Diet Pills? Fat Burners? Detoxers?

I have always been skeptical of any of that such. Even Protein shakes. However I had to just educate myself of the latter. I was working out the other day and go to talking to a fitness expert that told me that i should try Phenphedrine. Once again, I have ALWAYS thought that this was a cop out. Im sorry if I offend anyone, I always felt like I should do it on my own, and train my body to do right you know? Im not saying people who use diet pill are lazy, I personally just didn't believe in them. I mean i have gone through some extreme dieting. But since a fitness expert has told me about this I did my research. Like any kind of drug it has its down fall. But I curious, has anyone tried this:? I def. do not want quick weight loss, simply because I don't want saggy skin. However, I need a boost, because I feel like I have NO energy unless I work out. I work out 5x a wk for a hr a day. That's enough for me right now, I am already EXTREMELY sore, and I don't want to have to exercise everyday just to feel alert. I take my supplements, I eat better than before, I take everything I should. i haven't had juice nor soda for like over 2 wks. Any who.. What do you all think about diet pills and fat burners?

I do believe some detoxers are good, I am just not sure which are the best though.


  • smashleymcgee
    smashleymcgee Posts: 135 Member
    I would stay away from diet pills, they will make you jittery and shaky. Yes, your metabolism will speed up, but not the way it should.

    I was having the same energy problem so I switched up my diet completely and my energy has dramatically changed. At first, I cut out processed sugar completely (now I work it in every now and then). I eat 5-6 times a day, almost every time with protein involved- string cheese, milk, almonds, yogurt, trail mix, etc. My diary is open if you want to check it out. I hope this helps :)
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I actually feel exactly like you do, and I have friends who are on Phentermine and LOVE it. I just am worried about screwing up my metabolism any more than it already is. I have to wonder if once I stop taking it, will my metabolism go back down to nothing? That is what is keeping me from trying it, even though my friends are losing a ton of weight on the drug. I also read up on it and it is supposed to be only a short-term (a few weeks) medication, from what I think I understand, and the friends I have who are taking it have been taking it for much longer than that. Of course, their doctors are well aware, so I suppose it is okay. I don't know, I just think it may be a little risky with the after affects of metabolism crashing, that sort of thing, but I am obviously not a doctor so I can't be sure.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    I would stay away from diet pills, they will make you jittery and shaky. Yes, your metabolism will speed up, but not the way it should.

    I was having the same energy problem so I switched up my diet completely and my energy has dramatically changed. At first, I cut out processed sugar completely (now I work it in every now and then). I eat 5-6 times a day, almost every time with protein involved- string cheese, milk, almonds, yogurt, trail mix, etc. My diary is open if you want to check it out. I hope this helps :)

    Thank you. I will def. check out your diary. I kinda flip flop. Like I will do really good and then like after lunch or during lunch or dinner time, I no longer want what I prepared. Im a serial snacker so actually eating a meal just i dont know doesnt sit well. BC I would eat a bag of Doritos and a mountain dew and that was lunch, and i wouldnt be hungry. However, not healthy, not one bit. I will def look at your diary. Thanks!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I used to be in a weight loss support group where most of the people were on phenphen. Of course, they were having to buy it from overseas pharmacy companies because at the time FDA had pulled it! Boiled down, you lose weight because you physically can't eat more than a few bites a food at a time. Then it gives you a "pick me up" to artificially replace the energy your not getting from food. You can't take it for more than 30 days, then you have to take like 2 weeks off (picture speed withdrawls). These people were literally sometimes searching for a 2nd source because they couldn't handle the 2 weeks without it. Did I mention the possible heart and liver damage that caused the FDA pull to begin with?
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I honestly stay far away from all of these things (minus protein shakes). I feel like they are all part of the "fad diet" world and will result in yo-yo weight loss. Yes, you'll likely lose while you're taking them, but as soon as you stop (and most don't recommend taking them forever!) the weight often comes right back - and sometimes you gain even more. The best way to lose weight is the good old fashioned way ... less calories in than out and exercise.

    BTW... protein shakes don't offer up the stuff that diet pills, detox'ers and such offer. They are simply protein - which is necessary for a healthy diet. Just my two cents on those. :)
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    I actually feel exactly like you do, and I have friends who are on Phentermine and LOVE it. I just am worried about screwing up my metabolism any more than it already is. I have to wonder if once I stop taking it, will my metabolism go back down to nothing? That is what is keeping me from trying it, even though my friends are losing a ton of weight on the drug. I also read up on it and it is supposed to be only a short-term (a few weeks) medication, from what I think I understand, and the friends I have who are taking it have been taking it for much longer than that. Of course, their doctors are well aware, so I suppose it is okay. I don't know, I just think it may be a little risky with the after affects of metabolism crashing, that sort of thing, but I am obviously not a doctor so I can't be sure.

    I also get what your saying. Its supposed to be used for 3 months. Now i can see how people do it three months at a time trying to loose quick weight. Like I stated I don't necessarily want it for the weight loss. I do want it to suppress hunger, and up my metabolism, and of course give me energy. I wanna try it bad, but I just may wait a couple weeks and think it through some more.
  • MissRose888
    MissRose888 Posts: 98 Member
    I used to take that a LONG time ago for a short time. However, about 6 months ago I had a random seizure. When I went to the ER they found some of those old pills in my purse. I hadn't taken them in years, but the ER docs threw them away immediately saying how bad they were. Long story short, the seizure was probably caused by two other medications that I was on at the time and had nothing to do with the weight loss pills I had taken years before. Still, the moral of the story: You never know how a drug will react, especially when taking other drugs as well.

    I would urge you to stay away from that stuff and do it the natural, healthy way. Hope this helps!
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    I know people who have lost a ton of weight on it. However I worked in a pharmacy for over 8 years and all the pharmacist that I worked with in those 8 years refused to carry it because of what it can do to your body.
  • emilymiesel
    emilymiesel Posts: 207 Member
    I started taking OxyElite Pro basicAlly for an energy boost and I like it! I'm not looking to take it long term as that's not good but it helps me to get going in the a.m.
  • MimRob
    MimRob Posts: 24
    My advice from personal experience, stay well away from it. I used it for 3 months and although I lost weight it was the worst decision I ever made. My anxiety was off the scale, not to mention it is highly addicitve. I was grouchy and irritable and by the end was having massive panic attacks. I would start the morning "high" and by the eveing crash and burn and be cryng over nothing. 6 months on I am still getting over the effects, it's just not worth it. I'm sad to say hard work really is the only way. Good luck!
  • busnotepress
    busnotepress Posts: 3 Member
    I just worked on an infomercial for "dietary supplements." Bottom line, it's all speed, natural or otherwise. Worked great for Judy Garland ... oh yeah, never mind.

    Anyone can lose weight with proper nutrition and exercise; the only magic ingredient is your desire and determination. All the so-called weight loss "programs" know this, and they also know that there is no money to be made if they can't sell you a product.

    No reason to make The Man richer is my thought ... just biker speed in a pretty package.
  • I think you are doing good girl. And keep doing your research. Also, taking a multivitamin is great too. I'm taking Relacore which is a stress reducer and fat burner. It's also loaded with vitamins and minerals. See if you can get an appointment with your doc to see which one is best for you if and when you've decided you want to take one. Most of the people who take certain fat burners don't follow the directions in the sense that you have to eat right and exercise. Have you taken High Fructose Corn Syrup out of your diet? That is the BIGGEST part of feeling sluggish. And don't be fooled by High Maltose Syrup or whatever the hell it is. IT'S THE SAME *kitten* JUST A DIFFERENT NAME TO TRY TO FOOL US. Do your research on the food you eat too. I've been eating natural foods, I do eat organic BUT I get local grown food. I eat less processed and if I can't pronounce it I don't eat it. When I say processed I mean chemicals added like artificial preservatives and flavors. I started typing in food ingredients into my browser and was shocked to see what it really was. I have a friend that has taken Alli and she did lose weight BUT she was constantly in the toilet and had to really watch what she ate fat wise. He may be a fitness expert, but trust your gut and continue your research. Good luck! Hope this helped.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you all for your replies.. Im thinking I will need to stay far far away. Im anemic so i have to take iron, when I miss a pill I can tell. However even with that, and all my other supplements, I just feel so tired.. I only feel energized for the WHOLE day when I start my workout at the beginning of my day. But I just must be lazy because wrking out 7 days a week just seems crazy for me. For me wrking out 5 days right now seems like whew a lot. And i dont know how to half *kitten* my exercising. I either do it or dont.
  • sesecat
    sesecat Posts: 124 Member
    Drug free! You're totally on the spot about how your body needs to do this naturally.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    I realize most of you are right. Life style change not a diet. I cant help but want fast results. U know you keep at one way for a couple weeks and those two weeks for like months, and even though the scale may give a slight change.. I mean seriously i need eneregy etc. But really.. at what cost? Thank you all bunches for your comments.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Hang in there! I personally think you are making the right choice. As far as energy as your primary concern, I would talk to your doctor about that. Years ago I got Vitamin B12 injections because I was so, so lethargic. It also had to do with depression. So definitely talk to your doctor about ways to boost your energy. And NO you are definitely not lazy for working out 5 days a week! I am having a great week if I do 2 personal training sessions and one cardio session a week.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member

    Thanks! I have tried a lot of different stuff for my lack of energy. The whole tired all the time deal. Doesnt matter if i sleep 4 hrs or 12. I will say eating better, and working out has made me feel a lot better than before. I take a vitamins and what not.. I also found out that I am anemic so I just started taking Iron pills a couple days go. Guess maybe once my iron levels or whatever that is levels out..Ill feel normal. I blame it on my job bc of shift work, I swear I was full of life b4 i got this job and all the inconsistancy in hours, but hey.. Gotta work you know?
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    You never know how a drug will react, especially when taking other drugs as well.

    I would urge you to stay away from that stuff and do it the natural, healthy way. Hope this helps!

  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    To the OP, besides anemia ( a real energy drag, I have it too), have you had your thyroid checked? I found out i have hypothyroidism, and one of it's symptoms is low energy.

    I've switched to working out in the mornings. It insures I exercise and gives me a good energy boost for the day.

    As others have said, I'd stay away from any "diet pill". Make sure besides iron, your B vitamin levels are good. Take a vitamin for what you need (iron, maybe b vitamins). And make sure your diet incorporates foods that will give you energy naturally.
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    My Dr. recommended and prescribed Phentermine to me a few months ago. I took it for two weeks and completely stopped sleeping in those two weeks. I also had zero appetite and could hardly stomach anything. I forced myself to get at least 1200 calories a day, but I was so exhausted from the lack of sleep, I could barely function, let alone work out. That last night I took it, I cried all night wishing for just one measly hour of sleep. I think I'm an exception though, everyone else I've known take it said it gave them oodles of energy. It had the exact opposite effect on me. The Dr. recommended I try only taking 1/2 a pill and it didn't make any difference. I really wanted it to work, but lesson learned.