Anybody else here ADDICTED to fast food?

I have been on this journey for years and years and I always end up back in the drive-thru. People think I'm crazy because they can't see how anyone can be ADDICTED to fast food. Well honey, it's true. I'm not sure if it's the fat I crave, or the salt or it's over all goodness or what. I've been apart of MFP since June 2,2011 and have lost 10 pounds already but the wanting fast food all of the time never gets any easier. Before I joined this site I was probably eating out once to twice a day sometimes. Every bite I felt like I was killing my heart. I need motivation to keep my mind focused on the game instead of wanting some fries. Anybody with me?


  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, it may help motivate change!
  • tweatherford11
    tweatherford11 Posts: 18 Member
    I love Fast Food myself, or well any food that isn't good for me. This is my first week on MFP and have managed to stay away, which was hard when I had to go through the drive thru at BK for the hubby, ugh! I think it is a struggle, but will become easier with time. You've already made it a few weeks, just think about how long you've managed NOT to eat FF when you think about going next time. Btw, looks like you're off to a great start! :smile:
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Fast food is definitely my biggest weakness. Try watching Super Size Me and reading Fast Food Nation.
  • donmikulecky
    donmikulecky Posts: 15 Member
    In German the word "fast" means "almost". Very appropriate I'd say. Healthy quick snacks and meals are easy to come by and can taste much better and be more satisfying. Invest a few minutes and then dig in your heals and go cold turkey. You won't go back!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Buy Now Eat This! by Rocco Dispirito. Look it up on 150 of America's comfort foods!

    Also, is a favorite site of mine right now.

    I've cooked so much this week and everything is yummy, low-calorie, and mostly healthy! I don't even miss Taco Bell or McDonald's. :D
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I am completely addicted to junk food too.
    If i dont get kfc evry other day i get really pissy.
    Like it was when i gave up smoking..
    And the problem is, is that it is an addiction.
    I mean i havent smoked for 2 years, and i still always want one. Even now im gagging for a *kitten*...
    But yet not eating fast food is harder...
    You can yell **** off at a *kitten* craving..
    But u cant yell **** off to food...
  • jmessgirl
    jmessgirl Posts: 18 Member
    I absolutely feel ya! I looooove my burgers chicken nuggets and fries Haha. Honestly for right now I've been trying to atleast keep whatever I get within my daily calorie limit or keeping myself full of healthy stuff so that when I'm out I don't get as much of I do. I've also been trying to work it off by exercise. Once You see how long it takes just to burn one double cheese Burger you tend to look at it a little differently. :) hope this helps you!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Fast food is definitely my biggest weakness. Try watching Super Size Me and reading Fast Food Nation.

    Ugh. That did to me what Upton Sinclairs' "The Jungle" did to that generation. Nothing like cooking your own meals and having it make u feel fuller than fast food. Cheaper too.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I used to be a fast food addict.

    Then I started reading about fast food (nutrition facts, ingredients, etc) and I realized that you can't even pretend to think it is good for you. I quit fast food cold turkey. I don't eat it AT ALL. And I feel so much better .... no headaches, not bloated, no stomach issues, etc.
  • alex_marie85
    Maybe the problem is in trying to take the fast food away altogether. Instead of saying "I'll never eat fast food" you can say "I'll have one day I'm allowed to eat it." This way you don't get into the horrible cycle of:

    -banning a food
    -succeeding for awhile but ultimately failing
    -feeling shame, guilt, and failure which leads you to....
    -start the cycle over

    Use fast food as a treat and know you can eat it a little as long as your other days are good food days.
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I was VERY addicted to eating fast food! I don't know if it was the food or the laziness that made me love it so much. I haven't touched fast food in a couple of weeks. I do every once in a while but I try to make smarter choices and eat it in moderation. I have lost 24lbs in 9 weeks and I am starting to feel better about myself. I noticed that my energy levels are wayyyy higher than before. I know now that no one else was putting the bad stuff in my mouth, it was ME! I have more control over foods and my lifestyle. It will get easier!!! I still crave it from time to time but I try and stay busy so that I don't endulge too often! Feel free to add me =)
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    It's a problem many people on here face. I was well on the way to developing a very difficult addiction to unhealthy food before I cut it dead. The first few weeks are awful.

    Some scientific evidence suggest that addiction to food is similar to addiction to other substances (including heroin). It may help to use a smoking analogy. If you're trying to quit smoking, every time you go through the Drive-Thru is like having another cigarette. It undoes a lot of hard work, and demotivates you with "I can't actually quit this" thoughts. Yes it might take a few failed attempts. No, multiple failed attempts does not mean it is impossible.

    In my experience, if you're one of those lucky people who can enjoy such food in moderation without craving more and more, that's great. Then again, someone who quits smoking cannot then 'enjoy cigarettes in moderation' - it's just going to get worse over time with a greater build-up of excuses. I try not to eat my trigger-foods (cookies, pistachio nuts and apple pies) because it's just a slippery slope.

    Not sure if this was a helpful post, but maybe it's enlightening, I don't know.
  • johnnyutahpdx
    johnnyutahpdx Posts: 5 Member
    Watch the movie "FOOD, INC"... once you see where the meat comes from for fast food places and the chemicals they put into it.. i.e. - ammonia... you'll never eat it again.

    Read "The Omnivores Dilemma" as well... know where your food comes from. After all... we are what we eat.
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    I can totally relate, especially with running around and eating on the go.

    Here's something that I've been told (and I really should do) is if you're craving fast food, order the kids meals. You'll still get the taste of the fast food, but with smaller portions sizes. My sister-in-law does it. When I have wanted fast food, I have ordered just the burger or sandwich I wanted and skipped the fries.
  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    Watch the documentary "Super Size Me". It might change your mind. My friend has a Mc D's burger and fries that is 9 years old-and it still looks like it did 9 years ago. It was so filled with preservatives that it hasn't rotted or anything. Can you switch to a healthier fast food like subway? I'm kind of a subwayaholic now.
  • sb_summer
    sb_summer Posts: 8
    Try gradual changes! I eat a LOT of drive-through food, and i love it, but I've gradually switched over to healthier options. And my new years resolution was to give up fries, and I've done it so far! I've found I get less indigestion and bloat when I order, for example, a grilled chicken snack wrap with apple dippers than a burger and fries - and it still feels a little indulgent to eat drive thru food. I also love taco bell's fresco stuff.
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    You're not crazy. Food, in general, can become addictive, and fast food places, the food is so processed, it has chemicals and other things that are known to become addictive as well. They're not stupid, they know what they're doing. They count on the addictiveness of their food. Because honestly, how good does the food taste, REALLY? Not very good. Yet people love it. It's certainly not their culinary skills. Anyway, I had certain foods that, I ate every single day, that I just couldn't stop eating, like chips and candy. And honestly, the only thing that worked, was cutting out foods like that completely. I'll treat myself once in a blue moon, because it's insane to COMPLETELY deprive yourself of something you really, really like, but I think the best thing you can do for yourself is go cold turkey for a while. Maybe treat yourself like once a month. That's what I do. Everytime I treat myself, it gets easier, and at first I REALLY looked forward to those treats, but now I don't even care if I skip it. I still get crazy cravings occassionally, but rarely now. It'll take a while, but it will get easier. As for how to find the motivation, you have to find that in yourself. One thing that motivated me, was seeing my parents fall apart. At only 57 they can hardly walk. It scares me, and I decided that I don't want to end up like that, and I'm hoping that by them seeing me change, they'll want to as well. That was partly what really finally motivated me, but for you, you have to figure out what your motivation is. Ask yourself these questions; how badly do you want this? Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to be healthy? Really think about these things. You have to really want it, and you'll find your motivation. If you're having trouble, keep a journal, and really explore those questions. Answer them in depth, and let your writing flow, let your mind go wherever it likes. Back to your childhood, to your future, memories you've forgotten, whatever you happen to write, it can't be wrong. Hope this helps, good luck!
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    People think I'm crazy because they can't see how anyone can be ADDICTED to fast food.

    Well, those people are the ones who are crazy. My wife & I have read plenty of books on nutrition and can tell you that the research has shown that much of the chemical $#!+ that they put in fast food to replace the flavor that you would get from using quality ingredients is, indeed, addicting (and, of course, sugar and salt themselves are also mildly addicting).

    I'm afraid that once you've got that monkey on your back, like an alcoholic, you're going to have to just manage the addiction; you'll never be quite free of it. However, you can occasionally scratch your itch with a healthier substitute. One day last year, the wife & I were longing for burgers and fries, so I did some Boca Burgers with all the trimmings and baked up some sweet potato fries. That did the trick and it was MUCH healthier (we even felt better after eating it than we would have if we'd given in to our cravings).

    That's the other thing I should mention. As you get healthier, although the cravings might not go away, your body won't be able to handle the fast food as well. I used to do BK Veggie burgers with fries and Dr. Pepper on occasion. After staying away from it for a year or so, one day while my wife was out of town I figured this would be a quick dinner (and I could treat our dog to a cheese burger). But after eating it, I felt like I had the stomach flu! So I won't be doing that again, no matter how much I want it at the time...
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I'm addicted to food period! lol I can do without fast food though, I do go back on cheat days and have a meal but can't say I enjoy it as much as I used to. Must be the salt in the food, I am so thirsty after I eat and I usually dont even get soda with the meal just burger and fries!
  • Ladydi1982
    Ladydi1982 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm almost positive I agree with the above posts, however, I scrolled straight to the bottom to post. I used to go to the drive thru mon thru fri after work, order as much as I had money for and then scarf everything down before I made it home (it takes me approx 10-15 mins to get home). I didn't want anyone to know, so I stuffed the empty bags under my seat before I got out of the car. My husband still doesn't know :cry: I will tell him eventually... I have since stopped cold turkey about 2 months ago. I guess something just clicked and I don't even crave it any more.

    Here is a site I found. Fast food does something to your brain that is similar to heroin and tobacco...