200lbs to lose!



  • gold3289
    gold3289 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone, i too have been struggling to lose weight. I'm finally fed up. I need to lose just about 200lbs as well. I know this wilk be hard but this weight must come off. I sent out friend requests so please respond and accept.
  • socialtime57
    socialtime57 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everybody..I also myself want to lose weight just to be healthier and have energy! So I decided to take one day at a time.
  • yasminara
    yasminara Posts: 247 Member
    We're here with you! I'd love yo be friends and support one another. ❤️
  • nrsjac
    nrsjac Posts: 24 Member
    friend me if you'd like to
  • amberlina_12
    amberlina_12 Posts: 2 Member
    Girl I have 100lbs to lose and can relate to your story! Hope you stick with your goals stay positive :smile:
  • HannahSwenson82
    HannahSwenson82 Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Tiff. HannahSwenson is a name out of my favorite series. I'm about 85 pounds overweight. I live with my mom and have 2 cats.
    Add me
  • hotasfire36
    hotasfire36 Posts: 235 Member
    You will do it!!!!!
  • You got this !
  • trishftx
    trishftx Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Sarah, Welcome! You can do this. I just recently reached my goal weight. I was 300 lbs. and now I'm at 140 with 18% BMI, it took me 5 years. I got a little side tracked a couple of years ago but got back after it. Diet and exercise, no surgery. I recommend setting smaller obtainable goals and focus on one day at a time. You will have bad days, we all do, but it IS possible.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi Sarah! Eat the majority of your calories from high protein sources, poultry, fish, peanut butter, and yes, greek yogurt
    Finally, get yourself a good activity tracker. Now Im new to the fitbit charge HR so can't recommend yet, but go to a sports store and perhaps try the polar FT7 or newer and less expensive than the fitbit but (find whatever is good for you/having been up there, I know the polar can be a bit uncomfortable as it is a chest strap but worked well for me, was very accurate.
    Eat back what you burn.
    Put in 1.5 lb weight loss per week.
    Expect a year to see progress. No not a month, we got a lot to lose and along the way, learning good lifestyle.
    Do NOT weigh your self more than 1 time per month to start. You will give up.
    Stay active, and don't eat THOSE NORMAL calories back, just your EXERCISE calories AND YES, YOU MUST GET SOME FORM OF EXERCISE IN EVERY DAY, even if for only 15 minutes to start. Just walk. You can do this. Just takes patience. Good luck
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Thank you :) I've been doing a pretty good job of keeping track of my food intake, somewhat even exaggerating portion size just to be careful. I did splurge a little today with a cream based soup for lunch, but I will eat very light tonight. I think meal prep is going to be my savior. Have you guys been meal prepping for the week? I think that might be one of the most important factors because it's so easy to get lazy and just grab whatever is around to snack on in place of eating a balanced meal. ALSO, you can't eat it if you don't have it around, so saying NO to yourself when grocery shopping or even running into the gas station/etc can feel so restricting but also liberating at the same time. Any suggestions on afternoon lag? I honestly feel great just from cutting out soda and junk and it's only been three days but I lack energy.

  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    YUP, prep. but weigh, measure, have a scale. Use your smart phone to easily scan. Think of your refridgerater as a huge salad bar with proteins, such as chicken, eggs, etc... Add everything but the kitchen sink. Don't say YUK. I have reluctantly followed advice and now eat all sorts of different inexpensive things especially for cravings (Jarred peppers and pickles for instant and hey, the 100 calorie popcorn that youve been eyeing? Buy it. Especially the kettle corn.
    Im on a 1200 cal diet. Now that Im used to it, if I know "im in for it with that gathering" I move more.
    I feel your pain baby, but no one can make this happen for you except you and your friends in MFP and of course, consistency. Again, good luck lady. Were all here for you and would love to hear your success story Sarah. Will be looking out for you!
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    you can even scan deli meats now. just have a scale for accuracy
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    I like chewing. Liquidy stuff doesn't make me feel full. It could be like 1000 calories, but if I drank it I want to know when my meal is coming.

    Yep, I had this problem. Couldn't have a shake without at least a salad on the side, so I felt as if I'd actually had a meal! Also, and I've said this in a couple of other threads now, using shakes taught me nothing about portion control or healthy choices, and when I stopped using them the weight started to creep back on. This time I want to learn better habits that I can stick with.

    OP, I wish you luck - taking that first step was great, now you just need to keep taking little ones until you get where you're going. :smile: Like other people have said, don't think of it as having to lose 200lbs. Concentrate on smaller goals, maybe 20 - 50lbs at a time. And remember that you're human, and you will slip up now and again - don't beat yourself up about it, just get back on the wagon and keep going!
  • NicoleS16
    NicoleS16 Posts: 5 Member
    Sarah what you're doing is fantastic and I can tell that you're already so strong! My mom has just started her weight loss journey to losing 150+ lbs. what you're doing as a mother and a person, is courageous and brave. I tell her everyday that she is one step closer, one minute, one day, one week closer to changing her life for the better. You will FEEL the changes every single day and that will help fuel you even further. Keep it up girl, take it day by day :) we are all here to support you :)
  • Mmarst
    Mmarst Posts: 24 Member
    I have 210 more to lose and would love to cheer each and everyone one of you on! We can all do it!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Sarah. Good Luck with your weight loss. If you want this to happen, you can do it! The only recommendation I have is that you don't over think it. Just eat at the calorie goal that MFP set for you and the weight will come off. A lot of people think there is a some "trick" to weight loss, and we make it harder than it has to be with "strategies" and cutting out whole food groups.

    Those are some good links that @farfromthetree posted.

    I agree, and thank you. I've been bombarded by these shake companies - Herbalife, Isagenix - and while they may work for a period of time - then what? My aunt is using Isagenix now and having good results, but I'd rather be eating real food and get the same results then pump my body with liquid nutrients. What is everyone's opinion on protein/herbal shakes as a meal substitute?

    I like a Protein Shake TBH.
    What I do is start with a Vanilla Shake and blend in fruit for texture and flavor. Really helpful when I end up with really ripe bananas.

    I do like some of the other flavors too. I would not use them except to add protein to my diet once a day, not to replace real food.

    Loosing on shakes will work, however it will come back plus more since You do not learn healthy eating and portion control with them.

    By eating Fruits, Vegetables, proteins, a supplements I am currently down from what I weighed when I started on this latest weight loss trek.

    My Current loss is 215 pounds lost. More Energy and Mobility too. Was it fast, IMO fast does not work. This has taken 2 years and 2 weeks to get there.

    Do I cheat, once in a while. My latest was a End Cut Roast Prime Rib Dinner that I split into Lunch and Dinner from a local Diner. Included were Vegetables, Salad, Small slice of carrot cake, Cream of Turkey and french fries. Did all that cause a weight gain? Yes it did, a quick one from all the Sodium. Then a week and a half to get back to where I was that morning and start losing again. Once in a blue moon You can do that sort of thing. However if You cheat on the diet at least make it food worth it and not junk food or fast food and get right back on the diet.

    Did I eat Turkey and fixings for Thanksgiving? yup did I restart on the diet right after? of course, My Diet survived the minor speed bump.

    Good Luck
  • You guys are so amazing. I wish I had chosen to really stick to this sooner, knowing I'd have this type of support. After tracking my food intake for the last couple days I've realized my major issue is sodium intake. It's absolutely horrible to see that I'm under my calorie intake and negative in the one thousands for sodium at the end of every day. Does anyone else have or had this problem? I know I went a little overboard the last few days with au gratin potatoes I made. Any tips or pointers? Obviously I will cut that out of my diet, but would like to replace it with some sort of starch so that I am not insanely craving some "comfort food."
  • VeeGeeMom
    VeeGeeMom Posts: 21 Member
    I am so thankful for MFP. It keeps me aware that I must choose what I eat...and do it every day. 29 pounds are gone of a 155 wt loss goal and I am noticing the difference. I have broken the big 155 ito smaller goals and I think that helps. The first big one is to lose 60 pounds by my 60th birthday in May. Well on my way to 60 by 60!
  • silverarcheress
    silverarcheress Posts: 125 Member
    You guys are so amazing. I wish I had chosen to really stick to this sooner, knowing I'd have this type of support. "

    The great thing about this site is there are always people to support you, and forum threads to browse to keep you motivated.

    I've lost 77lb with another 23lb to go and I'm a big fan of keeping it simple. Increase in activity levels and decrease in calories. I try and do food prep, my fridge and freezer have a couple of days worth of meals which I know are 500cal. Also in my fridge are chopped up veggies so I can whip up an omelette without hassle.

    The biggest tip I was ever given was motivation doesn't last but routine/habits do. My key habits that never fail, even after 2 years is a gym class every Tuesday evening (the other classes I do when I can or when I feel like it) and taking the 3 flights of stairs to my flat instead of the elevator. This means even when I'm having a low point I'm still not sliding that far backwards :smile: