

:wink: Small changes can bring on big results!! :wink:

:smile: FOR THE WEEK OF: June 19 to June 25, 2011 :smile:


And please, Make your week the week that works for you. Sun to Sat or Mon to Sun, whatever is YOUR week!

:smokin: One small step at a time :smokin:

:drinker: You will reach your MAIN GOAL for sure, if you break IT into small actionable steps. It’s should be as easy as 1-2-3!

1) Do just one step at a time.
2) Choose something you know you can do easily to get the ball rolling before adding more difficult tasks .
3) These small steps will get you started, motivated & help build routine for long term success!!

:bigsmile: Anyone interested in joining us for another week, or a first week, or a get back on track week? :bigsmile:

:glasses: Hope to see my old friends & hope to make some new friends! :glasses:

:love: Thank you and you may friend me if you like, but please include a message in your friend request:love:

Link to last week


  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Last week’s goal was to walk 15/20 min daily. I actually did 5/7 days. :drinker:

    Not too bad but am increasing my activity for the new week. :bigsmile:

    I am going to step up my week and put myself what I am gonna call :sad: “Boot Camp for the Inactive” :sad: LOL That’d be me! LOL :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    :explode: Upping my one goal back to 5:explode:

    My Strive for Five Goals
    1) Walk 15/20 min daily
    2) Exercise 15/20 min daily
    3) Stay within my calories
    4) Do some Closet Cleaning
    5) Limit my computer time (especially games)

    For those that don't know, I have bad knees. One replaced and the second pending replacement. The knee has not been giving me problems so I HAVE to try and make a dent in my weight.

    I also have other health issues but really I have a BAG OF EXCUSES!!

  • mystic333
    mystic333 Posts: 35
    I'd like to give this a try! Seems like a great idea! :smile: I just started working 2 jobs and really fell out of working out or even just watching what I eat :embarassed: So this will be my start up motivation lol.

    My first week goals:
    1. Log food daily!
    2. Drink plenty of water! (I'm terrible at this!)
    3.Exercise at least Sun, Tues, Thurs, and Fri for 20 minutes!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    I'd like to give this a try! Seems like a great idea! :smile: I just started working 2 jobs and really fell out of working out or even just watching what I eat :embarassed: So this will be my start up motivation lol.

    My first week goals:
    1. Log food daily!
    2. Drink plenty of water! (I'm terrible at this!)
    3.Exercise at least Sun, Tues, Thurs, and Fri for 20 minutes!

    :flowerforyou: WELCOME MYSTIC

    Oh my gosh........... we almost have the same quote in our profiles!! LOL C:glasses: :glasses: L!!

    Good luck working 2 jobs and taking this on. You will probably get enough exercise jut in the second job itself!! Unless it's a phone job, and let me tell you, there is not many calories burned talking, LOL I know that first hand! I talk a lot! :-)

    Glad to have you here, good luck and don't feel guilyt if you can't make it back here but once. BUT look to us for motivation & support!!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Ok, I intend to have a much better week this time around!

    4 goals this week:
    1. Go to bed by 10pm every night.
    2. Go to gym 3 days this week.
    3. Try out a different home workout program each day. I have lots of them!
    4. Walk 1/4 mile further each day from the day before. (this is not "exercise walking" I wear a pedometer all day to judge how much moving I'm actually doing.)
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    OK Dee I am in again.
    This weeks goal park in the farthest space in parking lots to add extra steps to my day. I am setting a 6500 steps a day goal and still trying to get my lunch walks in daily.
    I am so close to 20# down and ready to celebrate my first mini goal. I am going the slow and steady route I have not made any deadlines on when I want to acheive my goal but more so to loose the weight to live a healthier life. My first goal is to be down and mainatain down 20 then 50 and finally 75 lbs, and get back to a healthy BMI.
    Lets get back to it everyone and reach our healthier life.
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Hi Dee if you don't mind someone from the first go round I would like to rejoin in this. Have been off balance for a few months.. trying to juggle two jobs and kids and the Ex and Bills. Needless to say it has been HECTIC. I just came back from vacation today and was planning on getting back on the band wagon tomorrow. I guess my mini goals for the week will be:
    1) Actually LOG my foods. Have been trying to keep track in my head... not a good thing
    2) Start and actually complete Chalean extreme week 1 ( Morning routine)
    3) Start and actually complete week 1 BL Cardio workout (evening routine)
    4) Get my 2
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Let me try that again
    4) Get my 2 quarts of water in daily
    5) To clean out from under my coffee table... its turned into a storage bin!!
    Will try to check in daily/nightly ...when ever I can!!
  • JoyCarter
    JoyCarter Posts: 37
    I'm in!!

    My goals
    1. Wake up at 6:30 every morning
    2. Make sure I get devotion in
    3. finish to do list
    4. Stay with in Calorie goal
    5. Make it to tumbling on TUES and do splits every night before bed =)
  • pamgolden
    pamgolden Posts: 3

    Thanks for your information, interesting and inspirational messages. I've been using MFP for a few days and have just discovered the "community!". It's great. I haven't been exercising/walking - you got me going. Thanks. will walk 15 minutes 3 times in this next week and go to one zumba class.

    Onward and upward or, make that, downward.

  • angie_roo
    angie_roo Posts: 55
    For me: Drink at least 8 glasses of water EVERY day

    Just one goal, I'm aiming for baby steps so I can keep being successful.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Hi Dee if you don't mind someone from the first go round I would like to rejoin in this. Have been off balance for a few months.. trying to juggle two jobs and kids and the Ex and Bills. Needless to say it has been HECTIC. I just came back from vacation today and was planning on getting back on the band wagon tomorrow. I guess my mini goals for the week will be:
    1) Actually LOG my foods. Have been trying to keep track in my head... not a good thing
    2) Start and actually complete Chalean extreme week 1 ( Morning routine)
    3) Start and actually complete week 1 BL Cardio workout (evening routine)
    4) Get my 2

    ChaLean is one of the programs on my list to try out this week! I've watched it and I think I'm going to enjoy it!!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I'm Back in!

    1) drink a gallon of water a day
    2) at least two morning workouts this week.
    3) cycling calories... the Newfiedan way! (two days maximum deficit of 800, 1 day maintenence)
    4) show up here next week and sign up again!

    ETA 5) only weigh in once!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Quick check before bed, glad to see so many already!!

    :flowerforyou: JoyCarter, Glad to have you with us!! Jump in when you can, no stress here! Just support & motivation and a place to try and keep yourself accountable!! Good luck reaching your goals this week. SPLITS???? OUCH!!

    :flowerforyou: Pam, Thanks for joining us!! Good luck this week!! This really is a great website and the people & support is AMAZING!! LOVED the going downward!! HOPEFULLY THIS WEEK WE ALL SEE A LOSS!!

    :flowerforyou: Angie Thanks for joining us!! I am Queen of Baby Steps!! But I keep bouncing back!! Good luck this week, and it is so important (duhhh like exercise is not) to get that water in. I say exercise cus I am an exercise slacker! LOL


    :flowerforyou: Oma, and good luck with your goals this week! We will just have to keep an eye on each other! :-)

    :flowerforyou: Kris, You had a good week and I just know that you will have another good one!! Good Luck! I LOVE your attitude and feel the same way. Setting those weight loss goals only discouraged me. You will be more healthy, learning to stay healthy!

    :flowerforyou: Laura, Glad you are back!! Yep, I know how working 2 jobs and having kids can consume your time. There seems to be NO TIME to do for yourself! Good for you for keep going at it! Good luck this week! PS I once had an ex……… but that was my previous life! LOL I am gonna look into that ChaLean. That is new to me. Is it easy or difficult?

    :flowerforyou: Bachooka, good to see you back!! You have done well so keep at it!! Good luck reaching your goals this week, and post when you can.

    :drinker: OK I think I am gonna make a reminder note to keep in my pocket this week. I soooooo want to discipline myself and be a very good girl. I am kinda not liking always being sooooo bad! :-):laugh:
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    ChaLean is heavier weight training. Build muscle to burn fat concept. She's soo sweet and adorable you just WANT to do whatever she says!!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    :drinker: I got my Sunday Morning walk in. I did the 20 minutes but I added another stop sign to that 20 minutes!! Sooooooooooo That makes me HAPPY!! It's going a bit easier and I walked a bit further in the same amount of time!!

    duhhhhhhh another light bulb moment! :blushing:
  • cdenham001
    cdenham001 Posts: 83
    This is my first week and I love the idea of mini goals.

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
    2. Log all of my food everyday (I have lapsed horribly on that).
    3. Work out at least 5 days.

    Thanks for letting me join.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    This is my first week and I love the idea of mini goals.

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
    2. Log all of my food everyday (I have lapsed horribly on that).
    3. Work out at least 5 days.

    Thanks for letting me join.

    :flowerforyou: WELCOME cdenham001
    Great that you can join us!! Post when you can. You will find that we are a nice lil group of supporters and the smaller goals rally help kep the focus!! Good luck reaching your goals this week!!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm in for the new week.

    This weeks goal, I'm restarting week 2 of P90X, I missed 4 days last week, so I'm re-doing week 2. my goal.... finish week 2. every morning, do my workout.

    I'm also going to add a second goal drink my WATER. I've been a little lacking lately.
  • cwalshcm
    cwalshcm Posts: 9
    Darling Dee, I am here and ready to do something, anything. I have been having a bad time of it emotionally but need to not make it worse by eating things that make me feel bad physically and emotionally.

    I am going to challenge myself to write down everything I eat after 3:30pm everyday. I would like to write the whole day, but it is 3:30 and beyond that I have probs with my program. It is truly a attitude thing because I need to care more. I can do it I just need to want to.

    I watched the last part of What's Eating Gilbert Grape last night and it reminded me of how out of control my weight can get when the mother (if you haven't seen it she is morbitly obese) says "I haven't always been like this". You know, I haven't always been like this and I don't have to be either.

    Man (or woman as it were) the battleships ladies (and any gentlemen out there) I am at war!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    :drinker: I got my Sunday Morning walk in. I did the 20 minutes but I added another stop sign to that 20 minutes!! Sooooooooooo That makes me HAPPY!! It's going a bit easier and I walked a bit further in the same amount of time!!

    duhhhhhhh another light bulb moment! :blushing:

    Fantastic!!! I'm heading out now before the temp hits triple digits!!!!