1200 calorie diet

Is it safe?! I've been losing weight fast.. I mean like 3-4 pounds a week.. I started at 152 and 2 weeks later am down to 145... I've been told it isn't safe but idk?! I am working out on top of that burning anywhere from 300-500 calories 5x a week. And I do not eat and makeup for those burnt calories


  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    probably not a good idea to lose that much weight consistently. you'll just burn through your muscle and still look fat when you get to your goal weight...
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    You should be eating more. Did you set MFP to 2 lbs per week? I ask because you don't look like you have a lot of weight to lose, so your deficit is likely too aggressive. You will lose more lean body mass than necessary eating this way. I'd set your goal to .5 lbs per week or 1 lb per week at the most. And eat your exercise calories back - at least half.
  • jsuh1993
    jsuh1993 Posts: 28 Member
    Water weight + weighting scheme. It's not something totally crazy. Expect it not to continue to keep up the work outs. Worst thing you could do is start eating a lot, thinking you will continue to lose at that speed.

    3~4 lbs is less than 1 kg a week. With our body, I say that's something certainly doable with your workout routine..
  • kaylaboysell13
    kaylaboysell13 Posts: 20 Member
    My picture was the start of my journey.. I got all the weigh up to 170 and lost 25 pounds got to 145 and took a little break.. I gained about 10 lbs back and I leave for a cruise in two months.. Im constantly running (that is how I am burning my calories) yes I set my goal to lose 2 lbs per week.
  • jessicarehll
    jessicarehll Posts: 37 Member
    1200 calories is really the absolute minimum anyone should be eating. I'd suggest adding 200 calories a day. However, if you feel strong and good, then you're body is handling it fine. Listen to your body.
  • erinc5
    erinc5 Posts: 329 Member
    At the beginning of your weight loss journey, you will lose a bit of water weight, which will inflate your numbers. If you continue losing 3+ lbs a week, then you are eating at too big of a deficit for someone of your size (145 lbs female). What you could experience if you eat at too big of a deficit includes: fatigue, hair loss, brittle nails, loss of period, loss of too much muscle mass, electrolyte imbalance, and low blood pressure.
  • kaylaboysell13
    kaylaboysell13 Posts: 20 Member
    You should be eating more. Did you set MFP to 2 lbs per week? I ask because you don't look like you have a lot of weight to lose, so your deficit is likely too aggressive. You will lose more lean body mass than necessary eating this way. I'd set your goal to .5 lbs per week or 1 lb per week at the most. And eat your exercise calories back - at least ]

    My picture was the start of my journey.. I got all the weigh up to 170 and lost 25 pounds got to 145 and took a little break.. I gained about 10 lbs back and I leave for a cruise in two months.. Im constantly running (that is how I am burning my calories) yes I set my goal to lose 2 lbs per week.
  • mrswizz395
    mrswizz395 Posts: 16 Member
    I was told that too few calories can trick your brain into thinking you are starving your body so it will start storing fat so as a long term plan if go a little over 1200
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    The closer you get to goal the slower you should lose. The reason is your body has less reserves and is more likely to look to lean muscle mass for fuel. Within 10 pounds of goal - 1/2 pound a week loss is a good number.

    If you just want the number on the scale....carry on. If you want to lose fat & keep more existing lean muscle mass...slow things down. Keeping lean muscle while losing the jiggle covering it looks better in a swimsuit. Google skinny-fat photos.

    MFP as designed defaults to a minimum of 1200 (before exercise) for women. This is where senior and/or petite ladies need to be for even moderately paced weight loss. Many other women get this low number because they have put in aggressive weekly goals.

    It's your choice - it just depends upon how you want to look.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    mrswizz395 wrote: »
    I was told that too few calories can trick your brain into thinking you are starving your body so it will start storing fat so as a long term plan if go a little over 1200

    We're told lots of things about weight loss. Many of them aren't true. This is one of those things that isn't true.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    jsuh1993 wrote: »

    3~4 lbs is less than 1 kg a week. With our body, I say that's something certainly doable with your workout routine..

    No 3-4 lbs is closer to 1.5 kg (+/- a bit) a week.

    If you continue at that pace, it's not a healthy rate of loss for someone your size. Even a goal of 2 lbs per week is far too aggressive.

    If it's a one or two week fluctuation...that happens.

    At your activity level, you can certainly get by with eating more than 1200 calories per day. I'd ask though, how certain are you that number is accurate? Are you currently weighing and measuring all portions?
  • kaylaboysell13
    kaylaboysell13 Posts: 20 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    The closer you get to goal the slower you should lose. The reason is your body has less reserves and is more likely to look to lean muscle mass for fuel. Within 10 pounds of goal - 1/2 pound a week loss is a good number.

    If you just want the number on the scale....carry on. If you want to lose fat & keep more existing lean muscle mass...slow things down. Keeping lean muscle while losing the jiggle covering it looks better in a swimsuit. Google skinny-fat photos.

    MFP as designed defaults to a minimum of 1200 (before exercise) for women. This is where senior and/or petite ladies need to be for even moderately paced weight loss. Many other women get this low number because they have put in aggressive weekly goals.

    It's your choice - it just depends upon how you want to look.

    Great advice and tips ! Thanks :-)
  • kaylaboysell13
    kaylaboysell13 Posts: 20 Member
    jsuh1993 wrote: »

    3~4 lbs is less than 1 kg a week. With our body, I say that's something certainly doable with your workout routine..

    No 3-4 lbs is closer to 1.5 kg (+/- a bit) a week.

    If you continue at that pace, it's not a healthy rate of loss for someone your size. Even a goal of 2 lbs per week is far too aggressive.

    If it's a one or two week fluctuation...that happens.

    At your activity level, you can certainly get by with eating more than 1200 calories per day. I'd ask though, how certain are you that number is accurate? Are you currently weighing and measuring all portions?

    I am completely certain. I eat turkey spinach wraps a lot and hard boiled eggs. I plug every single ingredient in every time
  • DrifterBear
    DrifterBear Posts: 265 Member
    You could probably eat a little more, but make sure you're eating at least 1200. If you're just starting up again and that's loss from the first couple of weeks it will probably normalize. I doubt you'll continue to lose 3-4 per week on 1200.
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    mrswizz395 wrote: »
    I was told that too few calories can trick your brain into thinking you are starving your body so it will start storing fat so as a long term plan if go a little over 1200

    Soooo true! That's obviously why all anorexics are like HUMONGOUS!
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    edited February 2016
    You should be eating more. Did you set MFP to 2 lbs per week? I ask because you don't look like you have a lot of weight to lose, so your deficit is likely too aggressive. You will lose more lean body mass than necessary eating this way. I'd set your goal to .5 lbs per week or 1 lb per week at the most. And eat your exercise calories back - at least

    My picture was the start of my journey.. I got all the weigh up to 170 and lost 25 pounds got to 145 and took a little break.. I gained about 10 lbs back and I leave for a cruise in two months.. Im constantly running (that is how I am burning my calories) yes I set my goal to lose 2 lbs per week.

    2 lbs per week is definitely too aggressive for where you're at currently. Again, maybe try setting your goal to .5 lbs per week for a bit and see what happens. You can always adjust down if you need to. There is no need to rush your weight loss.

    Also, make sure you're logging as accurately as possible. Do you own a food scale?

    Edit: I suck at fixing quotes.
  • OMP33
    OMP33 Posts: 308 Member
    You're going to have metabolic damage if you continue this. Eat 1800 calories a day and exercise and burn 500 a day for your size
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    OMP33 wrote: »
    You're going to have metabolic damage if you continue this. Eat 1800 calories a day and exercise and burn 500 a day for your size

    I've seen you give this exact advice to three different people all with substantially different weights and activity levels. Seems a little unhelpful.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    OMP33 wrote: »
    You're going to have metabolic damage if you continue this. Eat 1800 calories a day and exercise and burn 500 a day for your size

    I've seen you give this exact advice to three different people all with substantially different weights and activity levels. Seems a little unhelpful.

    I think your confusion lies in your assumption that he's trying to be helpful :)
  • lyssa1210
    lyssa1210 Posts: 96 Member
    I like turkey and spinach and eggs so so you use a tortilla as a wrap or what? I would like to be friends and see your diary of possible because I always have trouble staying under 1200 calories. I have to lose 25 lbs. you look a lot younger though and when you get my age is a lot harder!