confuse about BMR and Calories Defict. Need Calarification.

Age 25
Current Weight: 244 lb (10 Feb 2016)
Height: 5'10

BMR: 2101 Calories Per Day (MFP's BMR Calculator)

If i eat 1700 Calories a day i will create calories deficit of 400 according to my BMR? am i right?
400*7= 2800 Calories Deficit

If i burn 7000 Calories in a week by walking
i will create
Total Deficit: 2800 +7000=9800 Calories Burned = 2.8 lb (LOST)

By this way Will i lose weight of 2.8 lb or not?

Is my concept about BMR and calories deficit is right if not then please clarify it?

Is this how weight loss works?


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    BMR is your calories consumed if you did nothing.

    You want to look at your TDEE. total daily energy expenditure.

    TDEE = BMR * activity factor

    Your "activity factor" ranges from 1.2 (sedentary) to 1.9 (very very very active).

    Looking at your numbers, yes about right. However 7000 cals from walking alone means about 20 hrs a week of active walking. Does that seem realistic? That's close to 3 hrs a day.
  • AamirKhan2016
    AamirKhan2016 Posts: 91 Member
    BMR is your calories consumed if you did nothing.

    You want to look at your TDEE. total daily energy expenditure.

    TDEE = BMR * activity factor

    Your "activity factor" ranges from 1.2 (sedentary) to 1.9 (very very very active).

    Looking at your numbers, yes about right. However 7000 cals from walking alone means about 20 hrs a week of active walking. Does that seem realistic? That's close to 3 hrs a day.

    yeah actually i burn more than 10000 calories in a week. I walk too much mostly i walk 12+ miles a day daily. I made this post for new plan workout and diet.
    My post: calculations are right will i burn these calories or not by doing that?
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    MPS IS NEAT not BMR. Its like TDEE but without the intentional exercise. You add those cals back in ( or a portion of them)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    MPS IS NEAT not BMR. Its like TDEE but without the intentional exercise. You add those cals back in ( or a portion of them)

    No, he's talking about the BMR calculator here :
    That's BMR.

    Aamir, yes - your deficit will result in about that loss. Remember - it won't be exact week to week, weight loss isn't a linear thing. A lot of variance is due to us digested food, water weight from macro variance, etc.

    To clarify whitezombiegirl's post.

    TDEE is also

    TDEE = NEAT + Exercise + BMR + TEF

    NEAT is non exercise activity thermogenesis. The energy you use daily doing chores, etc...
    TEF is the thermic effect of food - the energy cost to digest food.

    When Mfp makes a recommendation of the calories one should eat in goals (outside of the BMR tool you used) they base it on a (TDEE - Exercise) calculation. And provide a deficit off of that with the expectation that you will eat back your calories from exercise, since the build a deficit off of (NEAT+BMR +TEF). But your calculation method works fine too.

    Having said that, it's a large cut you propose (2.8 lbs per week) don't be surprised if you find that too tiring and need to add a few hundred calories to about 1900.
  • AamirKhan2016
    AamirKhan2016 Posts: 91 Member
    Still waiting for good answer
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited February 2016
    The answer is deficit off of TDEE really. For example your BMR 2100 *1.2 = 2521 calories a day you need to be a sedentary person.

    2521 - a deficit of 500 calories = 2051. You should eat 2051 to loose weight without exercise.

    Now add in 1000 calories a day for exercise and you are at 2051 - 1000 calorie burn for a deficit total of net calories 1051.

    For MFP to work, you need to eat back some of these exercise calories if they are not overestimated so eating about 700 of those calories back puts you at 1700 calories to eat a day you will loose weight.

    So your concept is wrong on BMR... but the numbers are right.

    Go here and read up:

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Still waiting for good answer

    Why did you change the profile pic to a blank avitar... You were wearing green shirt and had dark hair a minute ago... Strange..

  • AamirKhan2016
    AamirKhan2016 Posts: 91 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    Still waiting for good answer

    Why did you change the profile pic to a blank avitar... You were wearing green shirt and had dark hair a minute ago... Strange..

    That picture was too old i will upload new one :p
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    You don't cut calories from you BMR, you cut calories from your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). Your BMR is the energy you expend merely existing. Beyond that you have your daily stuff and then exercise.

    My BMR is around 1900...with my day to day plus exercise, my TDEE is around 2,800...I can lose about 1 Lb per week eating 2,300 calories...which is more than my BMR.
    Still waiting for good answer

    You have already gotten a few.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,195 Member
    edited February 2016
    Age 25
    Current Weight: 244 lb (10 Feb 2016)
    Height: 5'10

    BMR: 2101 Calories Per Day (MFP's BMR Calculator)

    If i eat 1700 Calories a day i will create calories deficit of 400 according to my BMR? am i right?
    400*7= 2800 Calories Deficit

    If i burn 7000 Calories in a week by walking
    i will create
    Total Deficit: 2800 +7000=9800 Calories Burned = 2.8 lb (LOST)

    By this way Will i lose weight of 2.8 lb or not?

    Is my concept about BMR and calories deficit is right if not then please clarify it?

    Is this how weight loss works?

    No, you are incorrect.

    BMR is the calories your body burns to simply maintain itself. Once you start moving around you burn more calories than your BMR.

    Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is the calories you burn in a day. It is made up of None Exercise Activity Thermogenisis (NEAT) and Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (EAT). It is this number that your calorie deficit is built off of in terms of weight loss.

    Assuming your are sedentary your BMR is multiplied by 1.2 to 1.25. Let's be conservative and go with the 1.2 making your calorie burn not including exercise 2101(BMR)x1.2=2521 per day.

    Eating 1700 calories makes your daily deficit 2521-1700=821 making 5747 calorie deficit per week.

    If you actually burn your 7000 a week by walking as your exercise with the 5747 calorie deficit you get to 12747 per week, divided by 3500 give you 3.6 pounds per week.

    However, there is a problem here, the amount of fat your body can burn in a day is directly related to how much fat you are carrying. If a person is morbidly obese they can burn a lot of fat in a day. A person who is simply obese or overweight, can only burn far less. At your height and weight, you will not be able to burn 3.6 pounds of fat a week. Probably it would be closer to 1.5 pounds a week. Any calorie deficit beyond that will be taken from lean mass like muscles and organs. By establishing such a big deficit you will long term cause health issues, and will increase not only the likelihood you will give up, but also that you will put the weight back on and end up at the same weight with less muscle mass than you had before you lost the weight.

    You are not going to lose 3.6 or 2.8 pounds per week of fat, and that is the goal here isn't it?

    Just to note, I am 5'10" as well, at about 233 pounds and lose easily at 2100 calories a day, more if I exercise, and I am almost 50. You are half my age, so you can certainly eat far more that 1700 a day. Probably more than my 2100 a day, and still lose at a good rate.