How do you react when drivers tailgate you?



  • spocksmom83
    spocksmom83 Posts: 1 Member
    I start with a friendly break check. If that does not work I either
    A) take my foot off the gas and we see just how slow they like it (ive gone down to almost 20 in a 65.....) or
    B) I begin to slightly swerve as though I am suddenly drunk
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Interesting with all of the brake checking...that can now get you a pretty hefty fine where I'm at and they consider it reckless driving...a cop sees you doing that he will pull you and the tailgater over and both drivers will be charged with reckless driving.

    We've had a lot of problems with road rage, guns being pulled, and sometimes people getting shot...the latest incident was over a lane dispute and a 4 year old girl was shot in the head and enforcement is finally starting to take all of this douche behavior very seriously on both sides of that equation.
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    edited February 2016
    I couldn't care less. They don't bother me. I'm usually the tailgater because I'm stuck behind some clown going 10 miles under the speed limit. If they speed up to the speed limit I back off. If they brake-check me I'll close the gap. :smile: I know that will offend some. Sorry. :neutral:

    I ride a motorcycle and if I get a tailgater on that I'll just pull over and let them by. No problem.
  • Kali2024
    Kali2024 Posts: 73 Member
    edited February 2016
    yeah…amazing that most don't just move over.. even if you speed that person might want to go faster then you, who are you to be the speed police. Why not just move over?

    WANZLK: I'm always stuck behind a left lane dick too who feels the need to dictate my speed on the highways. What I usually do is pass them then swerve into their lane and break as I'm passing them, that usually makes them move over as other cars do the same thing after and it finally clicks "maybe I'm not going fast enough".

    Sorry get the F out of the fast lane aholes!
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    OMG all these replies with guns pulled on you!!!!.......thank f$&k I live in Australia and the gun happy mentality isn't something we have!
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    Kali2024 wrote: »
    yeah…amazing that most don't just move over.. even if you speed that person might want to go faster then you, who are you to be the speed police. Why not just move over?

    WANZLK: I'm always stuck behind a left lane dick too who feels the need to dictate my speed on the highways. What I usually do is pass them then swerve into their lane and break as I'm passing them, that usually makes them move over as other cars do the same thing after and it finally clicks "maybe I'm not going fast enough".

    Sorry get the F out of the fast lane aholes!

  • ladymuaythai
    ladymuaythai Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited February 2016
    LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yes, me too whatever. SUCK BUMPER *kitten* :lol:

    Except the last time I did that, it was an undercover cop up my a$$who ended up pulling me over for speeding LOL oops.
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    Considering I'm generally traveling just under a criminal speeding ticket, I downshift.

  • Doc0862
    Doc0862 Posts: 43 Member
    OMG all these replies with guns pulled on you!!!!.......thank f$&k I live in Australia and the gun happy mentality isn't something we have!

    True that, but do consider... here in Tenn area I'm in most people have guns, permits or not. Most of us are crazy, the ones who aren't know this. Therefore we have virtually no road rage incidents (always visiting out of towners) I cannot remember the last time someone rode my bumper. (in reality we pull over just to see if they want some)

    When i was a teenager I did heave a DR Pepper bottle thru a guys windshield who was dogging me on purpose. Yes I went to jail. yes I worked to pay for a windshield. And yes you couldn't pay that guy $100 bill to come anywhere near me.... to this date.. OK moral is this- in a world full of nuts, just become one with the universe... go nuts!!!
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    wanzik wrote: »
    I couldn't care less. They don't bother me. I'm usually the tailgater because I'm stuck behind some clown going 10 miles under the speed limit. If they speed up to the speed limit I back off. If they brake-check me I'll close the gap. :smile: I know that will offend some. .

    Same here. In Louisiana, apparently no one understands that the left lane = fast lane or passing. They think it means go 45 in a 65, or ride right alongside the person in the right lane. Seriously worst drivers in the world right here.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    If they're going faster than I am and I'm in the left lane and can do it, I'll change lanes and let them go past. Otherwise, I'll flash my brake lights to try to get them to back off a bit. Sometimes people just aren't paying attention to how closely they're following and that's usually all it takes.

    Now, if they're really being a horse's *kitten* and honking the horn, flashing lights and all of that I get out of their way however I can - and wait to drive by the inevitable accident with them involved some distance up the road.
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    I used to be like many of you until recently. I was rushing to my dying mother's bedside and some "idiot" in a truck was trying to get by me. I'm going a good 30 mph over the limit. He finally pulled out and passed me and sped down the road and turned right a few blocks up.

    By the time I got to where he turned he was already at the bottom of the hill, pulling into the hospital emergency parking lot.

    Years ago, my sister was being rushed to Emergency after her appendix burst. Our father was speeding, honking the horn and flashing the no avail. No one allowed him to get by.

    I now try VERY hard to not judge - - just in case. Panic and fear can make the best drivers reckless.

  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    I just don't look in the mirrors again if someone is tailgating. It's hard enough to control my own speeding car. I can't control theirs too. They can do whatever they want back there. I'll just focus on what's in front of me. :)
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    Panda_brat wrote: »

    Lol! I like it, I like alllottt
  • Pennilopez
    Pennilopez Posts: 278 Member
    I drive real slow on purpose to pee them off ! :D
  • Tonydevolanii
    Tonydevolanii Posts: 657 Member
    never happens.
    otherwise spit
  • sassygirl711
    sassygirl711 Posts: 4 Member
    rarely happens with my radar detector
    and how fast I drive.
    but...there are a lot of crazed unhinged drivers out takes only a second
    for a bad situation to turn really awful.
    and it can't be reversed. you will hopefully never see this nut again.
    breathe deeply and move on.
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    Give the the middle finger
  • yourhiddengem
    yourhiddengem Posts: 171 Member
    Well I drive a smartcar so when people tailgate me it literally feels like they're in the nonexistent back seat of my car
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    Well I drive a smartcar so when people tailgate me it literally feels like they're in the nonexistent back seat of my car

    This made me lol I know what you mean
  • yourhiddengem
    yourhiddengem Posts: 171 Member
    robs_ready wrote: »
    Well I drive a smartcar so when people tailgate me it literally feels like they're in the nonexistent back seat of my car

    This made me lol I know what you mean


    It's so annoying tho. I love my car but it's annoying.