Taking the plunge into veganism and hoping to lose weight, too

I'm new to MFP, and I've gotta admit I've fallen down the rabbit hole here since I started last week. There's such a wealth of information and resources, and it's nice to see the support that members give each other!

As for myself, I've been vacillating between being a vegetarian (lacto-ovo), and giving in to cravings for meat and fast food for about 14 years now. I've always wanted to go vegan, but could not imagine a life without cheese (I believe I was a mouse in a past life:), and seafood, and yes, even evil McDonald's.

After being vegetarian for a few years, I started getting cravings for meats I used to avoid in my pre-veggie days, like bacon and steak. Eventually, I caved in a moment of weakness, and ate meat again. From then on, it was a struggle even to remain veggie, even though I have strong values around the treatment and use of animals for food and otherwise. After an accident left me housebound over the winter a few years ago, I began morphing from a fairly healthy, active person into the blob I am today. Yuck.

If nothing changes, nothing changes, right? So I've decided to give veganism a shot. I've never tried any diets, as I've always been afraid of being hungry and feeling deprived. So I'm trying to frame this as a 'lifestyle change' instead. I've already lost about 5 lbs in the past week, and am on Day 3 of eating a vegan diet. My goal is to lose between 84 - 91 lbs.

Here's where I could use some feedback, if anyone is reading this! While I'm excited for the immediate results I'm seeing on the scale, I've heard that losing weight so rapidly can end up being put back on, and more, even more quickly. I'm going by what MFP has suggested for my goals (the max. is to lose 2 lbs/wk, which I've set it as), and it's given me a 1200 calories/day target, plus more with added exercise.

Should I up my calories/day? Does anyone have any tips on managing hunger at night? I'm trying not to eat past 7pm, and just drink water. I'm also quitting smoking, so I'm even more fragile than I'd normally be with the food cravings. Any tips on making the change to being vegan, or weight loss tips? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated:)

Wow, this is quite the missive. Thanks for reading!


  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    What is urging you to be vegetarian? If your body is craving meat, especially?
  • malamoocow
    malamoocow Posts: 5 Member
    It's mostly for ethical reasons.
  • malamoocow
    malamoocow Posts: 5 Member
    I think I might be craving meat because my body isn't getting enough of what meat used to provide. My diet when I eat meat has a much higher sodium content, for example.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    oh dear. well, for starters, being a vegan won;t be a default setting for losing weight. In fact, so many of those vegan products are loaded with calories to make them palatable.

    Im a 20 year vegetarian and was obese for 95% of those years.

    How quickly you lose weight won't dictate how quickly you gain it back, how much you overeat will.

    My advice is to slow down. Not just your goals, but your approach. Start small. Make small, manageable changes. accept this will be a long process BUT SO WORTH IT!! When you eat won't affect if you lose weight. imo, you can up your calories and still lose at a goodly pace. For managing hunger at night, save a few calories for an evening snack. Get a digital scale and start weighing everything that goes in your gob.

    If you are becoming a vegan for other reasons other than health, more power to you.
  • jeebieheebies
    jeebieheebies Posts: 68 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hey! So happy to hear you're wanting to make the switch!

    I definitely recommend choosing one goal at a time -- losing weight vs. veganism. I really believe it is too much to take on at once, and if you try to do both at a time, you will accomplish neither. Totally my opinion of course. But since veganism often (though not always) leads to weight loss, I'd suggest working on that first.

    So perhaps up your calories to maitanance (sp), or stop counting for 2-4 weeks or whenever you feel like you are comfortable turning down cheese and seafood and the rest! :D

    The thing that is great with veganism that makes you lose weight naturally, is not just that non-animal foods tend to be lower calories, but a huuuge thing is that soo many processed foods (I'd estimate 90%) include milk, eggs, gelatin in them. So, (1) you will actively be looking at nutrition labels and ingredient lists. You will become more aware of calories counts of food, of which foods are good for you and which are bad. (2) You'll be forced to cook most of your food. Cooked food almost always trumps restaurant food and processed food. (3) You will also be so much more limited at restaurants. I don't really go out to eat (don't have any reason to), but at a standard American restaurant, the only things that will be available are : veg sides without butter, salads without cheese, pasta without butter or cheese. So it makes you want to go out to eat less, and when you do go, you save money, and it is pretty low-cal.

    Finally, I've found it rediculously easy to stick to the vegan 'diet' because I do it for ethical reasons. If you haven't already, I highly highly recommend you sit through Earthlings and Cowspiracy. Then, if you see 'milk fat' as an ingredient, or you see yummy cheese sprinkled on something, conjure up those terrible images of those poor animals in your mind. Hold the item and say -- "Is supporting this, worth it, for just me tasting something good? Do I really value my short-lived pleasure over the lives of animals?" I can never go through with it.

    I think once you are comfortable with off-limits foods, then you can shift gears to weightloss. It will be a lot less overwhelming then, I think.

    I hope this helps!! Message me if you have any questions at all or just want to chat! ^_^


    Just to jump off what was already said in this thread:

    malamoocow wrote: »
    I think I might be craving meat because my body isn't getting enough of what meat used to provide. My diet when I eat meat has a much higher sodium content, for example.
    Every nutrient that is in meat, is in meat because that animal ate plants. The exceptions are what they are fortified with (such as B12, which is made by a bacteria. This must be supplemented for humans as well), and what the animal makes (Vit D is the only one to my knowledge -- you can do this too, so no worries). In terms of macronutrients -- protein is found in all plants. If you get enough calories, you get enough protein (if you are body building or have a good amount of muscle mass you want to maintain, this changes). All plants also contain fat. But in terms of both fat and protein, it is good to eat some foods that are higher in both (for protein -- beans, lentils, oats, rice, soy products, etc ;; for fat -- avocados, seeds, nuts, nut/seed butters, olive oil). And if it helps you transition, I recommend taking a multivitamin to be 100% sure you are getting everything, then you have nothing to worry about! I take B12 (1x a week), iron daily (but I've done this for years, even when I was eating meat daily), and Vitamin D daily (because I don't go outside in the winter -- I live in Montreal).

    besaro wrote: »
    oh dear. well, for starters, being a vegan won;t be a default setting for losing weight. In fact, so many of those vegan products are loaded with calories to make them palatable.
    This is sooo true. I am weaning myself off these specialty products now. When you want to lose weight, these fake meats and fake cheeses and fake butters are reaaally high calorie and very processed -- so less nutrition, more empty calories, more calorie dense.

    Honestly I have been eating too much vegan butter and been baking like every few days the last month or two, and even though it's been 100% vegan, I have gained about 5lbs in a month. Cookies are cookies!!
  • malamoocow
    malamoocow Posts: 5 Member
    Hi besaro, thanks for your comments. I am taking a mainly whole-foods approach to going vegan. I don't plan to eat much processed food at all (apart from tofu) and some dressings/condiments. I've got a scale, and that's been helping a lot with portion control.

    I hear you about being obese, as I've been struggling with it for a while. I've been a really unhealthy vegetarian, and the consequences have sucked so much. I understand it's pretty time-consuming cooking and ensuring I'm eating a diverse amount of food, so that'll take some getting used to.

    Thanks for the evening snack idea, I'll do that. If you have any other ideas, I'm all ears. There's so much to learn!
  • malamoocow
    malamoocow Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! So happy to hear you're wanting to make the switch!


    --soo many processed foods (I'd estimate 90%) include milk, eggs, gelatin in them.

    Yes! Part of the reason I've avoided going vegan is because there are animal products in eeeeeverything. I have a hard time not being perfect (lol), and I assumed if I went vegan I'd have to immediately be on top of every ingredient that's an animal byproduct. I'm trying to be gentle with myself, though. I figure it's better overall for the wellbeing of the animals that I make a million mistakes trying to be vegan, than continue contributing to the animal-centric food system by remaining a meat-eater, right? Progress, not perfection:)

    -- You'll be forced to cook most of your food. Cooked food almost always trumps restaurant food and processed food.

    I hear this. Just over the past few days, I've spent so many hours poring over recipes online and going to the bulk food store a bunch of times to build up my vegan arsenal of nuts, seeds, and grains. And then cooking. Zowie, it's really labour intensive! But eating the tofu quiche I made yesterday, and knowing exactly what went into it, and all the good stuff my body's getting out of it, was so satisfying. Why haven't I done this before?! Lol.

    --I hope this helps!! Message me if you have any questions at all or just want to chat! ^_^

    I'll do that:) Thanks for your input, it's definitely food for thought!