Dinner before working out



  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    If it doesn't make you feel sick during your workout, go for it.
    mrocks wrote: »
    I don't really count my calories. I probably should do that. I eat 3x a day so I figure if I'm eating healthy than I can't be consuming that many calories. I'm trying to break down my meals into smaller meals and more frequent, but I'm so busy at work to do it. Next is to figure out heather dinner options that aren't so heavy. Of course my husband is blessed with a metabolism that I envy. He can eat like a cow and still not gain a pound. I just don't know what is good eat after working out that's not a shake. And I already eat oatmeal or refrigerated oatmeal for breakfast every morning.

    And why would you assume that? What is eating "healthy" anyway? Weight loss is calories in vs. calories out. If you eat 2500 calories per day of cheeseburgers and donuts and gain weight, you'll also gain weight eating 2500 calories of whatever you deem "healthy." Logging your intake is the only way to know what your intake is. Not counting is your choice, but don't be surprised when you stop losing and have no clue what you're doing wrong because you have no record of what you've been eating.

    You don't need to eat smaller more frequent meals unless you want to. For weight loss purposes, meal timing/frequency doesn't matter.
  • nadler64
    nadler64 Posts: 124 Member
    Lyndsey and I had the same thought. :)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    mrocks wrote: »
    I don't really count my calories. I probably should do that. I eat 3x a day so I figure if I'm eating healthy than I can't be consuming that many calories. I'm trying to break down my meals into smaller meals and more frequent, but I'm so busy at work to do it. Next is to figure out heather dinner options that aren't so heavy. Of course my husband is blessed with a metabolism that I envy. He can eat like a cow and still not gain a pound. I just don't know what is good eat after working out that's not a shake. And I already eat oatmeal or refrigerated oatmeal for breakfast every morning.

    This is not true. It may work, it may not....it all depends on the calorie content of your "healthy foods". You should try logging your food for a week or so and see where you stand as far as your intake goes. Foods like salmon, avocados, nuts, nut butters, some yogurts, etc... are considered "healthy" by many, but also high calorie.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    edited February 2016
    nadler64 wrote: »
    Lyndsey and I had the same thought. :)

    You beat me to it! I get up really early (4am) to work out as well. Working out after a long day at the office? No thanks.
  • Bbeliever215
    Bbeliever215 Posts: 234 Member
    It doesn't matter regarding weightloss but as others mentioned it may slow you down or cause stomach issues. I personally cannot have a full stomach while working out for both reasons. May I suggest meal prep on a Sunday like freezer meals that way your hubby can microwave it or use a cockpit while you hit the gym, that way everyone is happy.
  • thatshistorical
    thatshistorical Posts: 93 Member
    I refuse to believe that your husband is incapable of preparing a meal. What would happen if you weren't there? Would the children starve? Would he starve?! No. Teach him to make some healthy meats (since he can grill) that he can prepare. Make TONS of rice on Sunday night and eat it all week. Baking a sweet potato or two isn't rocket science.

    My partner is not the best cook but she LEARNED. She can't grill, and sets off the smoke detector when she makes turkey bacon, but she cooks at least two evening meals for us each week.

    Emphasize how important it is that you have time to work out--its for your health. He should step up to the plate and give it a try.
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    I work out about 25 minute after I eat dinner, which is usually about 7pm or so. My stomach does not bother me at all and after I workout I am never hungry, it's normally the opposite, I feel full after working out.
  • mrocks
    mrocks Posts: 9 Member
    I've never had trouble losing weight before, even after giving birth to Logan, I breastfed him and the weight fell off I started working out and everything went back. Then I had my daughter who I also breast fed but the weight is sticking to me like glue. Started working out now that she's weaning off being feed so often, and eating baby food. How do you know what you type into the fitnesspal food logger that is how many calories you've truly eaten? I put it my food that I've eaten this week but when I cook I eye ball everything, its about a cup or a tablespoon or a teaspoon etc.
    I eat the same thing day in and day out. Breakfast is plain steal cut oatmeal, lunch is a spinach salad with egg or grilled chicken with balsamic dressing, and dinner is usually some pot luck I throw together. I try to eat at least 1 piece of fruit a day.
    I cook everything for my son. Logan knows that a green container means his vegetables, his yellow is his fruit and then a blue container for lunch. Breakfast is on my husband to feed our son which Logan isn't a morning eater so its usually cereal or a hard boiled egg which I have already left done in the fridge and he can just heat it up for him and serve.
    As for getting up in the morning earlier like (4am) is hard when I'm still breast feeing my daughter. Who has two night time feedings. So she goes down around 7:30-8:00, then she'll get up around midnight and then again around 4-5 am for another feeding. I'm sure once she is not being breastfeed, then I probably could workout in the morning before work. Until then I am not wasting another minute being up before I have too, and if she misses a feeding in the middle of the night even better.

    This is not true. It may work, it may not....it all depends on the calorie content of your "healthy foods". You should try logging your food for a week or so and see where you stand as far as your intake goes. Foods like salmon, avocados, nuts, nut butters, some yogurts, etc... are considered "healthy" by many, but also high calorie.

    as for your food suggestions, I do not do fish unless its tuna, shrimp or crab. I am trying expand how to properly prepare fish. Avocados, nuts, nut butters and yogurts I don't eat. I've been going on pinterest and finding different foods to eat. We don't eat rice or bread but my family does eat a lot of pasta, and Mexican food. But being highly allergic to onions I do not get to enjoy those dinners.
  • Jbell0213
    Jbell0213 Posts: 189 Member
    I prefer to eat before and then workout. I usually wait about an hour as if I try to workout too soon I get stomach cramps.
  • mrocks
    mrocks Posts: 9 Member
    I do usually wait after dinner since my kids aren't asleep yet. It doesn't bother my stomach to workout after eating. It seems like everywhere I read there is no one answer some say you burn more fat by eating before but then others say you do by working out on an empty stomach.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Whatever works best for you, I believe. I like to eat something small about an hour and a half before hand and then eat a protein filled meal (4 oz. of chicken + 1 c. steamed veggies, or a protein bar) within 30 minutes of ending my work out. This has worked best for me to build muscle. I've heard people say not to eat prior to cardio for best results, but for me personally, I have to eat a little something or I will feel nauseous
  • mrocks
    mrocks Posts: 9 Member
    Whatever works best for you, I believe. I like to eat something small about an hour and a half before hand and then eat a protein filled meal (4 oz. of chicken + 1 c. steamed veggies, or a protein bar) within 30 minutes of ending my work out.
    I've never bought a protein bar, and I don't know anyone who really eats them. Do you have a brand you prefer?
  • cbihatt
    cbihatt Posts: 319 Member
    mrocks wrote: »
    How do you know what you type into the fitnesspal food logger that is how many calories you've truly eaten? I put it my food that I've eaten this week but when I cook I eye ball everything, its about a cup or a tablespoon or a teaspoon etc.

    Calorie counting is not precise, no matter what anyone on this site will tell you. That being said, most people try to be as accurate as they can by weighing everything on a food scale. Eye-balling measurements during cooking is fine for now. You may rethink it later if your weight loss stalls. You can use the recipe builder on MFP to get a pretty accurate estimate of how many calories are in your home cooked meals.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    mrocks wrote: »
    I do usually wait after dinner since my kids aren't asleep yet. It doesn't bother my stomach to workout after eating. It seems like everywhere I read there is no one answer some say you burn more fat by eating before but then others say you do by working out on an empty stomach.

  • mrocks
    mrocks Posts: 9 Member
    I like to think I'm very good at eye balling my measurements, years of schooling in a lab where your literally measuring all day everyday you just know how much stuff is when you look at it. Of course I don't eye ball when I'm in the lab, but cooking is a different story. I'll have to look at how to enter my recipes on MFP, see how many calories are in the meals I cook. Well a rough estimate. Thank you!
  • mis1022
    mis1022 Posts: 109 Member
    Because of my schedule I also eat dinner before my workout and about 100 calorie snack after the workout later in the evening. I would suggest looking at pintrest and do freezer meals or crock pot meals for your dinners. As a working mom I use these about4times a week its a real life saver.