
chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
I'm in a cold, dry area right now, and between lots of hand-washing, and callouses forming from lifting, my hands are a WRECK. I feel like I've tried everything to moisturize, but the skin is so dry it's cracking as I bend my fingers to type. What is the BEST hand creme you have found?


  • kchuskey
    kchuskey Posts: 882 Member
    Man that sounds painful...I really have nothing else to offer here. Good luck!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    This is going to sound like I'm advertising, but I'm not. Gold Bond Ultimate Healing lotion is actually good for the whole body. If you happen to be diabetic, they just came up with a formula for that, too.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Wear weight gloves.

    And get a great cream - the kind in a tub, not the kind with a spout.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    cerave cream the one in the tub

    you can mix that with shea & cocoa butter too but cerave cream should really help on its own
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    My boyfriend has bad hands like that and he uses Working Hands and loves it. Also sometimes he will put Vaseline on his hands before bed.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Jergens is my favorite.
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    The cream from occitane is amazing. They have one for dry skin and it's crazy good.

    Elizabeth Arden has a great hand cream too. I got it in my toilet bag on a flight ages ago.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    edited February 2016
    I LOVE my Lubriderm Daily Moisture. My hands were always bad esp in the winter from bartending and washing glasses and that's what works wonders for me..
  • ladymuaythai
    ladymuaythai Posts: 1,298 Member
    Coconut Oil is the sexiest, but side from that "GLYSOMED" is fukin clutch.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    Thank you all. I've tried a few of these...hoof moisturizer...hmmmm? I'll have to see where I can find such thing!

    I do wear weight gloves, and file down calluses when I can, but my skin is VERY sensitive (I have a few autoimmune diseases that are harsh on my skin) so even the friction of the gloves can cause irritation, and when my hands are cracking, I can't do much to file down calluses. It's just terribly dry here lately, and our dry office isn't helping much. Factor in tons of hand washing (medical center) and it's a recipe for disaster on my hands! I googled the "working hands" and it looks like I can find it at Home Depot. Gotta get some houseware stuff there today, so I'll be sure to look. Thanks again everyone!
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Whatever the stuff was that Buffalo Bill used.....
  • Birkah
    Birkah Posts: 33 Member
    Slather your hands with coconut oil (liberally), wrap lightly in plastic wrap, put on mittens (you may need assistance - haha), and wear overnight. Works on rough, cracked feet too.
  • jjejjtu
    jjejjtu Posts: 1,324 Member
    Believe it or not, A&D ointment (for baby bottoms) is the best thing I have found for my hands and chapped lips. It goes a long way and is very affordable.
  • Iguessicandothis
    Iguessicandothis Posts: 2,132 Member
    Non_Stop wrote: »
    Recommend that you file your calluses down, lift, file, lift, file, etc. After a while they'll stop hurting and become a badge of honor.

    Goes without saying, don't file if they're currently bleeding or split.
    For real? That sounds painful.
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    I just use Desitin. Especially after my Mother had a rough patch, that even a prescribed cream; couldn't cure. The Desitin, did it. I even notice this, when taking pain medications. Advil worked better, than anything prescribed.
  • 46carmen
    46carmen Posts: 110 Member
    My daughter has severe eczema and her skin was very sensitive. The dermatologist gave us a cortizone cream and told us to use Vaseline. Twenty years later, she still uses Vaseline but also shea butter.
  • vrojapu
    vrojapu Posts: 268 Member
    100% shea butter can be very helpful