Seeking help from tall women roughly 5'8''-5'10''!!!



  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm 5'8 (used to be 5'9", dang back injury.... grumble grumble) I set mine for 145. I had it at 135, but I don't know if that's too low for me, and I've never really been there. I figured I have been to 145 and looked good and felt good (my profile pic is around 145) and I thought that this time i will probably have more muscle when I get there so I might actually be "thinner" or look better at 145 than I did in the past.

    BUT I am also happy in the 150 range because I feel healthy (I have also since had a kid, and know I will never be quite back to where I was unless I did an extreme clean diet and exercise, which is not worth it to me - I like food...). I still have my goal down for 145 and might drop to 135 again after that, but I'm fine if I don't. Most importantly, make your goal obtainable. It does not have to be your final weight - it's just a goal. Make it something you can reach and then reevaluate! Otherwise, if turns out you are going for something "unobtainable" you will get frustrated.

    PPS... I have like NO boobs.... so, I know a lot of ladies have to consider several lbs there :laugh: and maybe can't get away with lighter weights. So.... just sayin' - consider your body type!
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    I'm 5'9" with a large frame and my goal weight is somewhere around 170-180. The smallest I have EVER been in my adult life was 189 and even then when I told people "I just need to lose 20 more pounds" they would say "um, you dont HAVE 20 pounds to lose!" (and those people who said that wouldn't be nice to me and tell me that for my ego... looking back at pictures I agree with them that I looked good then)... I mean, I weighed 150 in 7th grade and I was not a chubby 7th grader! I have my target weight on my tracker set to 169 since that's what BMI says will be a healthy weight, but honestly I feel good at 215 or lower... So we will see how far I go with it... for now though I still have a ways to get back to 215 even!
  • candiceanderson84
    candiceanderson84 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5'10" and medium ideal weight is 170-175. The smallest I ever been was 158lbs and everyone said I was too small so I guess 170 -175lbs would be a happy medium.
  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 5' 8.25" - yes, the extra half an inch matters! My frame is medium, and my goal weight is160. Ultimately, I think I'd like to be 150, but I'm not sure it's doable without depriving myself so much that I'd be unhappy. I tend to carry my weight proportionately and people tend to think I'm a much smaller size (say, 12) than I really am (16!). Which is nice, but I'd much rather really be an actual 12 - far easier to shop for things, imo.
  • You have the right weights for your height and frame. I am almost 5'8" and at my smallest I was 145 and I was tiny. If I would have lost anymore fat I would have been too thin. The only place I had fat left was on my butt and boobs. I dont have a large frame but I am curvy. Even when I am super skinny the smallest my chest has ever been is a 34 D (full D). I say this because it is very individual for all of us. Even in nursing school they taught us that the numbers are ideas of where you should be but everyone is different. If you get to a place where you are healthy and your body looks good then stay there. Dont obsess over the scale. I was in a size 6 to a size 4 and still weighed 145, there was no way I needed to be any smaller (and that was with me not eating much lol, I will prob not be able to get that small again!) But good luck! I think you are doing great. I read your posts and it looks like you are making great progress and have a good outlook.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I'm 5' 8 1/2" and am 136 pounds. BMI 20.4. I think I have a small to medium frame (before MFP I thought I had a large frame). I think I look better and younger than I have in a very long time. Yes, my face is much thinner, but that's okay. It takes people who know you when you were heavy (and I was 84 pounds heavier at one time), to get used to seeing you as a "thin person." I would recommend that you take a series of pictures as you are losing. Of course your face is going to be thinner. Get used to the way you look on your journey down.

    I'm basically a size 8 which is fine. I am by no means skinny. I can wear a size 6 jean and would love to wear a size 4 jean. That would be awesome for me, but if not, a 6 is good too.

    I am on maintenance now and my "range" is 133-138.
  • sharmonesq
    sharmonesq Posts: 113 Member
    I'm about 5'8.5" with a small/medium frame (although I have often said large to make myself feel better) and currently around 164. My original goal weight was 135 but, although I'm definately not happy with where I'm at, I'm beginning to think 145 is more realistic. My smallest adult weight was about 150 and I wasn't quite *there* by my standards but that may have just been a toning issue. Right now I'm going to try to get to 145 and then reevaluate whether I want to go on down to my 135 goal.
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm a medium/large frame & have been overweight all my adult life so I don't really know where I want to get to - the lowest I've gotten to was 202 and to me that felt good but my target is 175 - maybe I won't get to 175 because I could be more comfortable at a different weight - I wanted to get into the 'good' BMI range & I think 175 gets me there - I'm 5ft 9in
  • sweettsoul
    sweettsoul Posts: 9 Member
    Im 6"2
    I was 260 in high school got down to 140 then got pregnant with my 1st went up to 214 then 4 months after having him i was 150. Then i got pregnant again just 1 year later went up to 237 now 3 months after having her im 184:/ I working hard to be 150 again
  • mmonica
    mmonica Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'8, and currently weigh 165lb, and have a small frame. I don't feel comfortable at this weight, but everyone tells me I look good at this weight. Last year I was at 155lbs and everyone would tell me I looked very sick.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    I'm 5'8 3/4 (got to get my partial in there) and have a small/medium frame with hips. I started on here at 157 feeling really heavy, mushy and out of shape and I work out ALOT. I'm now down to 138 and my goal is 135. My face and upper body are as this as I would ever want them to be (at 47, you need a little fat to look good) but I still have a little tummy pooch (which I've had since I was a freshman in high school) and a little flab on my thighs. I think once I get to 135, I'll go to maintenance and really start hitting toning with yoga supplementing my spinning and strength training I already do. This is very maintainable (so far!) and I think I look good with those flaws I've already mentioned. I think there are different frame sizes and you have to get to where you are healthy and you feel good about the way you look.
  • 5'8 here and small frame. My ideal weight is 135. I start to look stick thin if I go below that weight.
  • I'm 6'0" and 175 lbs. I haven't been this weight since my senior year in high school (3 years ago). I didn't really weigh myself from when I was 13 to 17. All I know that when I was 13 I was 130. I was embarrassed because I thought that was a lot, and just stopped weighing myself. Everyone always told me I was skinny through high school, and if I told them my weight (probably 160-170 for most of it) they wouldn't have believed me!
    My goal weight is 160 for now, but I would really like to get below 150, which I think is definitely possible but will take some time and some work :) I have always had a lot of muscle so I don't want to lose that! Although I don't always like beating guys at arm wrestling...
  • AshleyVeronica
    AshleyVeronica Posts: 69 Member
    I am 5'8" 1/2 and 24 years old...and my ultimate goal weight is 169lbs. This is based on a healthy BMI for me. I figure when I ever get anywhere close to that I will decide then if it needs to be exactly 169lbs or if being 5lbs more or less or something works better.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I am 5'9" tall and I am large framed (my size 11 feet agree) I am muscular, my goal weight is 170.
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    5'11" with a medium build and I have a goal weight of 170lbs. Beyond that, most of my goals will be in body fat percentage, and whatever number on the scale that represents is fine by me. :)
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    I'm 5'10 and weigh 136lbs; however although I'm small-framed I have wide shoulders and hips and long legs so at 131 I looked a bit daft (and clothes were baggy around my waist but not on my shoulders/hips, which looked silly) As long as you stick within the 'Normal' BMI then you can please yourself. Good luck!
  • boopei
    boopei Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'10" and my goal weight's about 180. I have a large frame and am really muscular I want to be toned and healthy with muscles not skinny (which I am when I'm 160-170).

    That's exactly my goal as well. I'm 5'10 1/2", and my goal is 170 at the lowest and 185 at the highest. I'm going for the Amazon warrior look, toned, muscular (but not gross muscular) versus the "skinny minnie" look :)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    There can be a wide range of what is considered "average", "typical", or "desirable". Ideally, you should have your body fat percentage tested to determine your fat-free mass. From that, you can calculate a "goal" weight based on your desired body fat percentage.

    Depending on all these factors, a "desired" body weight for you could fall within a range of 40 pounds or more.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I am 5" 8 and 1/2, and weigh 135. I recently had my tonsils removed and couldn't eat for a bit and got down to 130. However everyone told me how awful I looked.. My body looked great, however my face was all sunken and hollow. I gladly put the 5 lbs back on and think I look pretty damn good. I read about women who have low body weights where they lose a lot in their faces and it makes them look old and more wrinkled lol... If keeping this extra 5 on make my face full and healthy then 135 it is!

    Your body didn't go into the 'starvation mode' everyone keeps talking about then?!
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