so much the case anymore. What I do observe, though, is the impulse to secret eating. It's not rational, makes no sense, but evidently is seeded deep in my psyche. E.g. on a busy weekend when the last person leaves the house and I'm home alone for a short spell, I notice I have this impulse towards, "what should I eat," as if it doesn't count if no one sees it. Illogical. IDK, that's not the whole story because last time I went overboard I was not home alone. Work in progress....
  • sweetaddict123
    sweetaddict123 Posts: 116 Member
  • bologna111
    bologna111 Posts: 57 Member
    I struggle with binge eating also. I have read a lot of books on the subject. The most helpful one for me is brain over binge. for me, it's important that I remember binge eating is just a bad habit that I have created by binging over and over. I have the power to ignore the urge to binge and change those habits. In the book, the author talks about sitting with the urge to binge and ride it like a wave. Not arguing or trying to distract yourself. Just allow your self to feel it. I hope we can all support each other and be free of binge eating. Add me if you want.