Is yoga enough?

whatshedid Posts: 11 Member
edited February 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
Is yoga (60 mins a day) enough to keep you fit? I'm having trouble losing my stomach fat (I know you can't spot reduce, although it would be nice if you could!) and I'm not sure whether it is because I'm not doing a hardcore work out. I hurt my lower back a few weeks ago and yoga helped when other exercise hurt. I also try to walk a couple of miles every day.

If it is not the yoga problem, I'm not sure if I'm not losing fat because I'm not having enough calories, but I find when I have over 1300 I seem to put on weight, some days I barely scrape 1000.

Thanks for the help in advance

EDIT: Forgot to include I weigh 110 pounds and am 5ft. Healthy weight but still need to lose my stomach fat!


  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    There's a saying... Abs are made in the kitchen! meaning that abdominal fat and being able to see definition is very determinate on your diet. Yoga is not an intense cardio or strength workout, therefore it's not going to really help you shed pounds, but it can provide overall toning and a improved physique, stress reduction and improved flexibility. Loosing weight/fat is going to come from your diet. There is some research that suggests people who do you yoga regularly loose weight, more through becoming more mindful eaters, having decreased stress which leads to reduced calorie consumption, etc.

    Working on your core strength will help tighten up your middle (it won't get rid of fat but you it can pull things in). Just because you are doing yoga does not necessarily mean you are adequately working/training your core or doing it properly. Improving your core strength will also help reduce your back pain and prevent further back pain recurrence. Core incorporates abdominals, back, hip/pelvic girdle and some include shoulder griddle too.
  • whatshedid
    whatshedid Posts: 11 Member
    fernt21 wrote: »
    There's a saying... Abs are made in the kitchen! meaning that abdominal fat and being able to see definition is very determinate on your diet. Yoga is not an intense cardio or strength workout, therefore it's not going to really help you shed pounds, but it can provide overall toning and a improved physique, stress reduction and improved flexibility. Loosing weight/fat is going to come from your diet. There is some research that suggests people who do you yoga regularly loose weight, more through becoming more mindful eaters, having decreased stress which leads to reduced calorie consumption, etc.

    Working on your core strength will help tighten up your middle (it won't get rid of fat but you it can pull things in). Just because you are doing yoga does not necessarily mean you are adequately working/training your core or doing it properly. Improving your core strength will also help reduce your back pain and prevent further back pain recurrence. Core incorporates abdominals, back, hip/pelvic girdle and some include shoulder griddle too.

    I'm also doing 2 miles of walking a day, and as for diet I'm never over my calorie goal (1400). Should I do more intense cardio?
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Is 60 min yogs enough to keep me fit? No, but I probably have different goals and health issues then you.

    You don't have to do "hardcore" workouts to lose belly fat, only eat in a deficit.

    How long have you kept at that calorie intake?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    fit enough for what?
    Enough to run a marathon? nope
    fit enough to do yoga? yes

    totally depends on your personal level of expectations in the "fit" department. For me that would never be enough. But for you it might be- are you satisfied with how you look and feel doing yoga only?
  • whatshedid
    whatshedid Posts: 11 Member
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    Is 60 min yogs enough to keep me fit? No, but I probably have different goals and health issues then you.

    You don't have to do "hardcore" workouts to lose belly fat, only eat in a deficit.

    How long have you kept at that calorie intake?

    For 3 months. I also do 2 miles of walking a day.
  • whatshedid
    whatshedid Posts: 11 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    fit enough for what?
    Enough to run a marathon? nope
    fit enough to do yoga? yes

    totally depends on your personal level of expectations in the "fit" department. For me that would never be enough. But for you it might be- are you satisfied with how you look and feel doing yoga only?

    Fit on average. I do 2 miles of walking a day as well. I don't know what you're implying when you ask when I'm happy about how I look but I'm 110 pounds at 5 foot so I'm hardly fat.

    To be honest I find the way you worded your question quite rude, you should reconsider the way you word things because it can be really upsetting to people who have previously suffered from eating disorders.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    She wasn't being rude. She was just saying that people have different goals. Are you happy with your level of fitness? That's all.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    This would really depend on how fit you care to be. Yoga is great and I do it regularly, but it is only one aspect of my overall fitness
  • whatshedid
    whatshedid Posts: 11 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    She wasn't being rude. She was just saying that people have different goals. Are you happy with your level of fitness? That's all.

    Well the way she said it hurt my feelings, I just wanted to advise her that wording things so bluntly may upset people especially on a site about weight loss which is a sensitive isssue to a lot of people.
  • whatshedid
    whatshedid Posts: 11 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    This would really depend on how fit you care to be. Yoga is great and I do it regularly, but it is only one aspect of my overall fitness

    I'm being vain and mostly focused on the way I look. I want to lose stomach fat and a strong core, I have a big calorie deficit and just wondered if I needed to do more cardio (I do 2 miles of walking a day)
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    She really didn't say anything bad at all. If you are happy with yoga and walking than that's enough. It's not enough for me as I love muscles so in order to meet my goals I lift heavy and I like long distance running so I run.
  • whatshedid
    whatshedid Posts: 11 Member
    She really didn't say anything bad at all. If you are happy with yoga and walking than that's enough. It's not enough for me as I love muscles so in order to meet my goals I lift heavy and I like long distance running so I run.

    I was just offended by how bluntly it was worded, and found it surprising on a website about weight loss which is a sensitive issue to a lot of people.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    whatshedid wrote: »
    She really didn't say anything bad at all. If you are happy with yoga and walking than that's enough. It's not enough for me as I love muscles so in order to meet my goals I lift heavy and I like long distance running so I run.

    I was just offended by how bluntly it was worded, and found it surprising on a website about weight loss which is a sensitive issue to a lot of people.

    So we know, I'm curious how would you have phrased her answer such that it wouldn't have been insensitive in your opinion.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    edited February 2016
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    whatshedid wrote: »
    She really didn't say anything bad at all. If you are happy with yoga and walking than that's enough. It's not enough for me as I love muscles so in order to meet my goals I lift heavy and I like long distance running so I run.

    I was just offended by how bluntly it was worded, and found it surprising on a website about weight loss which is a sensitive issue to a lot of people.

    So we know, I'm curious how would you have phrased her answer such that it wouldn't have been insensitive in your opinion.

    I'm curious, too, as I don't think the other member was rude.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    There is no pooch eliminating exercise. But yoga must be great for flexibility and stretching out sore muscles. That walking, too, helps you be strong overall. Both should help you build a nice strong set of ab muscles.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    whatshedid wrote: »
    Is yoga (60 mins a day) enough to keep you fit? I'm having trouble losing my stomach fat (I know you can't spot reduce, although it would be nice if you could!) and I'm not sure whether it is because I'm not doing a hardcore work out. I hurt my lower back a few weeks ago and yoga helped when other exercise hurt. I also try to walk a couple of miles every day.

    If it is not the yoga problem, I'm not sure if I'm not losing fat because I'm not having enough calories, but I find when I have over 1300 I seem to put on weight, some days I barely scrape 1000.

    Thanks for the help in advance

    EDIT: Forgot to include I weigh 110 pounds and am 5ft. Healthy weight but still need to lose my stomach fat!

    You need to figure out how to estimate your body fat percentage and work on reducing body fat. As others have said, the primary tool is diet, but some cardio and strength training would probably help. Yoga is usually recommended for flexibility, balance, and mental conditioning. You do get a little stronger, but don't realize the strength gains you'd have with weights.

    And as someone else also said, what constitutes being"fit" is partly subjective.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited February 2016
    whatshedid wrote: »
    Is yoga (60 mins a day) enough to keep you fit? I'm having trouble losing my stomach fat (I know you can't spot reduce, although it would be nice if you could!) and I'm not sure whether it is because I'm not doing a hardcore work out. I hurt my lower back a few weeks ago and yoga helped when other exercise hurt. I also try to walk a couple of miles every day.

    If it is not the yoga problem, I'm not sure if I'm not losing fat because I'm not having enough calories, but I find when I have over 1300 I seem to put on weight, some days I barely scrape 1000.

    Thanks for the help in advance

    EDIT: Forgot to include I weigh 110 pounds and am 5ft. Healthy weight but still need to lose my stomach fat!
    Ummm, do you see that you answered your own question? The reason you can't reduce is because you can't spot reduce. As for yoga, its contribution to fitness would depend on the type of yoga. There are relaxation/flexibility types of yoga and there are cardio/strength types of yoga. Most people would need more than yoga to keep fit.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited February 2016
    Are you doing the yoga at a studio or at home?
    I have found trying to do yoga at home, especially before taking classes, that I don't engage or use the muscles correctly.
    Good posture and engagement of the abs and obliques while completing each move will improve the core muscles.

    The visceral fat and organs beneath the muscles will be supported better and the subcutaneous fat on top of the muscle will improve in look.

    Try working something like Nerdfitness, a complete body work routine into your routine 3 non consecutive days a week if you are exercising from home.

    At 5' and 110 lbs why are you on a huge calorie deficit. That also indicates that you may be eating under 1200 a day.
    Eat the minimum of 1200 and some of your exercise calories back. You are losing strength and muscle if you are under. Also consistently eating under 1200 could lead to health problems.

    Cheers, h.
  • RebelDiamond
    RebelDiamond Posts: 188 Member
    1. Fitness is subjective - it depends on how fit you would like to be. Opinions on "average" fitness vary greatly between different people.
    2. Being blunt and being rude are different things. Blunt is straight forward expression, rude is thoughtless/purposefully hurtful expression.
    3. If yoga is good for your injury keep doing it! If you feel like its getting too easy, do more or try a yoga style/class with higher intensity (vinyasa hot yoga, flow yoga or bikram yoga).

    I love yoga, I go to vinyasa hot yoga once a week plus 3-4 days of various other exercise a week. Do what makes you happy and brings you the results you're looking for.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    Verdenal wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    whatshedid wrote: »
    She really didn't say anything bad at all. If you are happy with yoga and walking than that's enough. It's not enough for me as I love muscles so in order to meet my goals I lift heavy and I like long distance running so I run.

    I was just offended by how bluntly it was worded, and found it surprising on a website about weight loss which is a sensitive issue to a lot of people.

    So we know, I'm curious how would you have phrased her answer such that it wouldn't have been insensitive in your opinion.

    I'm curious, too, as I don't think the other member was rude.

    Me, either. I just took it as a way of assisting the OP to define OP's fitness goals.