anything i can do to help energy level go up



  • kelly_trixie
    kelly_trixie Posts: 24 Member
    According to MFP its 1200 but online its more like 1600 i just try to take in as much GOOD calories as i can i was struggling getting to 1200 calories yesterday i hardly made it cuz of stomach issues
    But am def trying to find more natural forms of energy boost
  • Paulina1230
    Paulina1230 Posts: 215 Member
    I gave up coffee too for the same reasons you stated. If I cant have it the way I love it....then forget it. Bank calories during the week to have my treat cup of coffee on sat and sun morn. None during the week and only have it on the weekends if Ive earned it...eating right, staying under calories and excersising. Its my present to myself for working hard all week and believe me....I savor every sip. During the week I drink Kombucha in the mornings. Its a chinese natural drink that is loaded with all the b vitamins and probiotics and is a natural liver detoxifier. Tastes alittle funky in the beginning because it is fermented, but now I crave it in the mornings for its natural enery boost. Lots of tasty flavors and they sell it in the supermarket by the organic juices. The chinese have been drinking this for 3000 years so I feel confident that its probably pretty good for you. I really do feel a difference in my energy level in the mornings after I drink it.
  • kelly_trixie
    kelly_trixie Posts: 24 Member
    Hmm kombucha never heard of it i may have to check it out
  • beatyfamily1
    beatyfamily1 Posts: 257 Member
    If you had recently gone threw caffeine withdrawal it can take several weeks to gain your energy back. I've been through it. The best thing you can do to help is make sure you are getting proper nutrition in your diet. I also get tired and headaches when I don't eat enough. You may need to eat a little more.
  • Paulina1230
    Paulina1230 Posts: 215 Member
    Hmm kombucha never heard of it i may have to check it out

    Theres all kinds of stuff written about it on line. Its been around for ever, but we here in the west have only recently started hearing about its healthful properties. My doctor told me about it when I was diagnosed with fatty liver to help my liver detox and give me natural energy to help with my weightloss. I love it!!!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member