Any new mom's out there?

I'm Kelly, 26, from Canada and just had a baby girl in September!! Any other new mamas out there that want to join me in staying accountable? I'm 10lbs from my goal weight and want to really hone in on my nutrition this month!! ☺️


  • camillasmith1987
    camillasmith1987 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm Camilla from the UK
  • MamaBerger23
    MamaBerger23 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm Camilla from the UK

    Hi Camilla!! Just sent you a buddy invite. When was your little one born? :smile:
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Hi! I'm 29, also from Canada and our 3rd tater tot was also born in September. I'm about 35 pounds above goal currently, but 45ish down from my highest weight so I am on my way! Feel free to add me.
  • MamaBerger23
    MamaBerger23 Posts: 28 Member
    pbprincess wrote: »
    Hi! I'm 29, also from Canada and our 3rd tater tot was also born in September. I'm about 35 pounds above goal currently, but 45ish down from my highest weight so I am on my way! Feel free to add me.

    Awesome!! Just sent you a buddy invite. When in Sept was your little one born? My little girl arrived on the 14th!! ☺️
  • emma4325
    emma4325 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm 20 and from New Zealand I had my first baby on the 16th of June and I can not get rid of this weight. I need serious motivation !!
  • coltsmama2015
    coltsmama2015 Posts: 6 Member
    Im rachelle. 27 from Utah, I had my son on November 16 :) I've got 100 pounds to drop and I cannot get myself started. I need motivation.
  • Lollieio
    Lollieio Posts: 27 Member
    Hey, I'm michelle from Florida and I had my son in November. I'm trying to lose 30 pounds before my wedding in December.
  • MamaBerger23
    MamaBerger23 Posts: 28 Member
    emma4325 wrote: »
    Hi! I'm 20 and from New Zealand I had my first baby on the 16th of June and I can not get rid of this weight. I need serious motivation !!

    Hi Emma!! Congrats on the little one, boy or girl?! What have you been doing to try and lose the weight so far? Let's do this, and try to keep each other motivated!!

  • MamaBerger23
    MamaBerger23 Posts: 28 Member
    Im rachelle. 27 from Utah, I had my son on November 16 :) I've got 100 pounds to drop and I cannot get myself started. I need motivation.

    Hi Rachelle!! Congrats on your little man!! Motivation can be tough to muster up sometimes, when we're crazy sleep deprived and barely have time to shower, let alone exercise and try to eat healthy right? Oh the joys of motherhood!! We'll get there though! Just gotta start out slow and take things day by day, baby steps so to speak!! What form of exercise do you and/or have you enjoyed doing in the past?
  • MamaBerger23
    MamaBerger23 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey, I'm michelle from Florida and I had my son in November. I'm trying to lose 30 pounds before my wedding in December.

    Hi Michelle! Congrats on your baby boy! You and Rachelle both have November men, cute! 30lbs by December is totally doable. And how exciting about your wedding. I'm sure you'll look stunning in your dress. Have you picked one out yet? Or are you doing that in the next few months? Such an exciting time!! :)
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    pbprincess wrote: »
    Hi! I'm 29, also from Canada and our 3rd tater tot was also born in September. I'm about 35 pounds above goal currently, but 45ish down from my highest weight so I am on my way! Feel free to add me.

    Awesome!! Just sent you a buddy invite. When in Sept was your little one born? My little girl arrived on the 14th!! ☺️

    He was born september 2nd. Makes me a little sad as he is our last babe and growing so quickly.
  • pixieflower00
    pixieflower00 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 34 and had my little girl Emma in October. I am from Canada as well but currently living in the States. Where in Canada are you? I am from Alberta.
  • nuraissa135
    nuraissa135 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, i am Nura i am 26 and had also my first baby girl in September :), i gained weight after October as i am breastfeeding and eating alot but bot soxactive :| ... And now my goal is to loose at least 5 Kgs.
  • MamaBerger23
    MamaBerger23 Posts: 28 Member
    pbprincess wrote: »
    pbprincess wrote: »
    Hi! I'm 29, also from Canada and our 3rd tater tot was also born in September. I'm about 35 pounds above goal currently, but 45ish down from my highest weight so I am on my way! Feel free to add me.

    Awesome!! Just sent you a buddy invite. When in Sept was your little one born? My little girl arrived on the 14th!! ☺️

    He was born september 2nd. Makes me a little sad as he is our last babe and growing so quickly.

    Aw! Yeah, they really do grow so quick. Time needs to slooooow down!! How many other kiddos do you have?
  • MamaBerger23
    MamaBerger23 Posts: 28 Member
    I am 34 and had my little girl Emma in October. I am from Canada as well but currently living in the States. Where in Canada are you? I am from Alberta.

    I'm from Vancouver! Yay for fellow Canadians! Whereabouts in the states are you living? Congrats on little Emma! I absolutely love having a daughter!! :)
  • MamaBerger23
    MamaBerger23 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, i am Nura i am 26 and had also my first baby girl in September :), i gained weight after October as i am breastfeeding and eating alot but bot soxactive :| ... And now my goal is to loose at least 5 Kgs.

    Hi Nura!! Congrats on your baby girl!! Yay for September daughters :) And I totally hear you, the breastfeeding hunger is no joke!! I've been doing my best to really hone in on my nutrition since Feb 1st since I started a new exercise program, but it's HARD! I still crave sweets sometimes. Sounds like you have a great goal though! Baby steps and you'll get there. What kind of activity/exercise do you enjoy doing?
  • nuraissa135
    nuraissa135 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, i am Nura i am 26 and had also my first baby girl in September :), i gained weight after October as i am breastfeeding and eating alot but bot soxactive :| ... And now my goal is to loose at least 5 Kgs.

    Hi Nura!! Congrats on your baby girl!! Yay for September daughters :) And I totally hear you, the breastfeeding hunger is no joke!! I've been doing my best to really hone in on my nutrition since Feb 1st since I started a new exercise program, but it's HARD! I still crave sweets sometimes. Sounds like you have a great goal though! Baby steps and you'll get there. What kind of activity/exercise do you enjoy doing?

    Hi again! Its no joke specially when u crave carbs
  • JaniseCookston
    JaniseCookston Posts: 49 Member
    edited February 2016
    I am 31 and just gave birth to our second daughter on November 27th. This will be my third time using MFP to lose weight. Originally lost 30 lbs in 2011 and kept it off until pregnancy with my first baby in 2013. Used it to lose the baby weight plus 10lbs more (total of 25lbs.) Kept it off until pregnancy with second baby. Been using it again for almost two months to get rid of this baby weight, 10lbs down, 15 to go. Hoping to reach my goal weight by our seventh wedding anniversary, April 19th.

    MFP definitely works it's just a lot of work :)

    I've had a slow loss week last week and this week. Currently bummed and needing motivation.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    pbprincess wrote: »
    pbprincess wrote: »
    Hi! I'm 29, also from Canada and our 3rd tater tot was also born in September. I'm about 35 pounds above goal currently, but 45ish down from my highest weight so I am on my way! Feel free to add me.

    Awesome!! Just sent you a buddy invite. When in Sept was your little one born? My little girl arrived on the 14th!! ☺️

    He was born september 2nd. Makes me a little sad as he is our last babe and growing so quickly.

    Aw! Yeah, they really do grow so quick. Time needs to slooooow down!! How many other kiddos do you have?

    We have 2 older kids, 7 and 11. We were young when we had the first 2, so we wanted to be done by the time my husband turned 30. Baby was born 3 days before dad's 30th birthday.
  • MamaBerger23
    MamaBerger23 Posts: 28 Member
    How are you mamas doing this weekend? What are your mini goals for the week? I'm going to try to post my daily workout and nutrition accountability in here, would love if you ladies join in too! Let's hold each other accountable. ☺️