What is your biggest food obstacle?



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    My biggest obstacle is just the fact that I like to eat A LOT. I'm literally running a bulk right now and gaining weight on purpose-and I STILL want to eat more than my surplus. I'd probably be most comfortable on about 2500 calories per day but can only maintain my weight on 1800. That's just my reality.
  • QueenofHearts023
    QueenofHearts023 Posts: 421 Member
    Mine is not so much food wise. It's more of a mental obstacle. I give in to cravings waaay too easily. Need to work on willpower somehow.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    Candy. Fruity candy or cinnamon type candy. It's crazy lol. I can have chocolate in the house and not want it or I can stop at one serving.

    I brought my pasta trigger under control last year and now have no issues with stopping at one serving. I eat it and I'm done with it and dont think about it anymore.

    But gimme all the fruity candy and calories if I have candy I want more calories of anything and everything for the rest of the day. Luckily all I have to do is not buy it and I'm fine. No more runs to the store for several types of fruity or spicy candy. I guess that is progress after all.
  • import69
    import69 Posts: 15 Member
    Any kind of bread specially crispy rolls and baguettes, my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I've also been having a bad physical reaction to a LARGE amount of sugar, even if it fits in my calorie goal, yet I still keep over doing it sometime. It's like I forget how much I'm going to be in pain the next day.
  • elaineamj
    elaineamj Posts: 347 Member
    Social eating. I'm fine with my daily portioned out meals and say no pretty easily to any extras. But put me with other people and I have a hard time saying no. Thankfully, social eating usually ends up being about 1x a week and I just pre-plan for it by working out & eating tiny meals beforehand.

    Yesterday I went for lunch with a friend and we had steak fajitas. I struggled with counting calories on the 2 fajitas I ate - but I decided to err on the side of caution and log it at 1000 calories.
  • sylvia270
    sylvia270 Posts: 33 Member
    I eat emotionally. We know that life is full of ups and downs. I am learning to not use food as a drug. Right now the biggest challenge for me is when I get home at the end of the day (stress). That is when I do the most damage. For that reason I keep my calorie count down in the earlier part of the day so that in the evenings there is room for me to mess up without totally derailing my goals.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    My biggest obstacle was always snacking at night while sitting in front of the television. I tried healthy low carb and low cal snacks for a while but it really didn't work. So I changed things up, I started getting up 2 hours earlier each day, working out before getting ready for work. Then I ate dinner about an hour later at night and usually by the time I was sitting in front of the tv at night I was too damn tired to snack and tended to go to bed earlier so I could get up and work out each morning. It effectively reduced my TV time in the evenings to 1-2 hours max which was a lot easier to resist snacking than 2-5 hours of TV watching with the family. Any time though, on weekends for instance, I found myself with extra time, I simply worked out a bit longer in the morning so if I did snack I had the extra calories to handle it. I also pour myself a 12oz glass of water and make myself drink it before snacking after dinner and most of the time it curtails my need for snacking. It's kept me from derailing myself. The best decision by far though was getting up early to work out.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Eating mindfully. I struggle with stopping when I am full as apposed to being stuffed...
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    Snacking out of boredom and larger bags of sweets and crisps. I am a big boredom eater, my job is deathly dull so I spend so much time doing nothing, it's hard not to reach for something, I play the 20 minute game, after I've eaten something I have to wait 20 minutes and have a glass of water, so far it's working. Also it really annoys me that larger bags of sweets/crisps are often better value e.g Malteser bag for 121g is £1-1.50 and then a small bag at 37g is 60p. I cannot portion control with the larger bags though so...
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    Before bed snacking is hard for me.
  • yreka20
    yreka20 Posts: 10 Member
  • tracefan
    tracefan Posts: 382 Member
    late afternoon and/or nighttime. I could go all day then suddenly I just want to eat my right arm. I also love pasta..
  • space_case
    space_case Posts: 89 Member
    I just made a post about this on my personal page.

    Listening to my body--that I really am physically satisfied even though my brain says it wants more.

    Also serving sizes. I went out to dinner last night and it was family style. I planned to eat a third of a portion (which was a serving as the plate fed 2-3 people). When i put it on my plate it seemed like hardly anything, but honestly, by the time I finished, I was totally satisfied. Anymore I would have probably been uncomfortably full. But again, my mind was like, no, no. That's not enough.
  • katymariep
    katymariep Posts: 4 Member
    Snacking while dealing with (relatively recent) food allergies. I'd love to have a handful of almonds, deal with those cravings in a protein positive way, but I can't because I'm newly allergic to nuts.

    Also to reiterate the common themes, grazing, portion control, and sweets (killer sweet tooth)
  • niamibunni
    niamibunni Posts: 110 Member
    Night time snacks.

    I've eliminated all but the mint tea I now have as a 'snack'. No sweetener. Just mint tea and water.
  • amykay9377
    amykay9377 Posts: 98 Member
    My big thing is sugar. It's espacially hard because I LOVE to bake. Actually cooking in general is one of my main hobbies.

    I can easily eat 6-8 cookies worth of cookie dough and then 4 or 5 cookies when they are done. Cookie dough is my nemesis. Actually cookies in general. The other day I ate 11 cookies. It was shameful. I logged them all and went 2,000+ calories over my 1700-calorie goal.

    I recently have been getting into bread baking. It's actually much more satisfying than baking cookies. And although bread is pretty calorific as well, I don't have a desire to eat bread dough like I do cookie dough :)

    Wow, I could have written this post almost word for word! I love sugar, especially in baked goods (cookies, cake, danishes, etc). I've taken to only baking for special occasions precisely for the reason you mentioned - it's so easy to eat a scoop here or a scoop there, and before you realize it, you've eaten a dozen unbaked cookies. And of course, you have to taste a cookie when it's baked to make sure it came out well!

    I'm still trying to get good at baking. I love bread too, but I can't get it right yet...

    Eating in bed, at night is a huge hurdle I'm trying to get over. My family and I eat dinner at 7pm and I generally head to bed by 8 (I like to watch TV, the family doesn't, so I might as well be comfy!). However, I just want a snack after dinner (a sweet one, of course!) and it's gotten to the point that bedtime = sweet time. I've tried the 'brush your teeth after dinner' thing, and it doesn't make me want to break the habit. I'm getting better with "watch the news for 15 minutes and if you still want a snack, get up, put on your robe and slippers and go get it" trick. That is helping a bit.