How to surive food addiction?



  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Any food addicts feel free to add me!! I'm 29 from Ireland and joined this site to sort it out.I have eaten upto 5000 kcals in one go.strangely my weight goes up by one stone then I panic and do diet milkshakes to get my weight back down. Then I binge again and so the cycle continues. in one day I've been known to have a box of cereal, .5 litre ice-cream, 6 bars,packet biscuits....need I go on? It's absolutely disgusting a d I usually wake up next day devastated. But it's all changing now!!!
  • vicksters31
    vicksters31 Posts: 40 Member
    Sorry I dont have much time so I'll just bullet point a few ideas that might help you!

    - Plan out every (healthy!) meal you are going to eat the day before.
    - Make a snack list of low calorie, nutritious foods that you can pick one or two from to have with a big glass of water if you get hungry.
    - Have a constant 'to do' list, and complete at least one thing from that list if you still feel like you need to binge affter visiting the snack list.
    -Try not to have unhealthy foods in the house, if you see them or know they're there, you'll want them. And then, if you're like me, you'll think screw it I've ruined it anyway now and have the whole packet!