Thoughts on slimming world?

Anyone find this worked for them?


  • QueenofHearts023
    QueenofHearts023 Posts: 421 Member
    Unless you plan on sticking to it for the rest of your life, you won't keep the weight off. You need to learn to eat correctly permanently. Not do some temporary diet.

    Thus, eat at a calorie deficit, eat the things you enjoy, just less of them.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    im on slimming world. i choose to do it as it makes me make better choices with my food. let me explain. a hot cross bun is 180 calories - whilst that is easily fitted into a daily calorie allowance it is however 9 syns ( your allowed between 10-15 per day) so when you look at it like that, its not worth it. not when you can spend your syns on something else like that little bit of chocolate sometimes..
    so instead i opt for fruit and a yogurt. less calories, less syns, better choice and quality food choice.
    i count calories on here too as im mindful that some recipes are calorific and i tend to lose my way.. i found a beautiful recipe for cherry bakewells using oats, whilst they were just a couple of syns, they were 150 calories each! i was having 2 of them at night! hence i stayed the same that week. so its all about middle ground if you do the plan properly it works as it makes you choice better/lower calorie foods so you naturally eat less calories and lose weight.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I think it works on emptying peoples wallets. That's all....
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    eldamiano wrote: »
    I think it works on emptying peoples wallets. That's all....

    i would be inclined to agree if i hadnt of seen hundreds of success stories.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I lost weight quite easily on slimming world decades ago - but it came back with lots and lots of friends because the one thing Slimming World does not teach is portion control

    My own fault for coming off it of course, but there was no way, for me, to stick to the concept for life

    I find calorie counting with no arbitrary rules on meal make-up / day make-up to be far simpler to incorporate into my life and become a lifestyle
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    I personally think its hit or miss - It works for some but not all! Up until March 2015 I had lost 7 stone, decided to join to boost my weightloss and long story short ended up gaining!! I just think the diet plan isn't for me, but equally have seen it work well for others!! I can only go on my personal experience and for me was the worst decision I could of made. I should of stuck to what I know and lost a steady 0.5-1lb a week instead Im now having to work off the weight Ive gained back before I work off the last few stone.

    Not to sound damp though I do know of people who joined and lost incredible amounts of weight in 6 months (and ironically have also gained weight back and now working it off!) It just depends if you want this for the long haul or not! I personally would stick to MFP and my fitbit, I work out at the gym 3 times a week and make sure I hit my steps everyday. I pocket the £25 a month Im saving now and its going towards a trip away :)
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    edited February 2016
    eldamiano wrote: »
    I think it works on emptying peoples wallets. That's all....

    i would be inclined to agree if i hadnt of seen hundreds of success stories.

    So you have seen hundreds, but how many people have done it altogether? Pretty low success rate I would imagine, and what these money grabbing companies dont tell you is that the unsustainable diets they promote in most cases offer only a temporary weight loss until people get back into old habits after the realisation that eating broccoli soup for the rest of their lives is just boring.

    If these companies were so successful, they wouldnt be so big, because nobody would really need them any more....
  • lunalovegood34
    lunalovegood34 Posts: 12 Member
    I used to go to slimming world. ... best diet I've tried as I truly was never hungry. Many people there had been at goal for years. I may rejoin as I'm blooming hungry counting calories. X
  • lunalovegood34
    lunalovegood34 Posts: 12 Member
    It's true you can gain once you stop.... but that's the same with every diet.x
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    eldamiano wrote: »
    eldamiano wrote: »
    I think it works on emptying peoples wallets. That's all....

    i would be inclined to agree if i hadnt of seen hundreds of success stories.

    So you have seen hundreds, but how many people have done it altogether? Pretty low success rate I would imagine, and what these money grabbing companies dont tell you is that the unsustainable diets they promote in most cases offer only a temporary weight loss until people get back into old habits after the realisation that eating broccoli soup for the rest of their lives is just boring.

    If these companies were so successful, they wouldnt be so big, because nobody would really need them any more....

    im on here because like rabbit says its does not teach portion control - what it does teach is making mindful better choices with food.
    theres no brocoli soups - theres meat, vegetables and potatoes.. as long as a third of your plate is veg/salad your good to go.,.
    however i found that even when doing this my portions were big and i maintained.. gained half a pound etc.. so im not selling it im combining the two at the minute which seen as its kick started my weight loss again seems to be working.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    eldamiano wrote: »
    eldamiano wrote: »
    I think it works on emptying peoples wallets. That's all....

    i would be inclined to agree if i hadnt of seen hundreds of success stories.

    So you have seen hundreds, but how many people have done it altogether? Pretty low success rate I would imagine, and what these money grabbing companies dont tell you is that the unsustainable diets they promote in most cases offer only a temporary weight loss until people get back into old habits after the realisation that eating broccoli soup for the rest of their lives is just boring.

    If these companies were so successful, they wouldnt be so big, because nobody would really need them any more....

    im on here because like rabbit says its does not teach portion control - what it does teach is making mindful better choices with food.
    theres no brocoli soups - theres meat, vegetables and potatoes.. as long as a third of your plate is veg/salad your good to go.,.
    however i found that even when doing this my portions were big and i maintained.. gained half a pound etc.. so im not selling it im combining the two at the minute which seen as its kick started my weight loss again seems to be working.

    I was using broccoli soup as a stereotype. I am just not an advocate of companies who make money from telling people really that eating less/healthy makes you lose weight. They just dont work and in the case of some, such as Weight Watchers, they supplement their profits by selling you food which are essentially smaller portions of competitive products and at a higher price.

    Did I mention I am not a fan? :wink:
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    lol its ok..

    and i wonder if brocoli soup is actually nice ha ha ( yuck)
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    eldamiano wrote: »
    If these companies were so successful, they wouldnt be so big, because nobody would really need them any more....

    That's the key thing really - if they taught portion control and sustainable weight loss they'd probably go out of business because they'd have no repeat customers.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    It's true you can gain once you stop.... but that's the same with every diet.x

    This is the point that people are trying to make. If you view your weight loss as short term and a diet, you will fail. It is why companies that specialize in this bank on it. Learn portion control, how to successfully measure and log food, and do nothing that you don't plan to do for the rest of your life. This is a lifestyle change. Best part? It's free.

  • nubian101
    nubian101 Posts: 17 Member
    About 4 years ago I lost 12 pounds with them in 3 months, and it cost me around £100 in membership and books etc. That worked out at £8.33 a pound, lol. I came here after Christmas and have lost 13 pounds in just over a month, and spent precisely ziltch. Each to their own. At the end of the day losing weight is not rocket science.... increase output and reduce input. Anything which makes you self aware of how much you are eating and what sort of stuff you are eating, and which makes you think about getting some exercise is great! I just don't think you necessarily need to pay for it x
  • mrsmoore26062010
    mrsmoore26062010 Posts: 10 Member
    I follow the principles of slimming world but as there's no portion control as such I am trying calorie counting what I am eating too now. Slimming world shouldn't be seen as a set but as a lifestyle change.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    lol its ok..

    and i wonder if brocoli soup is actually nice ha ha ( yuck)

    It actually is nice... provided you make it yourself and have a good recipe for it. ;)