So frustrated.....

Today is my birthday, so over the weekend I indulged. HOWEVER, I was also on the treadmill for over 2 miles Saturday and almost right at 3 miles last night. I got on the scale this morning and it said I had gained over 2 pounds since last Thursday!
This seriously cannot be physically possible! Yes, I splurged at dinner and had dessert Saturday night and had a big breakfast and dessert yesterday for birthday activities, but there's no way I ate an extra almost 8000 calories to make me legitimately gain over 2 pounds.
I'm so over this yoyo type of situation.

Any tips? Advice? Thoughts on why the scale is showing that much of a gain?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    It's temporary water weight.

    Increased exercise does it
    Increased sodium does it
    Increased Carbs does it
    ToM and Ovulation do too.

    See where I'm going with this?
    Weight fluctuates constantly. Weight loss isn't linear. That's why it's important to look at the overall trend instead.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    You gained because you overindulged in sodium so you retained water. Never weigh yourself first thing after a weekend where you've indulged. Wait until about Thursday or Friday to weigh so that sodium can pee itself out.
  • nikkerbob
    nikkerbob Posts: 78 Member
    I've posted about this before for myself (get ready for some rude comments !!) The helpful comments I got was it was more just water weight, you probably ate a lot more sodium (of if your "aunt flow" is coming) then you normally do, so its just water weight. Once you get back at it, over the week those 2 pounds will be long gone !! Don't "sweat" it, enjoy you birthday and get back at it tomorrow !!!
  • Rbart711
    Rbart711 Posts: 3 Member
    Ignore and just keep going, just keep swimming...
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    No biggie, don't worry about the scale so much. Go back to eating right, be active and it'll come right back off
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    This happens to me all the time...especially after working out in any type of way. It's so irritating to see the scale move that much (I'm 5'3 so 2-3 pounds for me is a lot) when you know it's probably not warranted.
  • StencilChild
    StencilChild Posts: 60 Member
    Certain foods with high sodium content can also cause water retension. Drink more water than normal, a bit more cardio to sweat it out, and you should be fine. 2 cups of water, 16oz, equals 1lbs. It can add up quickly.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    fitmek wrote: »
    This happens to me all the time...especially after working out in any type of way. It's so irritating to see the scale move that much (I'm 5'3 so 2-3 pounds for me is a lot) when you know it's probably not warranted.

    If you're new to exercise, haven't exercised in a while or are increasing your exercise, your muscles will hold on to water for repair.

    Again, it's temporary.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    It's weight gain. It's not fat gain. You're weighing the total contents of your body - bone, blood, muscle, organs, etc. in addition to fat.

    Two pounds is about four glasses of water, and as people pointed out, there are several reasons you are probably retaining extra water.

    Any day to day scale change is meaningless. What is meaningful is the long term trend.
  • holly_roman
    holly_roman Posts: 116 Member
    I started working out last week and unfortunately had my ToM this weekend and I stepped on the scale today, I was 5lbs heavier then last week. yes 5lbs! very frustrating. I am 5'2 so a little shorter and it definitely shows when I gain even in the slightest. It sounds like it is water weight for you. I am sure you will not even see it come the end of the week. GL!
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    I started working out last week and unfortunately had my ToM this weekend and I stepped on the scale today, I was 5lbs heavier then last week. yes 5lbs! very frustrating. I am 5'2 so a little shorter and it definitely shows when I gain even in the slightest. It sounds like it is water weight for you. I am sure you will not even see it come the end of the week. GL!
    Thank you. I'm so glad it's not just me. I hope to see some changes soon --not that I'm expecting them to happen overnight :)
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Birthday! Enjoy your splurge. You didn't gain any real weight. Trust in what you're doing, and it'll all work out in the end.
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    Thanks all!! Maybe cutting back on sodium and increasing water is essential for my weight loss journey. I typically get no more than 5 glasses of water a day...eek
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    It's not the sodium itself, it's just that processed and restaurant foods are high in it. So if you but back on the restaurant and fast food you'll automatically be cutting back on the sodium.

    Unless you have a medical condition, cutting back on sodium isn't necessary and won't affect your weight loss. Weight loss is ultimately about cutting down excess calories. And those fast foods and restaurant calories are pretty dense.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    If you know that your weight fluctuates easily, I'm not sure why you're so upset about it. Many women gain weight due to hormonal flux at ovulation and at the onset of menses. If you have an average 28 day cycle, that's every two weeks. Then you have water weight gain due to eating more carbs and sodium than you do usually. So there are four different ways that you are gaining/losing water weight and none of them are worth getting upset about.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    fitmek wrote: »
    Thanks all!! Maybe cutting back on sodium and increasing water is essential for my weight loss journey. I typically get no more than 5 glasses of water a day...eek

    Five glasses may actually be fine for you. I know MFP says 8 glasses, but think about it: That same 8-glass recommendation is made for someone your size AND for a 6'2" 240-pounder like me.

    But I will echo the sentiment that 2 pounds isn't necessarily something to fret over, especially because this weekend was somewhat unique for you. A big thing for those who use the scale is to try to be as consistent as possible and your birthday celebration means that this measurement wasn't taken under your normal circumstances.

    I know the yo-yoing is annoying (my bosses are always dogging me about my weight), but weight loss isn't exactly linear. We just have to remember we're looking to lose as part of an extended trend over a longer timeframe.
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    csuhar wrote: »
    fitmek wrote: »
    Thanks all!! Maybe cutting back on sodium and increasing water is essential for my weight loss journey. I typically get no more than 5 glasses of water a day...eek

    Five glasses may actually be fine for you. I know MFP says 8 glasses, but think about it: That same 8-glass recommendation is made for someone your size AND for a 6'2" 240-pounder like me.

    But I will echo the sentiment that 2 pounds isn't necessarily something to fret over, especially because this weekend was somewhat unique for you. A big thing for those who use the scale is to try to be as consistent as possible and your birthday celebration means that this measurement wasn't taken under your normal circumstances.

    I know the yo-yoing is annoying (my bosses are always dogging me about my weight), but weight loss isn't exactly linear. We just have to remember we're looking to lose as part of an extended trend over a longer timeframe.

    Thank you! This happens to me alllll the time and the more emphasis I put on cutting something down, or thinking about what I'm eating, the more weight I gain in the end. It's so frustrating.

  • alyssa_rest
    alyssa_rest Posts: 276 Member
    If I eat ANYTHING remotely overly salted, I can fluctuate up to 5 pounds. I've learned it ignore it and weigh myself every two weeks instead of every day. It wasn't healthy for me to feel down on myself because the scale kept moving. I'm actually seeing a downward trend now, which helps me stay motivated.
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    If I eat ANYTHING remotely overly salted, I can fluctuate up to 5 pounds. I've learned it ignore it and weigh myself every two weeks instead of every day. It wasn't healthy for me to feel down on myself because the scale kept moving. I'm actually seeing a downward trend now, which helps me stay motivated.

    I'm sure I'm not doing myself ANY favors by eating soups and salads out at lunch everyday bc even though they are low Calorie, I know they are loaded w sodium.

    Just thinking about not weighing myself for a few weeks does make me feel a little better---I'll try it and see if I notice any improvements.