
I lost 45 pounds two years ago, kept it off for a year, but I just gained 12 back and at the rate I'm eating I'm afraid I'm going to gain back all my weight. I can notice the weigh gain on my face and belly and it's really discouraging. I've lacked motivation about working out and eating healthy. Just completely fell off the wagon :( can anyone help me with some advice to get going again?


  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    Spring and Summer in California are just around the corner! Reread your first sentence over and over again, that should motivate you! Also, motivation will come and go. What counts and gets results is commitment. Be commited even when you aren't motivted and you'll be fine.

    Look at some of the stickied threads on the forums if you're new here. I'm guessing you are with one post. Here's a good place to start.

    I'm aiming to get in better shape than I currently am in time for Spring Break and Summer on my coast. I was doing pretty good for several weeks and fell off the wagon yesterday but am back on today, not going to beat myself up over it. Life happens.
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    One day at a time...there is no other way
    Same happened to me after the Holidays + too much birthday celebration, I only gained about 5 lbs but my motivation is "weak" but what are our choices? forget about it and keep gaining? Or re-focus and get it under control? I choose 2nd option!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    First, you already started going again. You know in your mind that you need to make some alterations in your life to not only stop gaining weight, but to loose those 12 pounds.

    So now, just make a plan and execute it. You are on MFP for what? To count your calorie intake, eat a deficit to loose weight, right? Now just get to it!

    Problem solved.
  • robingmurphy
    robingmurphy Posts: 349 Member
    Make it a habit to review your list of motivations - why it's important to you to lose weight - every morning. Make it a habit to plan your next day's meals every evening. And make it a habit to track what you do actually eat, every meal. When it's a habit it won't matter if you feel like doing it or not - it will just be a thing you do. Every day.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    omg you sound exactly like me. I am now trying to not eat junk food. I read about food addicts on the internet. It seems once I start I cant stop. I know how depressing it is to gain weight. Yep I am up 11 pounds so I am trying again. It will be 3 years on MFP in a few days.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Commit to logging all your food. If you don't currently use a food scale, do that, too. I suspect that once you realize how many calories you are eating, you will scale back.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I agree - one little step at a time. Recommit to logging. After a week, look at your food diary and see where the big calorie sinks are. Usually it's a couple things you can drop back on and you're fine again.

    But you're absolutely right - be afraid. It's easy to regain. Today is the day to start.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I just gained 3# and have sworn- no more! Back to the basics. Sort of like the beginner's mindset. I was very honest in my logging a few years ago. Both times I've gotten at or close to GW I've gotten complacent. Last time I gained 25 pounds back. This time I'll stop at 3 thanks. Just input the calories and don't go over. Like brushing your teeth. Just do it! We've got this!!
  • Ibeachlover
    Ibeachlover Posts: 66 Member
    Do something sensible to start...but do something. Maybe get more walking or other outdoor activity for now if working out just isn't in the cards. Figure out when you are eating, and what, outside of normal meal times...try to work in healthiest alternatives as often as possible. My core advice it that it is easier to keep it off than put in all back on and try to lose it again...just remember how hard it was and take baby steps now if you can't go full blown.
  • VillageSmithy
    VillageSmithy Posts: 42 Member
    Do something sensible to start...but do something. ....

    Great advice. Declare a single day as your renaissance. You know: just DO it! Hit it hard: after all, you can do anything for one day, right? At day's end, give yourself a big attagirl; contemplate and celebrate the success and use it as a sort of kindling for your psychological fire. Good habits are resistant to change, just like bad ones.
  • sweisfield
    sweisfield Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you everyone for the advice! I think I do have a food addiction problem. I have gone up and down with my weight when life hits me hard, but I have to learn to keep a healthy balance.
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    Log even on the days you fall off the wagon. It's tempting to not log because "what's the use?" Been there--recently. But for me entering it, even if it's the next morning like I just did reminds me how the extra 5 pounds crept on. Overeating by 1,200 calories once every could of weeks isn't going to do anything. But stop logging, and that extra 1,200 could be daily.