Try, try, again...

Hello! I have been trying to lose weight off and on for the past several years. I get as far as 20lbs, and I have to celebrate, and go and eat a piece of cake. It also doesn't help that my husband tells me he likes me the way I am. It's nice to hear him say that, but I would like to lose the weight so I can feel better about myself.
I have been dieting for 3 days now, and so far I think I've done really good. Especially since I have 2 packages of cookies in the pantry, and I haven't had any at all since I started this.
This time I plan on NOT STOPPING until I reach my goal!


  • tonjay1
    tonjay1 Posts: 33
    That is exactly what happens to me. I decided to just stick with it because time is passing me by. I have been yo yo for years now. Maybe we can work it together. Good luck on your journey. You can do it! Feel free to add me if you wish.:bigsmile:
  • In2luvnme
    In2luvnme Posts: 11 Member
    My new model is don't stop before the miracle. I think it is fabulous that your husband loves you the way you are, it simply means he sees you for your good nature. Unfortunately, that will not satisfy YOU...YOU are obviously not happy with the way you look to yourself and while it is allsome to be accepted the way you so much more satisfying to be accepted and love who you are....I say all this to say...DON'T GIVE UP!....just think...those cookies will still be in existence once you have received your goal. With one major factor.. will you will enjoy them so much more when you can treat yourself without beating yourself up one day in the near future...EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE you will be able to treat yourself to a cookie or two..BUT....until we get to "every once in a while"...we have to practice to say "no thank you" instead of "yes, please":drinker: ....stay strong.:flowerforyou:
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Maybe it would help to stop thinking of it as a diet and more like a lifestyle change? You could also replace treating or rewarding your hard work with food and instead do something nice for just yourself like a massage, pedi/mani, new shoes, jewelry, a new article of clothing, etc.? You've definitely started off on the right foot by joining MFP! Having the support, motivation and accountability on here will be keys to your continued success. Welcome and good luck!
  • In2luvnme
    In2luvnme Posts: 11 Member
    Hi TonJay1...I love the scripture...lets encourage each other...both...please add me to your friend list...Peace and Blessings.
  • HeatherMarie1174
    Wow ... it feels like I wrote that! I do the exact same thing ... or I did before this site. You will find yourself not giving in to sabotage because you have people on here to support you when you have the urge.

    Feel free to add me ... we can help support each other on the journey!
  • dont_give_up
    dont_give_up Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks! I'm going to need all the support I can get!