How do you motivate yourself??

denicka Posts: 12
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I've been trying to lose weight/tone up for a while now and I have yet to reach my goal because I seem to completely lack the discipline to continue working hard to get fit, which is surprising because that's literally all I think about and strive for. Sometimes I just get extremely discouraged though and it takes A LOT of energy to get back on track with working out and eating well.

So I'm just wondering how do you keep yourselves motivated?? I am so amazed whenever I see peoples' posts of their transformations and their adherence to their exercise routines and diets. I'm just curious how you're able to be so disciplined, because I really really want to be that way too :)


  • heather1945
    heather1945 Posts: 117 Member
    If you've worked hard to get something, your weight loss for instance, will work twice as hard to keep it.....:-}
  • RoshadReid
    RoshadReid Posts: 24
    What I have heard and collected from stories and motivation methods are think about what you will look like after the hard work. Give yourself a reward every so often. It will keep you fueled to keep going. My motivation is knowing that I wil be "such and such" much closer to getting a six-pack. lol
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I see every little bit of exercise as getting me closer to my goal, which makes it easier. My struggle is getting it done in the morning, and sometimes I have to manipulate myself into doing it at 5:00 AM. This week the only reason I managed to get out of bed was knowing that I had to put gas in my car if I wanted to make it to work that day and my gym is next to the gas station where I get 30 cents off per gallon.

    If you do nothing else, walk. At every opportunity you can. Incorporate long walks into your weekends, and shorter walks into your work day. Over time you will do more and more, but every little bit helps. Twenty minutes a day is an extra 700 calories burned that wasn't burned before, and you probably won't have to go out of your way to make it happen. No gym, no special equipment, just you and two feet.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I look at my before pictures and realize I never want to be like that again.

    I look at my pictures now and realize that I look pretty darn great and want to stay this way.

    I'm maintenance now and while it is different than weight loss mode - I still have goals I want to reach. Things I want to accomplish if for no other reason than to be able to say - I DID IT!
  • LoxodontaLover
    LoxodontaLover Posts: 1 Member
    I find it very difficult to stay motivated too. The best advice I have gotten is similar to what Ruststar said, set realistic short-term goals using a SMART goal setting method (specifying how much you will lose, by when, and how exactly you will reach the goal). Then once you meet that, take the goal out a little bit farther. So instead of looking at the 50 lbs. one might have to lose, break it up into 10 or even 5 lb. increments.
  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    I haven't hit my goal by any means but this is the first time EVER that I've been able to stick to a lifestyle change for more than 2 weeks. I realized what works for me is setting mini goals. I have 114lbs to lose so if I look at that it's a HUGE number and I get discouraged, so my first mini goal was lose 5% of my weight and I did in two weeks! So that made me strive to hit my second mini goal and so on. It's really working for me! :) Good luck on your journey! You CAN totally do this!
  • diana77
    diana77 Posts: 59 Member
    Short terms are the best way to go.....always works and are easy to stick too
  • path2a6pack
    path2a6pack Posts: 27 Member
    three days ago my lady was browsing the net and landed on a video for Tony the guy from P90X and we are doing the program. He was talking about how to lose the belly and love handles - three minutes into it he said I can post thousands of video's lessons moves but the truth is go go out move now hit the track for an hour power walk with light weights and move your arms - I did wait around for the you tube clip to end i got dressed headed to the track and did a 90 minute intense walk and next day wow - its very simple in my mind
    1- It is a very difficult path so accept it
    2- its about moving and just doing rather than thinking
    3- its about saying no to others and food more often than you say yes
    4- its resisiting a big MAC late at night when every fibre of your body calls for it
    5- its about cheating every so often just not to go insane

    use visualization techniques of how you will look like why and what -
    you can read so much but while reading this you should be out the door moving and even finish my words - just move move move move
    sorry i am going out for a second walk :) see ya
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    I think about my five year old granddaughter and how I want to be able to watch her grow up and do things with her and even her children one day. I also think about the many years both of my parents spent suffering with ailments that were brought on primarily from lack of a healthy lifestyle....and how they both were gone before either of my children were grown. These two things help me decide every day that I will live my life like someone who wants to live.
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    My motivation has stayed pretty high every since I was sent to a cardiologist and had an angiogram. I just remind myself that I have two blockages one is small but the other sure isn't! I really really really do not feel like having a stint put in or a heart attack today. Yep does it every time!

    I just started this site. I have gone from 265 and lost down to 192 after back surgery but gained back up with the knee injury and surgery. I might fall down but I always get back up :)
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    For me, motivation is a life long process. It takes self reflections and deep thoughts about who you are and how you got there.

    It's different for everyone I suppose.

    I stay on track for the simple reason that I don't want to get off track and live life like I used to.

    Simple and yet not easy!

    I visualize, I call upon the Higher Spirits that call to me, I study nutrtion and fitness research....... and like you I listen to others and what they learned.

    I'm present, right here and now, feeling my feelings and deciding who I want to be.....

    You can make it happen for you too. We all can.

  • tjwolf13
    tjwolf13 Posts: 14
    When I was younger I used to be a big health and fitness nut so I know what I am doing. I understand a lot about both diet and exercise. I am not an expert of course, but I know quite a bit. My problem recently has been a matter of DOING not KNOWING. My motivation comes when I get people, even friends, who act like I know NOTHING about health. They are always giving me advice and it is usually something I have known since I was twelve or something I know is wrong. I have come to realize I need to look like I know what I am talking about otherwise no one will listen to me ever.
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    I have to remind myself everyday that I can't live like this anymore. I'm tired of saying tomorrow because tomorrow always comes and goes. This is my one and only body so i might as well take care of it the best i can.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Everyone has good advice. Am just going to add my two cents, you have to tap into what you really want and make sure it's constantly in your focus. Some of the folks who've already posted do this by using pictures, others look at people/things around them. Watching your goal is also another way to keep your focus.

    The real question is why are you doing this? What do you hope to accomplish?

    Once you've answered those questions, you just need to find a way to keep that reminder fresh. Some folks even go so far as to post pictures, their goals, reminders where they have their moments of weakness--on the fridge, in the car, etc. Your reasons for doing this need to become a mantra for your life.

    Other than that, I check the Success Stories thread daily to remind me that my goal is possible. Seeing the success of others keeps me from giving up.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    i just have one question for you,

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