Tips for losing weight when you work in an office 730am - 5pm



  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I work 7-4 at a desk job, and have lost 98lbs in the last 13 months. The most important thing has been controlling my calorie intake.
    But in terms of activity, I work out on my lunch break, and also in the evenings after my little ones (5 and 2) go to bed. I park as far from the building as I can. I use any excuse I can to get up from my desk and walk. I take the long way to wherever I'm going. I always take the stairs.
    There are also tons of really short workouts (like 15 minutes or less) on could maybe try to incorporate those into your evenings or something.
    It can definitely be challenging to get the activity in, but how much one eats is really the most important part of weight loss.
  • 20likenow
    20likenow Posts: 40 Member
    I work 8-5 and don't get up other than lunch. I pre plan all of my snacks. I walk on my lunch break and stay within my calorie goals. I try to workout as much as possible. Put the baby in a stroller and walk after dinner.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    cmcmurray wrote:
    I try to follow a 1200-1500 calorie diet but tbh I always by 330 end up needing some sort of chocolate to help me through.
    Are you eating enough calories? If you're trying to cut too much, you'll be miserable.
    Here's a post I did about goal setting, including weight, calories, and macros.
    It links to reputable information, such as the Baylor College of Medicine calculator at the end of the
    first section. It takes into account your age, height, weight, and activity to show not only how many
    calories you need, but also how many servings of the food groups.
    If you're on target with a healthy weight goal & calorie level, look at what you're eating. Could you
    swap some high-calorie-density food for one that would give you more volume / weight for the
    same calories, so you feel fuller longer? Or spread out the protein & fat (because those satiate)
    among all your snacks & meals?
    Consider a different afternoon snack. To stay with chocolate, try a sugar-free fat-free fudgesicle, or
    s-f f-f pudding made with skim milk, or hot cocoa, or _a_ serving of dark chocolate (and savor it).

    I have to pick my little one up from nursery so I cant park further away as he needs picked up literally as I arrive
    Can you take the kidlet for a walk around the parking lot after you rescue him from daycare?
    Or how about stopping at a park (in nicer weather) for a walk together.

    At work, when you go to sit down do it twice. You just did 2 squats.
    Waiting on the elevator, do toe raises.
    When you're on the phone, and don't need to be seated, get up. Pace if you can, but even just standing
    burns more calories than sitting.
    Be inefficient - instead of taking 5 pages to the copier, take one, copy it, walk it back to your desk,
    then get the next.
    While you're waiting, do some presses with a box of paper. Or arm exercises with a ream in each hand.
    Take the stairs when you can.
    Park further away at work & walk faster to your car. Go one row further out, next week two.
  • jprewitt1
    jprewitt1 Posts: 264 Member
    Check this out for your afternoon chocolate fix:

    It's really good, on the lower end of calories, high protein, and really good. It definitely hits the spot for me.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    I work 9-5.30 and get a lift to work at 8.30 so parking further away is never my choice! I do a 20 minute walk during my only half hour break of the day and find as many excuses to get up as possible (coffee maker is a great excuse and people in the office love you for it!) Also drinking loads of water means extra toilet breaks. By the time 5.30 comes Im usually tired but will force myself to gym 3 nights during the week, the other two I have local walks round the houses (you could bring your wee one with you!) If I still have steps to make by the time Im home (fitbit user) I make laps round the house whilst tidying or round the living area whilst watching tv :)

    As of this week Ive also set my alarm earlier to make me walk 30 mins before breakfast as the days get lighter earlier this wil become easier too!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I get my water and print jobs on the floor below me and take the stairs. I take a 15-30 minute walk during lunch. I make one-on-one meetings walking meetings when possible (it helps that my company culture encourages this).
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    count calories and go to the gym before, during lunch, or after if you want to
  • robingmurphy
    robingmurphy Posts: 349 Member
    First, as stated above, your diet is the #1 thing that will get you to weight loss. Make sure you are hitting a moderate calorie deficit. If you have a stressful life, I'd recommend trying for maybe 1 lb a week (500 calorie deficit a day). Having said that, there are ways to fit in exercise. Have you tried to pop the kid into a jogging stroller and walk? You can even push a stroller at the gym where I work out. I remember being so thankful for that option when my kids were little. Also, my gym has childcare which helped a lot.
  • asapmust
    asapmust Posts: 6 Member
    I've been there and at times it's hard to squeeze in a mini-workout. My husband and I own a business and I'm stuck in the office 9:00 to 7:00 or later. But having said that ... I finally kicked myself in the butt and said no more excuses! I take extra steps wherever I can. I walk to the farthest ladies room and on the way back to my desk, I walk in place for one song (or more if the phone doesn't ring) each time. If you're drinking tons of water, you can do this quite a few times a day. I also do "monthly challenges" that I'm able to do at work. Right now I'm doing a squat challenge - which is very easy to do at your desk (if you don't mind your hubby chuckling when he catches you - lol). I found that if I pack my lunch and put dinner in the crock pot before I leave for work, it's easier to ignore the cravings. Even though by the time I get home, let the dogs out, straighten up blah blah blah - I continue with stepping in place and challenge myself to reach 10,000 steps on days I can't get to the gym. Right now its hard to get to the gym because we have a dog with kidney failure and I go straight home to take care of him.
    It's just as easy to make excuses as it is to get in steps - at least in my case.
  • robingmurphy
    robingmurphy Posts: 349 Member
    Try wearing a FitBit. I find it very motivating for getting in extra steps as walk to and from the building at work, take the stairs, etc.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    This seems to be a hot topic these days. People with normal day jobs that can't find time in their schedule. I don't really understand the problem as I've always worked this schedule and found it the most convenient to make time to work out.
  • pussingtonp
    pussingtonp Posts: 59 Member
    I work from 730 - 330 with an hour and a half commute each way - so I feel you! I have started to bring my own lunch, all weighed and measured, to keep track of what I am eating. I try to have a 0 calorie coke to boost me in the afternoon, and I always budget for chocolate in the afternoon - either a small bar or some malteaser (malteasers are 10 calories each, so it's easy to budget them out!!).

    What I do now, is I walk part of my commute, which doesn't sound like an option for you. I drink a lot of water at work, which makes me pee - so I go to the bathroom on a different floor / different bathroom every time, to get a little bit of walking in.

  • RebelHips
    RebelHips Posts: 12 Member
    Such great suggestions in here!

    Though these may have been mentioned before, here's what I've found helpful in my 6:30am-3:00pm, M-F gig:
    - I use my two 15-minute breaks to go outside and walk.
    - I walk to the printer often, instead of letting documents pile up and picking them up all at once.
    - I sneak in squats and lunges while waiting for my food to heat up or walking to the bathroom.
    - I moved all my files from my desk so that I have to walk to a cabinet across my office to get one.
    - I drink a pot (3-4 cups) of unsweetened green tea every morning before lunch, and sometimes again after. Though, i'll probably be substituting lemon water as the weather warms up (i'm in So Cal).

    And I totally feel you on that 3:30 craving - such a pain in the butt!
    I'm currently struggling with my "after work diet". I eat super well while at work, but as soon as I get home, I attack the fridge :neutral: I've been pre-making myself 'snack packs' for this very reason - containers of raw veggies (I like broccoli, baby rainbow carrots and mini sweet peppers) and Lavash flatbread to eat with hummus. It fills me up just enough so that I can focus on a nutritious dinner, rather than stuff whatever's around in my mouth. They're super portable too, so you can bring them to work for those 3:30 cravings. You can throw in some fruit too, if it's the sugar that's getting you.

  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Take your toddler to the mall after work. Spend an hour chasing your toddler, saying "Where are you going?" "Hey, don't touch that!" etc etc. Best workout ever, especially if you pause and pick your child up over your head ever so many yards. As your child grows, so do your biceps. Plus it's quality time with your kiddo!
    I'm mostly kidding- I only do this with toddlers that I borrow from time to time. It might not be a sustainable exercise plan long time. ;)

    But maybe you can find some room to exercise at home- Get some exercise bands, yoga videos, (there are Mommy Yoga and Pilates vids that incorporate play with your child into them!), hula hoops, kettle bells, fitness balls- whatever looks fun to you- and take twenty minutes after dinner to get moving a little.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I would get a Fitbit or some other activity monitor - then you can see where you're at and work your way up. I remember barely getting 500 steps in some days. Then I saw on a couple different shows, that you shoul get up every 45-60 minutes. So, I started getting up once an hour and taking a lap or two around the office....started getting more like 2000 steps in before I'd leave work, depending on the day. I have two kids too, and understand the sleepless nights.
  • walking2running
    walking2running Posts: 140 Member
    I have two kids , five and two, and I work full time. I wake up at 4:30am to get in 45 mins of cardio. I can do 60mins on weekends. I log like a mad woman but I don't own a scale. My weight loss is steady. I was struggling with my eating and snacking at night, mainly bc getting home with the kids and getting through the feeding, bathing, homework, bedtime routine is so exhaust ing that I would you food as a stress relief. When the kids went to bed I would use food to wind down. Now I feed myself dinner early ... As soon as I get home actually. And I find other ways to relax, such as drinking tea or sipping on coffee
  • asapmust
    asapmust Posts: 6 Member
    I agree . . . the Fitbit is great for tracking and being accountable. I try to get 2000 + steps before leaving for work in the mornings and my goal is to leave work with at least 6000 steps. It's easy to get the remaining 4000 steps to reach 10,000 because you run around like a knucklehead when you get home from work. :)
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I get up at 4:30am and leave the house at 5:30am, arrive at work at 6:30am. I don't leave until 3:30pm and get home around 5:00pm. I have a 3 year old at home as well. First thing I do is focus on cooking dinner and making sure I have a lunch packed for the next day. I might sneak in some exercise but to be honest it doesn't happen much because I feel drained by then.

    So if you don't have time to exercise, what do you do? Control your diet. Watch what you eat very carefully and eat more vegetables and little sweets. I get my exercise time in on the weekends where I'll go shopping and walk around the mall a lot, or I'll take my toddler for a long walk. When we go out we also park far away from the doors so it gives us more steps. I could do better by going for a walk at lunch which I'll try today.

    Do you have access to a gym during your lunch hour?
  • tmorton03
    tmorton03 Posts: 22 Member
    Even if you can't exercise often, 75%-80% of weight loss is based on your diet. So try to eat more protein, fruits, and vegetables than carbs while following your suggested calorie intake. Good luck!
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    Diet is losing weight, exercise is for the cellulite. Focus on the weight loss first. Pre-log your meals in advance and drink lots of water.