Share your latest NSV!!



  • I was out running this afternoon, holding my ipod and I could feel my ring moving, thats not happened before.....
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    NSV = Non-scale victory!

    I was kinda bumming cuz my favorite jeans are getting to the point where they are falling off me. I thought they were the 18's, but nope, they were the 16's! So for grins, I tried on a pair of my old 14's and... OMG they fit! It's like opening up a new section in my closet! I started rooting thru my tubs full of too small clothes & they are beginning to fit! It's like Christmas! lol

    I understand what you mean! I have lost 19 lbs since joining MFP. Before joining I only had about 5 shirts and 1 pair of pants that fit me. I promised myself over a year ago that I wouldn't buy any new clothes until I got smaller than the clothes I already own. Well...the last 2 weeks I've been starting to fit into my old clothes. It's a WONDERFUL feeling!!! The only problem about having more clothes to wear is that now I can't decide what to wear :-)
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    I keep feeling extra bones emerging, I'm sure I found another coupla ribs this morning!
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    I've been having a lot of these NSV's recently:-

    1. People noticing the difference and complimenting me etc - I hate it though because I never know what to say
    2. Clothes shopping - after going through every hole on my belt I finally bought jeans 3 sizes smaller....I need a new belt already
    3. Swimming at a public pool - I went this morning, it's the first time i've had enough confidence to do this in 10 years (!)

    I could go on but it's just little things that no-one else would understand.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I did Tae Bo the other night and there's a girl on there that I've ALWAYS envied her arms. They look great! So, as I'm doing the video, I happen to get a glance of my arms... and OMG my arms? they look like hers! I was so excited! I've worked reallly, hard on my arms and they're showing all my hard work now! Yay!

    Oh and all my size 10 pants are so big I can't even get away with wearing them with a belt now. Time to buy 8's all the way around! Woot!
  • grfxmunkey
    grfxmunkey Posts: 10 Member
    I finally HAD to buy new clothes yesterday. After trying on new shirts and shorts I was actually embarrassed about the oversized clothes I had on. I started off in 4XLT shirts and size 46/48 pants and am down to 2X/3X and size 42 pants! Yesterday marked the first time in YEARS that I've been able to buy clothing not marked "Big & Tall" and it felt amazing!

    Congrats to everyone else on their progress! It's a long, hard journey for some so it's very inspirational to read other people's successes.
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Buyin' some new toys...

    I wondered what was comin next for a second :bigsmile:
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    1. My watch goes all the way around my wrist!
    2. I can put my 3rd finger and thumb around my wrist
    3. I can do 40 mins on an elliptical trainer
    4. My bras actually fit now and my boobs are more perky!
    5. 5th notch on belt from 1st
    6. I can feel my pelvic bones
    7. I can curl up in the foetal position to sleep!!!
    8. I can bend down and touch my toes without going red in the face!!
  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    I LOVE this thread!!!
    So Friday I was working at the downtown branch and seeing some members that I hadn't seen in a while and after her transaction a woman actually stopped and said, "You've lost a lot of weight!" and congratulated me :) It put me in a very good mood for the whole rest of the day! I went to bed just hoping - Please let me lose one pound tomorrow morning! Please let me lose one pound tomorrow morning! I got out of bed Saturday morning, bumbled around, and wandered into the bathroom, looked in the mirror, "Okay," I said to myself, "moment of truth!" and got out the scale. Friend or enemy this week? And low and behold - 206.6! I lost two pounds! I'm officially 4.6lbs away from 40lbs off my body forever! Okay so it was a NSV and an SV LOL So excited!!! :)
  • Sofitness
    Sofitness Posts: 54
    This is a great thread!
    This weekend has been filled with NSVs - I went shopping for clothes four times with different friends as everything that's in my closet right now is really way too big, and I've gotten several compliments from every single of those people on my weight loss! It made me so happy, and buying small sized clothing was an amazing bonus.
    Also, I was at KFC on Friday, I ordered some grilled stuff (though I think they somehow add oil to that as well, so not really a difference), I didn't feel guilty (which is a great step from my past) and actually just felt so sick that I decided I really don't like junk food and omitted on Saturday when everyone was having bucket of fried chicken and fries. Felt very good.
    And today, I put down the kind of bread that looks a bit whole-wheatish (but in fact is just a colored white bread) and has an amazing crust, and so I was lying to myself that it's not so bad and ate always a lot, because I love bread. Now, I said to myself that if I won't omit down now, I'll never get rid of the addiction and will only be disappointed with myself, and I just took all the willpower I had left and got rid of that amazingly looking thing. Feels great.
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Wearing a bikini this summer for the first time in...OK, I have no idea how long it's been since I wore a bikini confidently! I've worn them in the past and hated how I looked & usually wore a t-shirt over the top to hide my belly or only wore it when we were going to the lake and I knew we would see no one we knew and the people we did see would be at quite a distance & wouldn't be able to see how chunky I was. I put one on a couple of weeks ago and thought...dang...I don't look half bad!! I wore it to the lake that day and at one point my husband was looking at me and said, "damn! you look HOT!"
  • prjoy98
    prjoy98 Posts: 250 Member
    My latest one was able to take off my size 31 jeans without unbuttoning!!! :drinker:
  • ablueskier
    ablueskier Posts: 104
    There was a cute long flowing skirt I wanted but they only had the color I wanted in the Junior's section. Just 6 months ago my 16Ws had been tight. I decided I would suck it up and attempt a Junior's XL and it fit! I am also at a M/L in the Misses section which is down from an XL or not at all.
  • loopyloui
    loopyloui Posts: 2 Member
    Well I feel I have had 2 major NSV'S

    1: Sitting on a hard wooden bench and finding out that I have a boney bum!! Sad I know but I havent suffered that problem in years. LOL!!

    2: Wearing leggings for the first time in about 15 years without being pregnant and my kids saying that I look ok. (they are two teenage fashion wary girls!)

    I can't wait to get some more but they are a start.

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Here are mine:

    1. Joining a gym for the first time ever!
    2. Exercising beyond a weekly family walk for the first time in 10 years.
    3. Surviving an hour of zumba class (I take two a week) and not looking at the clock every ten minutes because I don't know how much longer I can last.
    4. Completing two weeks of strength training so far with a lot less soreness this time.
    5. Losing 7 inches in two weeks, 2.5 in my abs!
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I've had a few in the last week or so.

    1. Had a girl at work ask me how much more I'm going to lose because she thinks I'm "skinny enough" now. I don't think I've ever had someone tell me they think I should stop losing weight!!
    2. Went shopping for some clothes for vacation and I'm a size 6/S!! I"ve NEVER been a size 6!!

    3. Ran my 1st 5K of the year last Sunday and took 2:30 off my personal best! And I felt so good when I finished, I've signed up for a 5 mile race on the 4th of July!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    1. We were in the car yesterday and I realized I was holding my shoulders up high. When I relaxed them I understood why... I had to tighten my bra straps. (I've gone from squeezing into the third hook, to fitting the first hook... gonna need new ones soon.)
    2. My sweetie has joined me on this journey and he's lost 10 lbs!
    3. I wore size 16 jeans today (down from size 20)
    4. My sweetie can get his arm completely around me. :blushing:
    5. We went to the Zoo yesterday and I didn't have to sit down and rest at any point. (Huge accomplishment!)
  • Mimo66
    Mimo66 Posts: 1
    Hi every one I'm new to this diet can you please help me where to start!!!
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Hubby and I were snuggling in bed this morning and when he put his arm across my hip he said, "Wow! I can really feel your hip bone!"
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    I've been keeping a "wunning" journal, of how many minutes I do, how many steps, etc.. and as I entered today's in, I realized I've been out wunning for 7 days in a row!!! Despite the weekend and overall not feeling like it sometimes. :)
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