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Struggling to meet calorie goal



  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Thanks to everyone who is being helpful. I do religiously log everything I eat for now so I know what I'm eating and how much (so I can make sure its accurate). I'll try and add it some of the higher calorie foods people suggested!

    I really think you are finding the wrong solution to your problem. Please buy and use a food scale first, before you start adding more calories to your day.
  • lyndefisher
    lyndefisher Posts: 54 Member
    Don't you love how people automatically assume that's how you've been eating? I went thru the same thing. Since being on MFP it's been a struggle to get all my calories in! I am now on maintenance and uppedvmy calories and that had been a challenge also!
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    edited February 2016
    Just looking at your diary for the past 2 days and I see there are some entries that are incorrect (raspberry vinaigrette for 3 Tbsp is typically more than 5 calories). Also I see you measure in mostly cups. Do you weigh everything you eat? This is a better way to measure what you are truly consuming. And I would think at only eating <1000 calories a day your Crossfit would suffer (I lift weights and if I don't eat enough I can tell. I typically eat 2200 cal a day don't know what would happen at 700 cal a day).
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm going to preface this by saying: I know I'm vastly under my calorie goal almost all the time. I only eat when I'm hungry, and I've been trying to stick to only healthy foods I make at home. I struggle to hit 700 calories, even when I do cross training (sprints and body weight exercises), and yoga. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I'm not really denying myself. If I wanted food, I'd eat food - if I want a cookie, well gosh darn it i'll have a cookie.

    I'm seeing a nutritionist next week, but any suggestions in the meantime?

    Frankly, I don't believe you. You did not become overweight by eating 700 calories per day.

    That low of an intake is absurd and is not a sustainable lifestyle.

    Exactly. Also your first log in is February 8 so I don't think you can say you religiously log . . . because it's only been one day.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Don't you love how people automatically assume that's how you've been eating? I went thru the same thing. Since being on MFP it's been a struggle to get all my calories in! I am now on maintenance and uppedvmy calories and that had been a challenge also!

    She says she's vastly under her calorie goal almost all the time in her original post.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit Yes, and those problems are what I'm trying to avoid by rectifying it early on. Criticizing me doesn't help anybody.

    And not accepting help and advice from someone who has loads of experience won't help you either .....

    but hey - what do i know ....

  • Rabidrunner
    Rabidrunner Posts: 117 Member
    edited February 2016
    I gotta give you a shout out here cakemunchkin (cute username by the way, I can never think of anything imaginative like that). People make assumptions about other people here without knowing all the facts. I actually completely understand where you're coming from. I have overhauled what I choose to eat and MFP has been an amazing tool for that. Now that I'm eating predominantly fresh veggies, whole grains, and lean meats I definitely have days where my calorie count is low and I'm thinking "ugh, I need to eat something more but the last thing on my mind is eating another damn thing today!"

    And for the record, the highest my BMI ever got was 24, so it doesn't help to jump to conclusions about how people did or did not become overweight. This may amaze some here but there are many people out there who decide to make changes even if they're still in the 'healthy' BMI range.

    However, as others have mentioned, there are a few good ways to add calories to the diet without adding bulk. This helps on those days where you're really full but need to add some calories. Here what I have in my bag of tricks:

    Nuts and seeds (add them to your salads!)
    Butter (add to cooking, on cinnamon toast)
    Dark chocolate
    Ice cream (especially home-made)

    Good luck!
  • pussingtonp
    pussingtonp Posts: 59 Member
    Cakemunchkin, looking at your diary it looks like you might not be logging accurately. Sometimes the estimates in MFP are off, for example a "banana" can weigh anything. Try to quantify things using a measurable scale, don't just eyeball. I don't eat much myself, but I found that that I was missestimating quite a bit when I didn't use my scales to weigh things. It's not always convenient to weigh things, but it will let you know how many calories you are actually eating.

    But if your not hungry don't eat, and you'll loose weight easily !
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited February 2016
    scottyxxx wrote: »
    Cakemunchkin, looking at your diary it looks like you might not be logging accurately. Sometimes the estimates in MFP are off, for example a "banana" can weigh anything. Try to quantify things using a measurable scale, don't just eyeball. I don't eat much myself, but I found that that I was missestimating quite a bit when I didn't use my scales to weigh things. It's not always convenient to weigh things, but it will let you know how many calories you are actually eating.

    But if your not hungry don't eat, and you'll loose weight easily !

    If someone's hunger signals are off (that is, if they really are eating 700 calories a day and it isn't a logging issue), the advice to not eat if they aren't hungery can be harmful.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I bet if you used a food scale and accurate food entries you would find that you may be eating more than you think. I suggest working on accuracy as well as getting more food in.

  • cakemunchkin
    cakemunchkin Posts: 12 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    I bet if you used a food scale and accurate food entries you would find that you may be eating more than you think. I suggest working on accuracy as well as getting more food in.


    Thank you, that's very helpful.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »

    ^Well, since I wrote it, of course I recommend this list for some food ideas. But I strongly urge the OP to take a look at what others are saying here about your logging. They aren't trying to tear you down, but to help with some of the very common mistakes most of us have made over the years. These are all things I wish someone had told me when I was just getting started. It would have saved me a lot of time and grief to take that advice on board.

    Also, someone here needs this: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10007789/flagged-content-reported-posts-warning-points?
  • cakemunchkin
    cakemunchkin Posts: 12 Member
    @diannethegeek I'm extremely grateful for the people offering helpful advice about logging and mistakes I might be making! Those making helpful suggestions are an invaluable resource - but the public and private messages calling me anorexic and a liar for asking for help are the reason why I deleted the post content.

    As I said in my edited post, but will reiterate now - thank you to those who are offering legitimate help!
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    @ Beermephile1 No, I became overweight by not exercising, eating crap, and emotional eating while I dealt with mental health issues. I've only started tracking my calorie intake for the last month. I reached out for help, theres no need to be such an *kitten*.

    Maybe my post was blunt but it is truthful and not intended to insult. If you could eat before you can eat now.

    It helps to have a thick skin on forums and not take offense when offered the truth.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited February 2016
    Do you weigh everything you eat on a food scale and religiously log everything you eat? For example, looking at this:


    Your Chex cereal at 1.5 cups to be accurately measured should be in grams. Your two ounces of chicken should be weighed on a food scale for accuracy. Your "one piece" of banana could be anywhere from 90 calories to 300 calories. I suspect you are eating more calories than you think.

    Also - how do you have 0.1 cup of broccoli and 1/8 a cup of frozen veggies? Can you even fit any of those kinds of veggies into an 1/8 of a cup? I also agree that you're probably eating a little more than you think you are.

    Edited because spelling is hard for me apparently.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited February 2016
    I don't mean this unkindly - it's just that I wonder if maybe it's more of a fear of eating more, than it is your ability to not eat more. I'm also a bit concerned that maybe your logging isn't accurate to be eating so little. It sounds like maybe what you could use some help with is a good plan for staying healthy, getting proper nutrition, and knowing how to keep it in balance. Have you considered maybe meeting with a nutritionist? You could get some great advice that way, and they could help you figure out what works for you

    Also, looking at the log posted from your diary, I'm wondering about your rice serving for lunch. Did you measure out 1/4 cup of rice after it was cooked, or is that referring to 1/4 cup of dry rice before it was cooked? That would make quite a difference in your calorie intake.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    Do you weigh everything you eat on a food scale and religiously log everything you eat? For example, looking at this:


    Your Chex cereal at 1.5 cups to be accurately measured should be in grams. Your two ounces of chicken should be weighed on a food scale for accuracy. Your "one piece" of banana could be anywhere from 90 calories to 300 calories. I suspect you are eating more calories than you think.

    Also - how do you have 0.1 cup of broccoli and 1/8 a cup of frozen veggies? Can you even fit any of those kinds of veggies into an 1/8 of a cup? I also agree that you're probably eating a little more than you think you are.

    Edited because spelling is hard for me apparently.

    thats atrocious.....
  • cakemunchkin
    cakemunchkin Posts: 12 Member
    @ Beermephile1 No, I became overweight by not exercising, eating crap, and emotional eating while I dealt with mental health issues. I've only started tracking my calorie intake for the last month. I reached out for help, theres no need to be such an *kitten*.

    Maybe my post was blunt but it is truthful and not intended to insult. If you could eat before you can eat now.

    It helps to have a thick skin on forums and not take offense when offered the truth.

    Calling someone a liar is neither helpful nor truthful. Just because something is easy for you, does not make it easy for everyone. If you don't have anything helpful to say, maybe try saying nothing.
  • cakemunchkin
    cakemunchkin Posts: 12 Member
    I don't mean this unkindly - it's just that I wonder if maybe it's more of a fear of eating more, than it is your ability to not eat more. I'm also a bit concerned that maybe your logging isn't accurate to be eating so little. It sounds like maybe what you could use some help with is a good plan for staying healthy, getting proper nutrition, and knowing how to keep it in balance. Have you considered maybe meeting with a nutritionist? You could get some great advice that way, and they could help you figure out what works for you.

    Yep, in my original post I mentioned that I had an appointment to meet with one next week. Thanks for the advice!
  • cakemunchkin
    cakemunchkin Posts: 12 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    Do you weigh everything you eat on a food scale and religiously log everything you eat? For example, looking at this:


    Your Chex cereal at 1.5 cups to be accurately measured should be in grams. Your two ounces of chicken should be weighed on a food scale for accuracy. Your "one piece" of banana could be anywhere from 90 calories to 300 calories. I suspect you are eating more calories than you think.

    Also - how do you have 0.1 cup of broccoli and 1/8 a cup of frozen veggies? Can you even fit any of those kinds of veggies into an 1/8 of a cup? I also agree that you're probably eating a little more than you think you are.

    Edited because spelling is hard for me apparently.

    Yep you can. I'm taking others helpful tips on weighing things and hopefully that helps with accuracy