Round 2, Fight!

Hey all... This is my second time doing this. I was once 230lbs (after baby) I hit 200 in 2007 (Baby was 2) stayed there until 2011 (180lbs) and got to my "happy place" 160ish in 2012. Well, 2016 is here and I'm back at 180, my pants aren't as big, I contribute that to all the muscle I put on in 2012-2014, but I'm super pissed at myself for being complacent and gaining it back.

Hoping someone can tell me they've done it too and FINALLY kept if off 5+ years, because the idea of yo-yoing is soul crushing.


  • charleykayesmom
    charleykayesmom Posts: 92 Member
    Hey there!!!! I would love to connect with you and think I can help! I have lost 30 lbs since Jan 15 and kept it off and now I am shooting for the last 25 to come off! I did this with the help and support of a huge group of people that constantly push me! I am currently on a plateau and find it critical to lean on others through the process! Its all about the just has to change! Tough love is sometimes needed to get you there but its possible!