Just binged about 4000-4500 calories....



  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    Not a big deal....was just looking at my log and one Saturday I was at 5600 calories ...pizza, pints and chips. Next day...back on track. Still losing at the same rate...
  • diddyninja
    diddyninja Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for all these wonderful tips guys! I probably won't eat as much food tommorow anyways since I'm still feeling full hours after the binge. I think what caused this to happen was the fact that I'm tired of counting calories and macros and restricting what I eat
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    diddyninja wrote: »
    Thanks for all these wonderful tips guys! I probably won't eat as much food tommorow anyways since I'm still feeling full hours after the binge. I think what caused this to happen was the fact that I'm tired of counting calories and macros and restricting what I eat

    Is your calorie limit too low? Is your weekly weight loss goal too strict? You might be being too aggressive.

    What is your height, weight, goal weight, and weekly loss goal?
  • jacklifts
    jacklifts Posts: 396 Member
    You know....what I've been doing lately is instead of fasting or going back to caloric deficit, the next day I eat near maintenance. For whatever reason, that helps me psychologically, as going back on the caloric deficit also feels like self-punishment. Success in this diet for me has been intimately tied to reducing my anxiety over foods/caloric deficit/speed of weight loss. By eating near maintenance for the next day, it helps to ease the anxiety of making sure I have to stick to a caloric deficit the very next day after a large caloric intake.
  • archie313
    archie313 Posts: 9 Member
    archie313 wrote: »
    Consider a scale that calculates your body fat in addition to your weight. There are several out there, this is the one I have (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0009V1YPK?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00) You want to see both your weight and body fat decrease. If only your weight decreases, you're losing muscle mass. To help avoid losing muscle, ensure you're eating enough protein. This site will let you know how much you're getting. If 20% of your daily calories are from protein, that will be plenty. Hope this is useful and good luck!

    1. Wrong thread?
    2. Those scales are notoriously inaccurate

    Not the wrong thread. He said he's trying to maintain muscle, so weight loss in tandem with fat loss indicates muscle mass is maintained. As for accuracy, it's true, scales aren't the gold standard, far from it. However, the inaccuracy of bioelectrical impedance, the technology these scales use, can be relied upon. If someone is interested in maintaining muscle and losing fat during weight loss, perhaps accuracy isn't as important as the general trend.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    diddyninja wrote: »
    Thanks for all these wonderful tips guys! I probably won't eat as much food tommorow anyways since I'm still feeling full hours after the binge. I think what caused this to happen was the fact that I'm tired of counting calories and macros and restricting what I eat

    How long have you been in a deficit? Maybe it's time for a 1-2 week diet break to clear your head.