Anyone on "The Wild Diet"

tryin2die2self Posts: 207 Member
I started the Wild Diet five days ago. Love where it is going. Is anyone else out there on it or one of it's Paleo cousins? If so, I would like to be your friend. If you are not but are interested, then I would like to be your friend.

That said, if you are not on those kinds of diets but would like to be a friend... I am down for that too :smile: However, I don't want to stear a low fat diet person onto a road of bacon and butter fat for breakfast. Which are two of the four things I had this morning :smiley:


  • chaunasmith
    chaunasmith Posts: 26 Member
    I bought the book and it just came in a few days ago. On page 70 something. I love what I'm reading so far. I've never been one to be anti-processed foods but his book is evidence-based and he pulls from some good resources. It has been making me think twice about certain foods and reading some of ways they process our food and the chemicals involved, made my stomach turn.
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    My overactive imagination is conjuring images of what the wild diet must I'm leaving now.
  • MurderMeSomeFat
    MurderMeSomeFat Posts: 68 Member
    I was hooked when I read about Pet duet in his book. I have fed my standard poodles prey model raw for 2 years! He doesn't explain anything and his dirt is unbalanced but he is on the right track!
    I did, however, cringe when he said to feed puréed vegetables to replace stomach contents of the prey. Wolves shake the contents out. They are after the digestive enzymes not the vegetable matter... Duh, feed green tripe. And the dehydrated liver, dogs need bone with that so they don't get rocket butt!!!

    I fasted yesterday for 16 hours and it was not miserable at all! I love eating!
    I experimented with farm fresh bacon wrapped avacado... OMFGOSH!!!!
  • LinFlemmer331
    LinFlemmer331 Posts: 100 Member
    I bought the book, not done reading yet. I watched the show, "My diet is better than yours." I've been watching podcasts, and have noticed that now that I am putting off eating until later, I am not as hungry. I am excited, and losing weight....finally! I have thought all along that "a calorie is a calorie", and "eat less, you will lose weight", was bologna! It sure wasn't working for me. I would love to connect with others thinking the same way.
  • RebelJD
    RebelJD Posts: 8 Member
    I have been transitioning into a paleo/wild diet this week. I have already lost two pounds and that's even with being a grumpy PMS lady that doesn't want to go to the gym and be around other people. Doing the 30 day multi-challenge app for squats, planks, sit ups, push-ups and that's basically it. I would love to connect with others doing similar things.
  • diesel073
    diesel073 Posts: 15 Member
    I just got my book in the mail and have begun reading it, I like what I am reading thus far, it makes a lot of sense. I haven't "started" this diet yet, but definitely plan to as soon as I am done reading. Would love to connect with others dong the same! Feel free to add.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    farm fresh bacon wrapped avacado...

    oh heavens YES!

  • epic13
    epic13 Posts: 3 Member
    I've been doing the wild diet for almost 2 weeks. I thoroughly enjoy it
  • mortaleyez
    mortaleyez Posts: 11 Member
    Hey everyone! Haven't officially started the Wild Diet, but I just bought the book and have been reading it. However, since 12/29/15 I've been doing low carb, high fat and have lost almost 25 lbs!
  • facex3nicole
    facex3nicole Posts: 10 Member
    Big fan of Abel and the wild diet, taking adds from like-minded :).
  • svinson319
    svinson319 Posts: 20 Member
    Abel James has a podcast called "the Fat Burning Man"...his voice is dreamy! And I love the diet. Just started IF based on the principles outlined in the book and the weight is finally coming off. Bulletproof coffee is great, also. Don't fear the fat! We need it!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    edited February 2016
    I am lchf/keto ...I started in October of last year...Feel free to add me :)
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I shoot the odd rabbit. Does that count?
  • ch68687
    ch68687 Posts: 1 Member
    I am!
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I shoot the odd rabbit. Does that count?

  • Graceraeg
    Graceraeg Posts: 84 Member
    What is the wild diet?
  • drablove
    drablove Posts: 6 Member
    Im loving LCHF. Over 1 month in! Id love lchf mfp friends, username is drablove.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited February 2016
    Graceraeg wrote: »
    What is the wild diet?

    My guess is a new name to rehash an already existing fad diet.

    ETA: After a quick look see, it appears to be a spinoff of it's like being a Lutheran instead of a Catholic I guess....

    Yay...nothing like a new label.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    I was hooked when I read about Pet duet in his book. I have fed my standard poodles prey model raw for 2 years! He doesn't explain anything and his dirt is unbalanced but he is on the right track!
    I did, however, cringe when he said to feed puréed vegetables to replace stomach contents of the prey. Wolves shake the contents out. They are after the digestive enzymes not the vegetable matter... Duh, feed green tripe. And the dehydrated liver, dogs need bone with that so they don't get rocket butt!!!

    I fasted yesterday for 16 hours and it was not miserable at all! I love eating!
    I experimented with farm fresh bacon wrapped avacado... OMFGOSH!!!!

    I have no idea what this diet entails and after reading the first part of this post I'm even MORE confused, but I just had to say that you have a great screen name!
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    Here on this mountaintop
    I got some wild, wild diet
    I got some news to tell ya
    About some wild, wild diet
    Here come the doctor in charge
    She's got some wild, wild diet
    Ain't that the way you like it?
    Ho, ha!
    Living wild, wild diet