Accountability buddy?

Hi, I'm just started out trying to re-lose weight. Having got my weight down to 112lbs from 148lbs about a year and a half ago, I entered a new relationship and put on about 20lbs. I'm looking to lose this weight by healthy eating and exercise and would love a friend to help motivate me and vice versa! I'm 23, 5' 4", about 136 lbs currently and live in London (UK).


  • marymezzo
    marymezzo Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, Sarahjane--I'm new to MFP and also looking to find some accountability buddies.

    I'm about 152 pounds at the moment and working back to 130. The past couple of years I've been pretty inactive, and I'm returning to healthy habits now.

    I live in the States, in Tennessee, which is in the southeast. I've never been to the UK but would love to visit sometime, as I have a number of UK Facebook friends.

    What kind of exercise do you enjoy doing?
  • sarahjane0306
    sarahjane0306 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi marymezzo.

    Thanks for the reply! I've over been to Florida in the states when I was little for the theme parks. I'd absolutely love to do a road trip across the whole of the states though - just need the time and the money!

    I try to go to the gym a few times a week and generally do cardio or swim. I really want to get into weight training but have no idea where to start. I struggle with exercise slightly as I have a genetic condition that makes me very tired and achy but I desperately want to be fit and healthy, not just thin. I used to be a good gymnast and athlete - I represented London and my county respectively - and it's a shame that I've lost that fitness level. What kind of exercise do you do?
  • Hi to both of you! I live in Michigan! I am also trying to re-loose weight. I loss 37lbs on here from April to August last year and over the course of the winter (and lack of exercise) I have gained 13. Of it back and would like to loose a total of 20lbs by the summer! I need someone to check up on me as well ! Would love to help each other out :)
  • marymezzo
    marymezzo Posts: 26 Member
    How cool that you were a competitive gymnast! They have such excellent bodies!

    Listen, you may not become a competitive gymnast again, but there's no reason you can't be superfit. I'm guessing you're quite young, yes? Time is on your side!

    My main love is strength training. I've done a lot of things over the years, including running and rowing. Can't run anymore because I have an ankle that's fused, but running is the primary thing it stops me from doing. So no big deal.

    But weights are what really resonate with me.

    I'm doing a split routine--upper body one day, lower body the next workout day. I typically work legs once, then upper body once, every four days. On the off days I use a rowing machine or some other cardio.

    Given that you were a gymnast, I think you'd be great at strength training. Your body already understands the need for good form, and you obviously were strong.

    Do you have a gym membership? You might think about hiring a personal training for just two or three sessions to teach you a nice whole-body routine. Then you'd be set to keep going on your own.

    I used to work as a trainer, and I had a number of clients who just needed a little education so they could continue by themselves.

    Don't kill yourself in the gym--make haste slowly, as the saying goes, so that you don't work out more than you can recover from.

    I have a friend on another fitness site who has chronic fatigue syndrome and Lyme disease, and he has to be careful not to overdo it.

    OK, I need to get off here and go get some work done.

    Please keep me posted.


  • sarahjane0306
    sarahjane0306 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi jillalexander - I've sent you a friend request, it'd be great to buddy up considering we have a similar goal in mind.
    Marymezzo- thanks so much for that advice, as I said I'd love to start with weight training so your advice has really helped. I am young but my body has taken quite a beating over the past four years due to my condition so very little of my fabulous gymnast body remains! I'll keep on at the gym and consider getting a personal trainer for a couple of sessions. Thanks for the advice!
  • marymezzo
    marymezzo Posts: 26 Member
    very little of my fabulous gymnast body remains!

    OK, on the positive side, you will be able to get back in shape much more quickly than someone who has never been there.

    Faster than you think, I'll bet!

    Hi, jillalexander!

  • PurpleYFronts
    PurpleYFronts Posts: 344 Member
    Hi all, feel free to add me:)
  • Kapoten
    Kapoten Posts: 327 Member
    I too am trying to break the lose-gain-repeat cycle. I started gaining weight a few years ago after starting a sedentary job with long hours, and I would like to return to the weight I was prior to my career change. I've been exercising and watching my diet since late December, and I have lost about 10 pounds so far. This is the point where I would usually start regaining the lost weight, but I am determined to stay on track and lose another ~30 pounds this time. I am part of a weekly check-in group that could use some more active members, if any of you are interested in joining. It's called "Accountability + Consistency = Success" (