
5'4, 131 lbs, 19 yr, female.
Should I be doing a fast one mile, paced two mile, or a long three mile?
I'm running every other day and I'm not sure what's more beneficial for me.
Do you all have any suggestions?


  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    edited February 2016
    Mix it up so you are working all energy systems.

    One day do sprints, the next session do 400 & 800 metre interval sprints, the next long slow distance jogging, the next 2 km timed runs

    Id recommend you start off slowly though if you are new to running and build a solid base. 3 times a week is plenty to begin with.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I run almost everyday. I change it up. Sometimes I do short runs, sometimes long runs. I prefer trail runs but settle for roads most of the time. You need to find what pattern works best for you but I find variety is best. Different runs work different t muscles.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    It depends on your goals actually.

    I'm not sure if your goal is weight loss specifically, but when I first starting losing weight I started the C25K program. I wanted to be able to build up to running long distances and I wanted to lose weight. I achieved both of those by the time I finished the program. After a while, I started doing my own thing where I'd jog for five minutes, sprint as fast as I could for 30 seconds, then walk for 60 seconds. I started this to increase my endurance. I also started the 10K program after finishing C25K.

    However, like @Kim55555 said, if you're new to running, starting slowly at three times per week is a great way to do things. Even if you feel like you could run more than that, you don't want to risk injury. I was new to running with the C25K program and never thought I could ever consider myself a runner, but that program really is amazing for beginners.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    What is your goal? Beneficial is a vague term if we don't know what you're trying to achieve.

    As with most questions like this, the answer will most probably be that if you don't have specific elite level goals where marginal gains are needed then it doesn't really matter, get out there, get your heart pumping, do what you enjoy.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    as far as fitness goes, im not sure it really matters. if you are trying to build up endurance, or train for a race or something, then i would mix it up with the goal of increasing distance and decreasing times.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    5'4, 131 lbs, 19 yr, female.
    Should I be doing a fast one mile, paced two mile, or a long three mile?
    I'm running every other day and I'm not sure what's more beneficial for me.
    Do you all have any suggestions?

    If 3 miles is currently your long run then I wouldn't worry about intervals or speed sessions, just run and build up your weekly milage slowly.
  • carolinegselig
    carolinegselig Posts: 12 Member
    Well my goal is to lose weight and just overall be healthy and active in the right way.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    So I highly recommend C25K! If the first few weeks are too easy for you, then move up. It really is one of the best ways to build up to running 3.1 miles without stopping. Since you're new to running, trying to run as fast as you can for short periods of time really won't do much for you but tire you out.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    Well my goal is to lose weight and just overall be healthy and active in the right way.

    then do what you can and work on improving distance and time :) c25k is a great program and easy to bump up if a level is too easy!

    i run about 2 miles a day on average, but for me, thats in addition to an hour at the gym (gym in morning, run at night). its just an extra little calorie burn and helps me clear my head after my day!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Skip any of the "speed work" and just focus on building up distance. Following a program like C25K gives you a plan on how to build endurance. The fast runs won't gain you anything right now, and could lead to injury. Once you can comfortably and regularly run 3 miles, you can look at other one types, if you want variety.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Well my goal is to lose weight and just overall be healthy and active in the right way.

    How much weight do you want to lose?
  • carolinegselig
    carolinegselig Posts: 12 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    So I highly recommend C25K! If the first few weeks are too easy for you, then move up. It really is one of the best ways to build up to running 3.1 miles without stopping. Since you're new to running, trying to run as fast as you can for short periods of time really won't do much for you but tire you out.

    I'm already running 3 miles without stopping :)
    Sorry I didn't explain this earlier, (it was 4 am) but when I run 3 miles at a 11 min/mile it's pretty easy for me. But I find when I run a super fast 1 mile it's much harder and I obviously sweat more etc.
    So I think interval training would be a good start for me at this point. Thank you all so much, we should become friends! :)
  • carolinegselig
    carolinegselig Posts: 12 Member
    Well my goal is to lose weight and just overall be healthy and active in the right way.

    How much weight do you want to lose?

    I would like to lose 5 more lbs!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    So I highly recommend C25K! If the first few weeks are too easy for you, then move up. It really is one of the best ways to build up to running 3.1 miles without stopping. Since you're new to running, trying to run as fast as you can for short periods of time really won't do much for you but tire you out.

    I'm already running 3 miles without stopping :)
    Sorry I didn't explain this earlier, (it was 4 am) but when I run 3 miles at a 11 min/mile it's pretty easy for me. But I find when I run a super fast 1 mile it's much harder and I obviously sweat more etc.
    So I think interval training would be a good start for me at this point. Thank you all so much, we should become friends! :)

    Run longer to get quicker.