12.5 hours so far without a cig



  • I'm not coughing up any black stuff and i didn't the last 2 times i quit for 3.5 months. When is that supposed to start? Oh and 24 hrs and 35 minutes without a cigarette now. :happy:
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    It gets WAY easier, every hour, every day without a cigarette makes it easier.

    Really, I promise.

    If you give in now, you'll have to do the toughest bit all over again - so be very proud of the hours you've managed so far, just think you'll NEVER have to go through this again. Okay it's a horrible couple of days, but what's a couple of crappy days, compared to the extra lifespan you're giving yourself?

    Be strong, you CAN do this! You've done the hardest bit, just hang on in there.
  • ???????????
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Do not give up. If I can do it you can do it. I feel like I never even smoked... I quit 4/11/2010!
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    I never actually coughed up black stuff. I just coughed a little more sometimes and had to clear my throat ...it wasn't too much, in fact it was minor..so don't let that worry you.....
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    I'm not coughing up any black stuff and i didn't the last 2 times i quit for 3.5 months. When is that supposed to start? Oh and 24 hrs and 35 minutes without a cigarette now. :happy:

    24 hours is a victory! No worries on the hacking up a lung front--I never brought up black, though I did have some pretty productive coughing for a couple of weeks. I considered it my body's way of cleaning out the gunk and starting over.

    You're doing great--keep it up!

  • 28 hours now without a cigarette. The time seems to go by sooooooooooo slow.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    It'll speed up! Take baths, chew gum, walk, read, clean (cleaning was great for me!), do your nails, exercise, drink ice water, sew or do needlepoint, paint, dance, munch carrots-whatever, you'll get through and it'll be easier. I promise!

  • Almost 30 hours in and it's getting harder to breathe you would think going that long without smoking would make breathing easier not harder.
  • ALLEN CARR'S EASYWAY TO QUIT SMOKING - made my experience completely painless! (He also wrote "Easyweigh to lose weight - a little harder to implement, but interesting reading.)

    Keep it up! - Your body is going to love you even more!
  • I'm not really having that hard of a time not smoking just wondering if theres a way to make breathing easier since it seems to have gotten harder since quitting.
  • pattycake118
    pattycake118 Posts: 44 Member
    Congratulations! I've never smoked, but beating any addiction is a great feat and most defintely something to be proud of.

    This is great not only for you but for those around you. If you have kids you're not subjecting them to the second hand smoke. I don't even have asthma and I find it so hard to breath around smokers. Your teeth and hair will thank you. You won't have to stand out in the cold (if you go through chilly winters) just to satisfy your craving. There's so many little things that are going to be better in addition to your health.

    Keep up the hard work!
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