Hot bod at 40?? Is it possible?

I am 38 5'4" and 142 lbs and started MFP about a month ago. I just wonder how many women got the body of their dreams after being heavier. I am currently doing weights 3 x a week and cardio 2x. I really would love to feel comfortable in a swim suit one day. Any before and afters and tips anyone want to share for some inspiration????


  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I'm 5'2.....and almost 47 years old....I've lost just over 80 lbs to date, and I feel like I am at my best physical shape EVER. 4-6 workouts a week, strength and cardio most days...I understand your woes re swimsuits, they are a real nightmare for most of us! Long answer short? Yes, you can be hot at 40....As much as it's about the shape of your body, it's just as much about confidence and self love xo
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I'm not "hot" but I have decent body for being 2 weeks away from my 40th. I lift heavy and used to do cardio but can't for medical reasons. I am 5'8 134.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    Firstly, I am not a woman. But I do have some inspiration. Believe it or not, you can do real well if your willpower allows you to eat less. Speaking for myself alone, I was going to the gym for 2 years and no results. I stopped going to the gym, cut my intake to 1,200 calories a day and lost two pounds a week. While you may not feel comfortable, you should let other people be the judge. You will be surprised, as I was
  • cardertaxidermy
    cardertaxidermy Posts: 86 Member
    I am eating 1200 now, but in 4 weeks have only lost 2lbs. Which is fine. At least it's in the right direction.

  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    You are totally going in the right direction! I've increased my cals recently from 1200 to 1460, AND IM STILL LOSING....something to consider! Please don't give up your workouts...losing weight is great, but that bathing suit won't make you happy if you're just skinny....It sounds like you've got it figured out honey, keep it up, and DONT lose faith! It WILL happen!! xoxo
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 841 Member
    Have you seen any pics of Tina Turner lately? ;)

    But 1200 calories is pretty low for where you are and how you are exercising. I would boost that up a bit.
  • cardertaxidermy
    cardertaxidermy Posts: 86 Member
    No I haven't seen her. As in the singer??

    I am on a mission to have the best body I have ever had. I am in love with weights and I can't wait to see the results. Hopefully one day I will be inspiring people.
  • Dula73
    Dula73 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 42 and while I've never been overweight I was skinny fat, having done no exercise for over 20 years. I've been running and lifting for 5 months so far and already my body is in better shape than in my 20s. A friend said you'll never get a six pack after 40 and I'm out to prove them wrong!
    Stick with it and you'll start to see changes!
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'm 46, a month away from 47. I feel like I have a hot bod! How you feel is a big part of being sexy-confidence. A year ago I did not have it. I lift heavy 4x/wk (I started with Stronglifts & that was 3x), eat 250-500 calories less than TDEE. I'm 5'2" & went from 137 (Jan. 2015) to 117 now.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    If you need inspiration to keep going, check out the Success Stories section of the forum. Everyone there is incredible in their achievements, and if they can do it, we can do it!

    1200 cals is fine to start, especially if you're in the obese bmi category, but it's not sustainable long-term. If you start feeling fatigued, having headaches, etc, you're going to want to up that intake, and check with your doctor on what will work for you.
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    edited February 2016
    I am now 49, but I had my best smoking hot, low body fat% body of my ENTIRE life at 40. I am aiming to get back there.
    My primary exercise was Pilates and sail boat racing 3x a week

    ETA: I started that journey at 39. I was not in such great shape before that. I am 5'6" and I think I started out at 158 ish? by the time I was 40 I was in a US 4/6, weighed 137 and had 24% BF.
  • lorivitali
    lorivitali Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2016
    Of course it's possible! I'm just hoping to get toned and back in shape and I'm 55. Whether I'm "hot" or not is up for debate! And to think in my 20's and 30's I used to complain about my body. Can't get that time back.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Totally possible. I see women 40 plus at my gym all the time and I follow a few on IG for inspiration. Don't let age stop you from reaching your goals.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    It is possible. It just takes determination and dedication to achieve your own version of a hot bod.

    This is the one I like....

    An obvious before and after.


    And dressed for fun.


    I will probably never have a 6 pack, not a goal. But I do enjoy extremely good health, and a fitness level above most of my peers IRL.
    You make your body to please you. Mine pleases me.

    Cheers, h.
  • playmadcats
    playmadcats Posts: 199 Member
    Am 46 lighter than rest of my 40's 30's and most of my 20's. Although I wouldn't wear a bikini I'm quite happy swimming in a rash vest and ladies swim shorts. (At my heaviest I had large chest so one piece suits that fitted my boobs fell off my shoulders or hung at bottom, could hardly breath in suits the right length). At my previous gym I noticed the idea started to catch on and several ladies started wearing the same.
  • JackieMaughan
    JackieMaughan Posts: 23 Member
    I am amazed that this is even in question. Of course you can have a hot bod at 40. I have a hot bod and I am pushing 70!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I'm 45 and feel comfortable in a bathing suit :) I have some upper-thigh cellulite, but I've had that since my fit teens, so it's not like it's going to bother me more at my age, lol. I'd actually wear a bikini now, and I wouldn't then. It might be that it takes several years of building up muscle, but I'm more defined now than when I was young, even though I was fit then and weighed less on the scale. Or it could be my wonky hormones ;) In any case, there are fewer areas that bother me now! Really.

    But I do have to lift to have it that way. My bum has started to try and get flat when I don't lift, and other things look flabbier. It is much more noticeable than when slacking off at 30 for me.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm hot :D

    According to my husband, me, mates and random street strangers

    Only 2 of whom matter
  • 1971MLJ
    1971MLJ Posts: 137 Member
    Hell yeah. I'm 44 (was 43 in the profile pic) and went from 155lbs down to 126lbs and have been maintaining for almost 2 years. Be consistent and you'll get results. It's hard work but worth it :#
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm in the exact same boat! 38, 5'3', 142 doing weights 3x a week and cardio 2x. I'm hoping to have my best body ever by the time I hit 40.