A Little disappointed-What could I do better?

chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
edited February 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone! I am a first time poster and enjoy reading some of the wonderful success stories. I am a 48 year old male and I am 6'"1 tall.

On December 11, 2015, I decided to change my life style because I started having some minor health problems. I was 291 pounds and developed high blood pressure and plantar fasciitis. I am under doctors care and receiving treatment. Plantar fasciitis has a long healing process and made me not want to move. I can barley walk on some days and I became bored. I was eating a few dozen of oreo cookies a day and my weight skyrocketed from 270 to 291 within 6 months.

I was watching television and surfing the channels, coming across the TLC channel series 600 lb life. Some of these stories made me think, "DO I LOOK THIS OVERWEIGHT?" I looked into the mirror and it clicked in my mind that I have a weight problem. My belly was shaped like a pear and I had a double chin that I really never payed attention to.

The next day I started my weight loss journey. I spoke with my son who is 23 about weight loss because he suffered from being over weight. His weight was 400 lbs and he went on the paleo diet a year ago. He lost 170 lbs and his accomplishments inspired me to ask how he met his goals.

I began the paelo adventure on December 12, 2015 and did my first weigh in on January 12. I lost 13 pounds. According to my son, I should of dropped 20 pounds or more of water weight. 2 more weeks went by and I just lost 5 more pounds, weighing in at 274. There are no calorie counting with the paleo diet and supposedly one can eat until full. I thought the food amount was excessive and the food seemed to contain tons of salt, making me drink a gallon of water daily. I ate the good fruit carbs and eliminated all junk carbs, especially oreo cookies..

I joined myfitnesspal and followed the calorie counting. It was recommended that my calorie intake was 1750, but I reduced to 1500 because I cannot exercise daily due to the plantar fasciitis. I went over my calories a few times, but did not exceed the original 1750. Additionally, I worked out doing cardio exercise and burned a 1000 calories as of today.

I weighed in this morning and only lost 1.5 pounds using calorie counting method. I was disappointed with my 1.5 lb loss because all of the water weight is gone, and I have minimal carbs intake. I was looking for bigger numbers then 1.5 pounds. I know its early in the game, but I thought I had an advantage from the Paleo diet and expected calorie counting to by more successful.

Can anyone recommend what I am doing wrong, and give advice on some changes? Is this all the weight that I can expect to lose weekly? Some days I am starving and others I am fine. I am pushing myself hard to exercise more, but the plantar fasciitis pain is unbearable and refrains me from doing more in the workout.

Thanks, and I hope to explore a journey like my son has..


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Take the 1.5 per week, that is an awesome amount per week. You did not put on your weight overnight
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    So you've gone from 291 to 272.5 since 12/12/15, right? And 1.5 of that was in the past week. That 1.5 is a good rate of loss. I'm not sure why you are disappointed with it. My best suggestion is to adjust your expectations so that they are more reasonable.

    You should not have reduced your calorie intake to 1500. Your MFP goal already assumes no exercise so you essentially are dinging yourself twice for that by taking 250 calories off your goal. 1500 for a 272.5 pound 6'1" tall man is unnecessarily low and explains your days when you feel starving.

    The Paleo diet gives you no advantage over any other form of eating. It can tend to be lower in carbs, which means you lose more water weight to start, but once that is accomplished the same old calories in vs calories out is what makes the biggest difference. If you aren't already, start weighing your solid food on a digital kitchen scale, use a measuring cup for liquids, and make sure you log all food using verifiable nutrition info such as that from the USDA or food packages that you have in hand.

    Best of luck to you. Keep up the good work.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    1.5 pounds per week, especially when you're limited in your physical movement is AWESOME.

    You gained 21 pounds in 6 months. That is about .8 pounds per week. To be able to lose weight at about twice the rate you gained it, is very good.

    Your son has good intentions but is not necessarily accurate in telling you that you should be losing at a certain pace. The key things to keep in mind: you said you wanted to change your lifestyle. If what you're doing is something you can continue for a while, then that is what you need to focus on. Day by day, week by week making progress. Being healthier now than you were a month ago. Looking forward to be healthier still in another month, and then another.

    You're off to a great start!
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    How much water weight one loses during the initial stage depends upon how much water someone retains. It varies by individual. You can't compare yourself to your son. Your son's starting weight was 400lb...yours was about a 100lb less...makes sense...at least to me...that you might possibly have as much water weight to lose.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You're not doing anything wrong if you're losing an average of 1.5 lbs /week. That's a healthy sustainable loss.

    I do agree with jemhh that 1500 calories for a man of your size is unnecessary though. Even if you're sedentary it wouldn't be appropriate for you. If you really want to tighten up, then log your food everyday and weigh your solids on a digital food scale.

    Also, readjust your expectations. I know you want to see big losses asap, but it's better to expect less and end up losing more than you were expecting than to expect more and fall short.
  • chief3202
    chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone for the input. I have been weighing all intake foods. I think I am doing it correct except for non-label products. For example, I purchased a large package of chicken breasts from Sams club and it has no nutrition label information. I weigh a chicken breast and it displays 8 ounces. I google chicken breast calories and the USDA calculator displays 374 calories. I take this number and search myfitnesspal food diary and click the one that matches the calories like the USDA. Is this method correct?
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    You are doing great! If you lose 1.5 pounds a week you will be around 200 pounds by the end of the year. That isn't a bad thing at all. Along the way you will be feeling so much better.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for the input. I have been weighing all intake foods. I think I am doing it correct except for non-label products. For example, I purchased a large package of chicken breasts from Sams club and it has no nutrition label information. I weigh a chicken breast and it displays 8 ounces. I google chicken breast calories and the USDA calculator displays 374 calories. I take this number and search myfitnesspal food diary and click the one that matches the calories like the USDA. Is this method correct?

    You can search for 'usda chicken breast raw' and just use that entry.

    I have to add though... Paleo is one way of losing weight, but it all comes down to calorie deficit, and you have to ask yourself if it's sustainable. If you have no intention of going low carb all your life, you might want to consider how you're going to deal with that long term.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »
    There are no calorie counting with the paleo diet and supposedly one can eat until full.

    This is absolutely untrue. Paleo is aimed at health not necessarily weigjt loss. You still need to control the calories you ingest. Check mark sissons site for mire info. It is perfectly possible to gain weight doing paleo- i did during my first attempt.

    You need to be in a deficit and it doesnt matter how you get there. You need the info to ensure you have that deficit.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It sounds like you are doing great and should not be disappointed with your rate of loss. You did not gain it all over night, and you are not going to lose it all over night, it helps to view this process as a marathon not a sprint.

    My one suggestion would be to get a food scale and weigh all your solid foods to get an accurate picture of your intake. I would also suggest using correct MFP database entries and cross check them against this site, http://nutritiondata.self.com/
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    "my weight skyrocketed from 270 to 291 within 6 months." SKYROCKETED, your words.

    291-270= 21. 21 pounds a great (skyrocketing) gain in 6 months
    21 pounds divided by 6 months = 3.5 pound gain per MONTH
    3.5 pounds divided by 4.33 weeks to a month = 0.8 pound gain per week. This is a skyrocketing gain.
    Now you're upset because you ONLY lost 1.5 pounds in a week?
    Lose a pound to a pound and a half per week. It's sustainable, it's livable, it's doable and it'll help you create a lifestyle that you will be able to keep, and, more importantly, you will WANT to keep.

    You didn't put the weight on overnight. You can't take it off overnight and expect to remain/get healthy.
    Welcome to life, One day at a time, One pound at a time.

    Keep at it and the results you want will be yours.
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    You are doing fantastic. Also bear in mind you aren't your son in your 20's we are all different.
    Weight loss is not linear and you will find you have times of great losses and not so great ( btw 1.5 is brilliant)
    Expect weight loss to slow nearer your goal weight and up those cals to what mfp says to eat.
    Slow and steady wins the race and keeps it off

    Re: paleo if it works for you long term and you think you can keep it as a permanent change good for you . But remember it is a tool a health / lifestyle choice and CICO is still key as is sustainability in the long term.

    Good luck and all the best
  • chief3202
    chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
    OMG, there is a little light at the end of my tunnel. My today's weigh in is 268.2. I lost 4.3 pounds this week. I did a lot of cardio at the gym. My wife took photos of my stomach on December 12 2015 (291lbs) and today. The results of the total weight loss so far is 22.8 lbs done in 2 months. I still have a long journey, but I am excited with the results!! It is wild to see the comparison of both photos and the reduction of fat in my stomach. Thanks all!!
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    chief3202 wrote: »
    OMG, there is a little light at the end of my tunnel. My today's weigh in is 268.2. I lost 4.3 pounds this week. I did a lot of cardio at the gym. My wife took photos of my stomach on December 12 2015 (291lbs) and today. The results of the total weight loss so far is 22.8 lbs done in 2 months. I still have a long journey, but I am excited with the results!! It is wild to see the comparison of both photos and the reduction of fat in my stomach. Thanks all!!

    High five
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    OMG, there is a little light at the end of my tunnel. My today's weigh in is 268.2. I lost 4.3 pounds this week. I did a lot of cardio at the gym. My wife took photos of my stomach on December 12 2015 (291lbs) and today. The results of the total weight loss so far is 22.8 lbs done in 2 months. I still have a long journey, but I am excited with the results!! It is wild to see the comparison of both photos and the reduction of fat in my stomach. Thanks all!!

    Congrats! Just keep swimming...
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    pondee629 wrote: »
    "my weight skyrocketed from 270 to 291 within 6 months." SKYROCKETED, your words.

    291-270= 21. 21 pounds a great (skyrocketing) gain in 6 months
    21 pounds divided by 6 months = 3.5 pound gain per MONTH
    3.5 pounds divided by 4.33 weeks to a month = 0.8 pound gain per week. This is a skyrocketing gain.
    Now you're upset because you ONLY lost 1.5 pounds in a week?
    Lose a pound to a pound and a half per week. It's sustainable, it's livable, it's doable and it'll help you create a lifestyle that you will be able to keep, and, more importantly, you will WANT to keep.

    You didn't put the weight on overnight. You can't take it off overnight and expect to remain/get healthy.
    Welcome to life, One day at a time, One pound at a time.

    Keep at it and the results you want will be yours.

    I <3 this post. :)

    Anyway OP. You are doing fantastic. It sounds like you are doing everything right. Just keep going and be patient. One of my inspirations for getting going was a dojo mate who lost something like 80 pounds in a year. He was doing the paleo thing. Ity isn't for me but his advice to use MFP and just worry about calories has been really helpful and I am having success. Keep in mind that weight loss does go in fits and starts. It will slow down and sometimes you will gain a little for a week or two. Just keep at it. :)
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    pondee629 wrote: »
    "my weight skyrocketed from 270 to 291 within 6 months." SKYROCKETED, your words.

    291-270= 21. 21 pounds a great (skyrocketing) gain in 6 months
    21 pounds divided by 6 months = 3.5 pound gain per MONTH
    3.5 pounds divided by 4.33 weeks to a month = 0.8 pound gain per week. This is a skyrocketing gain.
    Now you're upset because you ONLY lost 1.5 pounds in a week?
    Lose a pound to a pound and a half per week. It's sustainable, it's livable, it's doable and it'll help you create a lifestyle that you will be able to keep, and, more importantly, you will WANT to keep.

    You didn't put the weight on overnight. You can't take it off overnight and expect to remain/get healthy.
    Welcome to life, One day at a time, One pound at a time.

    Keep at it and the results you want will be yours.

    Thank you @pondee629 for the calculation.

    OP: I will repeat this. You gain weight 0.8 pound a week. You called it skyrocket gain
    You are losing 1.5 pound a week. You are not happy.

    I believe you are doing a great job. Be patient, persistent and manage your expectations for weight loss.
    it is not linear.
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    edited February 2016
    chief3202 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for the input. I have been weighing all intake foods. I think I am doing it correct except for non-label products. For example, I purchased a large package of chicken breasts from Sams club and it has no nutrition label information. I weigh a chicken breast and it displays 8 ounces. I google chicken breast calories and the USDA calculator displays 374 calories. I take this number and search myfitnesspal food diary and click the one that matches the calories like the USDA. Is this method correct?
    Um, they have to put labels on food in Sam's club, that sounds suspect. Do you live outside of the USA???
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Take the 1.5 per week, that is an awesome amount per week. You did not put on your weight overnight

  • chief3202
    chief3202 Posts: 41 Member
    edited February 2016
    UPDATE: I just went to the doctors and was weighed in. My numbers were wrong, but the loss was MORE. 266.2 pounds. HOLY CRAP! I lost 8 lbs this week. I know I have a long way to go to reach my goal of 220, but I am excited of my accomplishment. Good bye Oreo's for ever. (lol) Thanks everyone.