
Today I had a complete melt down about my diet/healthier lifestyle. Those of you who are bigger will understand hopefully, and I feel the need to rant since the friends I have are not very overweight and didn't understand why I got so upset.

I went to an amusement park with some friends today and they begged me to go on a ride that I was nervous about. I agreed and stood in the 10 minute line. When I got up to the seat I sat down in it and the bar wouldn't lock over my waist, so I panicked and made the guy double check it. He pushed it down and fiddled around with it then said the horrible words "I'm sorry but this ride is too small for you ma'am."
I had to get off and walk in front of everyone (it's a giant swing, so it was like walking across a stage for the entire line and people on the ride to see), put my shoes on, and they held the ride until I was off the platform. It was the most humiliating moment I've had in a long time.

Needless to say I didn't really feel like going on any more rides, plus I was nervous that it would happen again!
Anyway, I just wanted to share my story and ask if anything embarrassing like this has happened to anyone else.


  • RoshadReid
    RoshadReid Posts: 24
    You probably won't listen to anything from a 14-Year old but what I have learned from middle school is to ignore any possible things you are thinking about. I once had a similar situation in my school where I was stripped in the locker room all the way to my boxers and made fun of. Of course, I got in trouble because I fought them but that's not what you should do. All you can do is ignore the thoughts of yourself being singled out and work at preventing these types of situations. Most likely, no one is worrying about this random woman getting off the ride. In those type of situations, you are the only one stressing sometimes.

    Hope that made somewhat of a difference. :)
  • rchristison
    rchristison Posts: 25 Member
    I am so sorry. I have not had this happen, but I think mainly because I have been to scared to try the rides in the last couple of years. I have instead sat at the exit and waited for my husband and kids....not the way I want to live.

    Anyway I just wanted to let you know you are not alone and I am really sorry this happened to you today. And just remember it will be a slow process, but you have already begun the journey - keep up the good work and don't let this get you down.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    sorry that happened to you, that sucks. ive never had it happen to me, but i could only imagine. Ive seen it happen before to a guy at 6 flags, but he made a huge scene over it, or else i never would of realized what was going on.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I had this happen as a teenager...not fun. I know many people here who have had similar experiences. ((hugs))
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    We've all faced the same issue somewhere along the journey. Either we don't fit in a seat, can't buckle a seatbelt, or split our pants when we bend over because they are way too tight.

    Look at what you've accomplished - you are almost 50 lbs lighter than you were. I think that is amazing! You should be proud of yourself.
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    I'm so sorry! That is so horrible. I've had my momma say stuff like that to me before... Whether it be with shirts, jeans... Blah blah blah. But, that should be all the more motivation. It was for me.. I got up off my butt, joined this website, and my brother got me into kickboxing. Words hurt, and stick with you the longest- but they can be the most powerful motivator.

    You're beautiful and you'll get through this!!!! Just keep on being healthy, and put this all behind you. Tomorrow is a new day... :)
  • rundgrenfan
    rundgrenfan Posts: 211
    You probably won't listen to anything from a 14-Year old but what I have learned from middle school is to ignore any possible things you are thinking about. I once had a similar situation in my school where I was stripped in the locker room all the way to my boxers and made fun of. Of course, I got in trouble because I fought them but that's not what you should do. All you can do is ignore the thoughts of yourself being singled out. Most likely, no one is worrying about this random woman getting off the ride. In those type of situations, you are the only one stressing sometimes.

    Hope that made somewhat of a difference. :)

    You're a smart cookie!

    This happened to me last summer, and I was so hurt. I felt so, so embarrassed! It's one of those feelings I do not want to repeat!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I think that is way severely over weight - dare I use the O word (obese) - people sometimes hide away from the world. We literally do not fit in. I know I have made up many excuses so I did not have to do something I knew I was too fat to do - like flying for visits instead of driving. Hang in there and keep working it.
  • sarahrobin
    sarahrobin Posts: 139 Member
    *hugs* I'm so sorry that happened! I have never had that happen but it was a huge fear of mine when I was at my heaviest. I always worry what other people are thinking when the see me, especially when I'm eating (does she really need to be eating that?) or doing something active (look at that fat *kitten*- she needs to exercise!). Just try to think of the progress you have made! You have lost 47 lbs! That's amazing!
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    I can understand how upset this must have made you, public humilitation is the worst! Especially when you are so self conscious about your weight. Dont let this get you down. You have already been doing an AMAZING job....I mean you have lost 47 pounds. That is definitely something to CELEBRATE!!!!!

    Work extra hard this year and go back to the amusment park 1 year from now and prove those swings wrong!!!!
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    That is such a horrible thing to have happen! It hasn't happened to me but I would have told my friends that I'm not going on the ride because I'm pretty certain I won't fit. I also would have made them agree that if I had to get off the ride, that they would have to come with me!! They should have gone with you regardless!!
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support. It's a lot more comforting talking to you than my friends who binge on funnel cakes and McDonalds all day and are still 115 lbs lol
  • maryannmiclat
    maryannmiclat Posts: 133 Member
    I totally know what you are feeling. The same thing happened to me. I was going to ride a roller coaster with my dad when the thing wouldn't close. I felt s bad, and to make things worse my own sister who saw it happen had to rub it in my face after I got down the stairs and she is bigger than me! It will get better for us!
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    My heart goes out to you!!! I'm so sorry for your story. Though I am not major overweight, about 12 years ago, I had the opportunity to go to the Grand Canyon and ride the donkey's down into the canyon. I was going with a male friend (just friends), and was so excited I said, sign us up!!! When I got the information about the ride, it said you had to be under 200 lbs. I was right at that. Needless to say, to avoid a situation like yours, and having to pay $ up front before we went. I had to tell him I couldn't do it, and he kept asking why?? Why? Why? He was very thin and in shape. I had to tell him the reason. We cancelled the donkey ride, and I could tell he was very upset for the reason why. He couldn't understand me being in that position. It made me feel terrible!!

    Just hang in there. You've started the road to getting healthy, and some day you will be able to walk up proudly and enjoy whatever ride you want to go on. Your friends will be very proud of you as well. Keep up the good work!! You're here now, and there is tons of support to help you on your journey. :bigsmile:
  • mialsya
    mialsya Posts: 188 Member
    I totally understand. I love roller coasters and tried to go on one at Busch Gardens that had a pull down harness that connected to a seat belt like strap that buckled between the legs. On top of being overweight, I have a huge chest and couldn't get my triple Ds into the harness. It took 4 guys trying to push it down far enough to get the harness down far enough so that it would ALMOST reach the belt. I started crying and hyperventilating and was asked to leave the ride. I haven't been on another roller coaster since. I let myself get in the way of my own happiness and that's not right. Memories like that motivate me to change. Let them motivate you too.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    it's not quite the same thing, but i was moved from an exit seat i was assigned to in a smaller plane because the regulations state the person there cannot be using a belt extender, which of course i had to use. and then the stewerdess went around asking others if they wanted to sit there since i couldn't so i had someone to switch seats with. i have also been in the situation where a safety device didn't work properly with me because of my size. luckily it never made it so i couldn't particpate, but it was pretty close to it.

    so i sympathize and understand completely. don't let it get you down. you are here on MFP because you want to change, just like the rest of us...get mad because of it! let it help motivate you to stick with this new healthy lifestyle you have undertaken. you can do it, and soon enough this will be a distant memory.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me but I use that memory along with several other similar ones to keep me loosing weight.

    Every time I start to gain weight back I think of those memories and it reminds me that I never want to be at that point again in my life and it makes me straighten up.

    Turn it into something good and don't let it keep you down.
  • flutterbee3
    You probably won't listen to anything from a 14-Year old but what I have learned from middle school is to ignore any possible things you are thinking about. I once had a similar situation in my school where I was stripped in the locker room all the way to my boxers and made fun of. Of course, I got in trouble because I fought them but that's not what you should do. All you can do is ignore the thoughts of yourself being singled out and work at preventing these types of situations. Most likely, no one is worrying about this random woman getting off the ride. In those type of situations, you are the only one stressing sometimes.

    Hope that made somewhat of a difference. :)

    14 or 44, we will listen. I am so sorry that happened to you too. I think teenage years are the hardest years of your life especially when you don't quite 'fit in'. There are some really mean kids out there that like to make themselves feel better by humiliating others. I applaud you for finding this site! Good luck to you.
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    I feel for you. The good news is no one else knew you there, they were strangers. I got to go to Israel a couple of years ago and had to ask for an extention for my seat belt. It was either that or be really uncomfortable. It sounds like the ride operator handled it well and saved you as much embarassment as possiblbe. I am sure once the ride started no one else but you remembers this. Let it go. You are on your way to a new you and look at the progress you have all ready made. Don't let this slow you down or discourage you at all. You are on the right track. Keep up the good work!
  • jnettiedotson
    This almost happened to me about 4 years ago at Six Flags....and now I am like 75 lbs. heavier, so I don't even attempt it. 2 years ago, though, my family and I went to a water park and I got on one of those funnel slide thingies with the HUGE intertube. So as I was going down, my big *kitten* got stuck because I was too heavy to float on the water. So I was trying to push myself thru the damn slide, while everyone about me was waiting....I don't know if they were laughing or not. :(. Sucks to be fat, but that's why we are here to do something about it, right? Next year...go back there and ride all them rides girl!