How do you react when drivers tailgate you?



  • Justn7883
    Justn7883 Posts: 4,764 Member
    Just slooowwww way down lol
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    It's also against the law to follow too closely. In my case, I don't slam on the breaks, just enough to put the lights on. Seriously, when people are risking my life and my child's life (and other children's lives-ie the school zone) by following too closely it's hard to completely ignore it. I mean they were right on my bumper, otherwise I do generally ignore it because you can't fix stupid.
  • LCbaby0x
    LCbaby0x Posts: 290 Member
    Lol I'm from jersey.. What do you think? Lol
  • Iguessicandothis
    Iguessicandothis Posts: 2,132 Member
    My car has guts and I drive fast. Unless it's a school or construction zone, nobody tailgates me. And if they do in those areas, I just ignore. I'm saving them from getting a very hefty speeding fine.
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    You do NOT want to tailgate me, ever. I will literally take my foot off the gas and coast. For as long as they can stand it. Then when they've had enough and change lanes to pass me, I gun the gas and refuse to let them ahead of me. This continues for as long as I feel necessary. Lol. I'm evil to people who are dicks for no reason.

    Omg you and my husband would get on so well!

    Once I got enraged by someone driving like a complete *******. She was actually dangerous, not just tailgating but she had cut us up, beeping her horn etc, and was really scaring my little boy who is autistic and has massive anxieties. I was half out the car at the traffic lights with my walking stick in hand ready to beat her to death before hubby sat me back down and talked me down. And I'm a pacifist!
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    I joyfully pull more to the right and let them pass. Why not?

    The first not aggressive nor passive aggressive answer on here.

    I wish I had your self control.

    Being in a car makes me into a different animal.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    If I can get over safely, I will do so. If I can't, I will do what I can to get to a point where I am able to. If it is something where getting over is 100% not possible, then I will slow down enough where, if they hit me, it won't cause too much damage to me or my vehicle.

    In other words, they are simply not worth it.
  • Birkah
    Birkah Posts: 33 Member
    I flip on my windshield wiper fluid and spray the crud out of them. People usually slow down a bit to look to turn on their wipers. Repeat as necessary. Note: This is extremely humorous if the offending vehicle is a convertible with the top down.
  • itzgoob
    itzgoob Posts: 4 Member
    I'm always going 10-15 over so generally I slow down
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    And the answers to this thread demonstrate why I stopped riding my bike or buying expensive cars. Way too many crazies on the roads.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,391 Member
    I'll brake check a cop. And there are cops that would back me on that. I've enraged many a tailgating dbag and get a good laugh out of it. The more they rage, the more the chances are they they will get slowed down even more.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    I drive a big jacked up 4wd, I also have rear spot lights and big tow if it's night I blind the *kitten* with the spotties or if it's daytime I break hard!!!! They won't damage my truck but they will have a tow ball through there radiator lol
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    Speed way up when it's clear and they can pass, slow waaay down when there's cars and they can't. Repeat. (For single lane hwys)
    One moron was following me so close I couldn't even see his head lights in my mirrors. I actively tried to allow him to pass me and when he wouldn't I got pissed off and decided to mess with him this way. Jerk was close enough I could see him singing along and could tell we were listening to the same freaking radio station. Clueless people like that scare the hell outta me.

    I've spent a lot of time driving recently (across the US 5 times in the last year). Road rage helps keep me alert, and there is plenty of opportunity out there, lol. Nebraska roads are great, but 9 out of 10 drivers cut me off as I was trying to pass, went 2 mph faster than the person we were passing and took ten minutes to do it. People that do that are right up there with tailgaters on my *kitten* list.
  • HappilyDistracted
    HappilyDistracted Posts: 1,700 Member
    Not well.
  • KillerKel01
    KillerKel01 Posts: 16 Member
    Taunting and intimidation is what they want to express. Back in the day, when I was invincible, I would slam on the breaks. Every single car I did this to would get pissed and flip me off and then go around. I would smile and say thank you. This happened less than a handful of times. As I matured, I put up with others having bad days, that are trying to take it out on a complete stranger. Those people only think about themselves, like I did. They don't think about why the person in the other car is not driving slower. Could be a million reasons, tired, babies are in the back, could be grieving, could have lost their job, could just be a safe driver. I try to slow down to let them pass. I blow them a kiss as they flip me off when they pass, and we both get on with our lives to live another day. Share the road...take the higher road.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Break test!
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Birkah wrote: »
    I flip on my windshield wiper fluid and spray the crud out of them. People usually slow down a bit to look to turn on their wipers. Repeat as necessary. Note: This is extremely humorous if the offending vehicle is a convertible with the top down.


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    Had a girl doing this just last week. On a three lane road, speed limit is 45 an i am doing about 50. Guy is in the middle lane so I move to the right lane and slowly start passing him. The left lane is completely open but this girl decideds she is going to run up on my butt while I pass. I mean, she is about bump-drafting me, it was THAT close. I waited till she move back just a bit and gave her a quick brake check (tap the brake peddle really quick while still having a foot on the gas). She locked up, screeched tires a bit and moved back. Of course, soon as I was around the other guy she drives by and flips me off. Meh...

    I saw her just a mile up the road were traffic always backs up and she wasn't tailgating anyone at least.

    The next day I saw her speeding down the side shoulder when traffic stopped. Unfortunately, she will kill someone and not just herself with the way she drives.

    I always say, you want to see the true nature of someone, drive with them.

    The last time I saw someone on the shoulder of the highway passing backed up traffic she was being followed by a State Police car who turned on the lights and siren as he was passing by where I was, yea!

    The Ones that bother me are the ones that start honking the horn as You are slowing down for the stop sign, I can only guess they will they kill someone in the future by not stopping for a right on red or a stop sign.

    I had one person decide to tech me a lesson. I was passing a slow moving car in the left lane and not going fast enough for him so once I moved back to the right he got in front of me and slowed down below the limit. I was too slow so he will punish me by going even slower in front of me? He was the one in a big hurry :)

  • Kali2024
    Kali2024 Posts: 73 Member
    edited February 2016
    I joyfully pull more to the right and let them pass. Why not?

    exactly, this is how road rage happens… why not just move over as much as you can so they pass (single lane)?

    If I have no where to go on a highway or there's a slow car in front of me, I move slightly over to the left or right to show them that there's someone in front ofme… they back off cause they see it (i drive an SUV).

    Road rage is pretty dangerous these days, you don't know who has a gun on them, and people have been known to get killed.

    Is playing games worth it?

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I ride a motorcycle. I used to keep a couple ball bearings in my pocket to toss over my shoulder back in the day. Now, I just change lanes, if possible.