need to lose 35 pounds by Aug 1...any tips?

Hi! I've lost about 45 pounds thus far and currently weigh 235 and want to weigh 200 by August 1st. I know that losing 35 pounds over the next 6-7 weeks will be challenging, but I wanted to see if anyone has any tips, advice, or experience doing this. I know that as a larger person, it is very possible to lose this kind of weight in this time period....with hard work and proper diet. Looking forward to hearing any advice!


  • dafoxybrwn
    dafoxybrwn Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck!! 35lbs in 2 months IS a lot to try to loose so quickly but anything is possible!! WHEN you do- tell me how you did it!
  • Grumpelina
    Grumpelina Posts: 56 Member
    Lop off a leg.
  • cindyab1012
    I sure will! Does anyone know if the MFP weight predictor works? You know, once you enter your daily calorie intake and exercise it tells you what you will weigh in 5 weeks....
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    My best advice - revise your goal to a healthy weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week. You want to keep it off after you take it off.
  • mialsya
    mialsya Posts: 188 Member
    My best advice - revise your goal to a healthy weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week. You want to keep it off after you take it off.

    I agree wholly. If you start losing more than 2lbs a week, you body can go crazy and you can start having serious health problems - especially digestive problems like gallbladder attacks and such. You don't want to end up hospitalized or something drastic like that. Aiming too high with weight loss can be dangerous. Aim reasonably...if you meet it, AWESOME! If you exceed it, then SCORE!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Seriously, there may be ways to do this but there are NO healthy ways! And yes, you will find someone who's done it. It's still not healthy and not safe! Is there a particular reason for that weight on that day? I can't imagine anything important enough for that kind of risk!
  • TanajaP
    TanajaP Posts: 57 Member
    i guess i always feel the total opposite of everyone else when it comes to the whole 1-2 pounds a week thing. it's like, if i'm loosing 3 or more pounds a week i should stop exercising to slow it down? if you're truly eating healthy and exercising then sometimes you do loose more than the "recommended 1-2 lbs per week". but with that being said, i wouldn't say go overboard with what your body can handle and do some type of fad diet.

    and for the record.. i also think that just because you loose more than 1-2 lbs a week doesn't mean you can't successfully keep the weight off. there's usually a lot more behind gaining the weight back other than just loosing more lbs a week than that.

    ultimately i saw listen to your body, that's the only true judge of how you feel!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    i guess i always feel the total opposite of everyone else when it comes to the whole 1-2 pounds a week thing. it's like, if i'm loosing 3 or more pounds a week i should stop exercising to slow it down? if you're truly eating healthy and exercising then sometimes you do loose more than the "recommended 1-2 lbs per week". but with that being said, i wouldn't say go overboard with what your body can handle and do some type of fad diet.

    and for the record.. i also think that just because you loose more than 1-2 lbs a week doesn't mean you can't successfully keep the weight off. there's usually a lot more behind gaining the weight back other than just loosing more lbs a week than that.

    ultimately i saw listen to your body, that's the only true judge of how you feel!

    I agree with you completely! How much you lose has absolutely nothing to do with keeping it off! However, losing 5 to 6 pounds a week for 6 or 7 weeks straight simply can not be done in any healthy way unless you're at the Biggest Loser Ranch with your own trainer, nutritionist, doctors......
  • TiffieLovex3
    TiffieLovex3 Posts: 11 Member
    You can try the 17 Day Diet. You can lose 10-15lbs in 17 days. I tried it & i lost 10lbs.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I think the important thing here is you have said if you go by the "what you will weigh in 5 weeks" path and that is pretty dangerous because you may just be tempted to starve and exercise just to see that figure.
    After a few days of this, you will probably binge as your body is crying out for food. The other way I see this is all the little men in your body that are involved in your digestive system start putting the food that you finally do eat into little cupboards to store away as they don't know when they are next going to get some. This then works against your body.
    In Conclusion (sorry about waffling on!) eating 3-6 average size meals a day and doing half hour of exercise 5 days a week will see you lose approx 1-3 pounds a week depending on your original weight. You're right if you weigh more there is a chance of losing more. Do it this way and you will get results and maybe lose 20 pounds. The other 15 is all about how you dress baby!!!
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    A lot of diets / diet books can promis 10-15 lbs lost, but they are pretty strict. You will have to be able to "maintain" that loss by eating in a similar fashion after the 17 days or 3 weeks that you're on it. These diet regimes call for some days eating less than 900 cals. Other days around 1200-1300. It is doable, but ask yourself if you can maintain that.

    Also think about if you can really commit to 5 lb losses each week. This requires constant checking that you are on track with exercise, diet, measuring foods, water consumption, nutrition supplements. If you can honestly say that you can be strict with all of these things every day until Aug 1, then I say yes, you can lose a lot by then. Maybe not 35 lbs exactly, but a significant amount, like 25-30. You really have to be strict with yourself, and mentally prepared. Your mind will go crazy on days that you will crave the food on your old diet, sweets, desserts, snacks, etc. If you are constantly busy and are away from food from work, etc, then you have better chances.

    Personally, I started out wanting to lose 3 lbs per week, but ended up failing on so many ways, binging, going crazy, following the strict diets from books, and months later, now, I wish I had just committed to a modest 1-2 lbs per week and followed a sensible 1200-1300 cal diet with moderate exercise. I would be at goal by now had I done this!

    Good luck!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    sorry I meant to add my Dad used to try eating little and he just kept putting on weight as he would binge on high calorie stuff. He started this with me 9 weeks ago and has almost lost 2 stone. He has kept to his calories and done exercise (something which was strange to him!). He's the best advertisement for eating healthy and exercising
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    My best advice - revise your goal to a healthy weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week. You want to keep it off after you take it off.

    I agree wholly. If you start losing more than 2lbs a week, you body can go crazy and you can start having serious health problems - especially digestive problems like gallbladder attacks and such. You don't want to end up hospitalized or something drastic like that. Aiming too high with weight loss can be dangerous. Aim reasonably...if you meet it, AWESOME! If you exceed it, then SCORE!

  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    that is most likely not going to be possible. I don't believe in setting yourself up to fail. you are talking at least 5lbs a week, every week for 7 weeks, yes? I would recommend that you concentrate on toning exercises and weight lifting, you can make an appreciable difference in your body shape in 6-7 weeks and if you couple that with a good diet that hits your calorie mark, you could lose 20 lbs in that time and end up looking a lot better than if you starve off 35lbs and you will feel better too. I know it helps people to be able to write down goals and say I am going to lose x amount of weight by x day and then break it down into weeks and have a number to look at like June 24- 230, July1-225, July8- 220 but when those dates come and you haven't made those goals it can be very disappointing and send you into a meltdown.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    sorry I meant to add my Dad used to try eating little and he just kept putting on weight as he would binge on high calorie stuff. He started this with me 9 weeks ago and has almost lost 2 stone. He has kept to his calories and done exercise (something which was strange to him!). He's the best advertisement for eating healthy and exercising

    Congrats to Dad! Gave himself a great Father's Day gift.. health and happiness!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    not only that... he decided to celebrate fathers day by going for a five mile walk and treated him to a pint of beer. I bought him new clothes! He said it was the best fathers day ever!!!
    I promptly cried
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I think you should set a more realistic goal for yourself. You have basically 6 weeks until August 1st. I think realistically you can lose 2-3 pounds a week at MOST. So that's a loss of about 12-18 pounds. That is A LOT but it is do-able, if you stay on track. I think you should go for 10-18 pounds and be happy falling within that range if you can.

    To do it, log EVERYTHING. Every splash of milk in your coffee, every bite. Try to eat as healthily as possible (lots of fruits and vegetables, protein, healthy fats, and keep your sodium and carbs low). Exercise every day. Don't burn yourself out though! Even though you're exercising every day, you should still have some "rest" days during the week where you just do something light like walking or light swimming. But it's important to keep moving as much as possible.

    Best of luck!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    not only that... he decided to celebrate fathers day by going for a five mile walk and treated him to a pint of beer. I bought him new clothes! He said it was the best fathers day ever!!!
    I promptly cried

    This weight loss thing is making me soft! As I read this I started to cry! Dang emotional stuff!!! I am officially sending a big hug to your dad!!!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    My husband has, in the past, lost 20 lbs in a month... however, it wasn't a way of eating he could (or wanted to) maintain, and the moment he started eating more normally, he gained back the 20 *PLUS ANOTHER 20.* At the beginning, he had about 40 lbs to lose... he did the rapid weight loss + rebound three times over a couple years, and ultimately ended up 100 lbs overweight. He would not have gained that much weight if it hadn't been for the rapid weight loss with an unsustainable diet and exercise regimen.

    I understand the urge to get where you want to be in time for an important occasion, but even if it can be done doesn't mean that five years from now you'll look back and be glad you accomplished it.

    My suggestion would be to try something like the 30 Day Shred, and do what you can to take of inches as well as pounds, but to have a more realistic weight loss goal that won't potentially tank your metabolism. Losing 15-18 lbs, if you lose inches as well, can be a significant change in your appearance and how you feel!

    Good luck!
  • Persipan
    Persipan Posts: 85 Member
    Um - if my maths are right, you have 6 or 7 weeks (let's round up and say 50 days), and if to lose 1lb takes a deficit of 3,500 calories, then to lose 35lb you'd need a total deficit of 122,500 calories which divided by 50 means you'd need to have a daily deficit of 2,450 calories. To me, that sounds like a Bad Idea. You've done so well already - don't undermine yourself by trying something so extreme! You'll get to where you want to be, and stay there, by doing things sensibly.