Anyone else skip breakfast?



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Ive hardly ever eaten breakfast since I was in grade school.
    When I wake up (7am) I have coffee with my pills/vitamin (ill get nauseous if I don't at least have coffee w/ milk). I typically don't get hungry until noon. I have a two-three large snacks/small meals. I also eat a late dinner.

    If I eat breakfast then I will be hungry much sooner and for the rest of the day. No point in eating if I'm not hungry, especially since I'm trying to lose weight!

    Eating a late dinner is not a good practice while trying to lose weight.

    This comment coupled with your last post.... Where are you getting this information from? :huh:
  • boomersports123
    boomersports123 Posts: 20 Member
    The book of experience coming from somebody that is at 6% body fat and has a perfect six pack... Where do you get your info a magazine or online forum? How's that working out? I simply said it wasn't a good practice to eat a meal before bed if your trying to lose weight and the part I didn't mention was the type of food your eating prior to bed time. Why would a person use the same practice of eating before bed as a person who is trying to bulk? Eating before bed can also cause acid indigestion, and insomnia as well BUT It all depends on the food that's being ingested. The reason I sad it's not a good practice was due to the fact most ppl arnt strong enough to keep a strict diet especially later in the evening and that's what I state it's not a good practice. But hey if it's working for you then no rsn to stop, but plz show me how much weight your losing and at what rate by eating before bed every night.. It's all opinion no matter what anybody says it through trial and error one learns how there body reacts to certain training methodes and meal timing so don't show me some lame artical that comes from a person that has nvr seen a weight room in their life. So now answer my question where do you get your info from?

    Sorry to the young lady that started this thread as we got slightly off track. And sorry for the rambling that previous post pissed me off.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I don't eat until about 1:00 Monday-Friday. I just have a light salad usually. I prefer to eat at night.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    The book of experience coming from somebody that is at 6% body fat and has a perfect six pack... Where do you get your info a magazine or online forum? How's that working out? I simply said it wasn't a good practice to eat a meal before bed if your trying to lose weight and the part I didn't mention was the type of food your eating prior to bed time. Why would a person use the same practice of eating before bed as a person who is trying to bulk? Eating before bed can also cause acid indigestion, and insomnia as well BUT It all depends on the food that's being ingested. The reason I sad it's not a good practice was due to the fact most ppl arnt strong enough to keep a strict diet especially later in the evening and that's what I state it's not a good practice. But hey if it's working for you then no rsn to stop, but plz show me how much weight your losing and at what rate by eating before bed every night.. It's all opinion no matter what anybody says it through trial and error one learns how there body reacts to certain training methodes and meal timing so don't show me some lame artical that comes from a person that has nvr seen a weight room in their life. So now answer my question where do you get your info from?

    Sorry to the young lady that started this thread as we got slightly off track. And sorry for the rambling that previous post pissed me off.

    I lost over 30+ pounds eating right up until I fall asleep. I maintained this way, and am now bulking this way. It does not matter as long as the appropriate calories/macros are met-as far as weight loss/maintenance goes.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Chill out :smile: Everything I have learned has come from this site, and seems to be the opposite of what your posts said.... You will no doubt get lots of scientific articles explaining the why's and how's.

    FTR I don't eat a few hours before bed, never have, never will. Going to bed with a belly full of food just doesn't sit right with me.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited February 2016
    Ive hardly ever eaten breakfast since I was in grade school.
    When I wake up (7am) I have coffee with my pills/vitamin (ill get nauseous if I don't at least have coffee w/ milk). I typically don't get hungry until noon. I have a two-three large snacks/small meals. I also eat a late dinner.

    If I eat breakfast then I will be hungry much sooner and for the rest of the day. No point in eating if I'm not hungry, especially since I'm trying to lose weight!

    Eating a late dinner is not a good practice while trying to lose weight.

    To each his own, I guess.

    I have lost weight just fine eating before bed and with the occasional midnight snack.


    OP: breakfast for me depends on the day. Some days I do and some days I don't. It really does vary. I have noticed if I have a snack before bed, I'm less likely to want to eat anything till around noon the next day. The opposite is also true, if I my last meal/snack is hours before I go to bed I'm likely to either wake up for a snack or be starving when the morning comes around.
  • boomersports123
    boomersports123 Posts: 20 Member
    Yes I apologize I took your post the wrong way... Guess I'm being a little sensitive :D

    Chill out :smile: Everything I have learned has come from this site, and seems to be the opposite of what your posts said.... You will no doubt get lots of scientific articles explaining the why's and how's.

    FTR I don't eat a few hours before bed, never have, never will. Going to bed with a belly full of food just doesn't sit right with me.

  • boomersports123
    boomersports123 Posts: 20 Member
    Ppl I'm gonna say this one more time!! All I said was it's not a good practice!!! Did I say it's horrible for you? It's gonna make you fat? It's bad for you? I simply said it wasn't a good practice and the rsn I say it's not a good practice is because a LOT of ppl eating late meals prior to bedtime will not eat what's within their macros! Think about it for a moment, most don't have the drive and mental strength to eat proper day in and day out and it's crucial to stick to those macros especially late at night. Now hopefully no more flaming the new guy lol.

    Not new to the game may I add! :)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Understood :smile:

    We are all individuals, not cookie cutter robots, where everything effects us all in the exact same way..

    I must admit, I do take most everything I read here as gospel :blushing: Some people are very tenacious and convincing when giving their advice/opinion which are usually backed up with mind boggling studies :lol:
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Ppl I'm gonna say this one more time!! All I said was it's not a good practice!!! Did I say it's horrible for you? It's gonna make you fat? It's bad for you? I simply said it wasn't a good practice and the rsn I say it's not a good practice is because a LOT of ppl eating late meals prior to bedtime will not eat what's within their macros! Think about it for a moment, most don't have the drive and mental strength to eat proper day in and day out and it's crucial to stick to those macros especially late at night. Now hopefully no more flaming the new guy lol.

    Not new to the game may I add! :)

    How do you know a lot of people who eat late don't stick to their macros? Did you take a survey?

    To the OP: I skip dinner and lunch and eat about 1400-1600 calories from around 5pm to bed time. It helps me adhere to my calorie goal and I've lost 50+ pounds this way. I usually start off with dinner foods and once in a while pancakes with bacon :)
  • boomersports123
    boomersports123 Posts: 20 Member
    edited February 2016
    [More than two-thirds (68.8 percent) of adults are considered to be overweight or obese.
    More than one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese.
    More than 1 in 20 (6.3 percent) have extreme obesity.
    Almost 3 in 4 men (74 percent) are considered to be overweight or obese.
    The prevalence of obesity is similar for both men and women (about 36 percent).
    About 8 percent of women are considered to have extreme obesity.
    No I didn't but the health dept has a pretty good idea of how many over weight ppl there are in America so yes that proves my point.
    Seriously no matter what you say I'm still smiling with a perfect 6 pack lol. For now on let's stick to the topic of breakfast like this thread was originally about!

    Alluminati wrote: »
    Ppl I'm gonna say this one more time!! All I said was it's not a good practice!!! Did I say it's horrible for you? It's gonna make you fat? It's bad for you? I simply said it wasn't a good practice and the rsn I say it's not a good practice is because a LOT of ppl eating late meals prior to bedtime will not eat what's within their macros! Think about it for a moment, most don't have the drive and mental strength to eat proper day in and day out and it's crucial to stick to those macros especially late at night. Now hopefully no more flaming the new guy lol.

    Not new to the game may I add! :)

    To the OP: I skip dinner and lunch and eat about 1400-1600 calories from around 5pm to bed time. It helps me adhere to my calorie goal and I've lost 50+ pounds this way. I usually start off with dinner foods and once in a while pancakes with bacon :)

    How do you know a lot of people who eat late don't stick to their macros? Did you take a survey?
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    edited February 2016
    [More than two-thirds (68.8 percent) of adults are considered to be overweight or obese.
    More than one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese.
    More than 1 in 20 (6.3 percent) have extreme obesity.
    Almost 3 in 4 men (74 percent) are considered to be overweight or obese.
    The prevalence of obesity is similar for both men and women (about 36 percent).
    About 8 percent of women are considered to have extreme obesity.
    No I didn't but the health dept has a pretty good idea of how many over weight ppl there are in America so yes that proves my point.
    Seriously no matter what you say I'm still smiling with a perfect 6 pack lol. For now on let's stick to the topic of breakfast like this thread was originally about!

    Ppl I'm gonna say this one more time!! All I said was it's not a good practice!!! Did I say it's horrible for you? It's gonna make you fat? It's bad for you? I simply said it wasn't a good practice and the rsn I say it's not a good practice is because a LOT of ppl eating late meals prior to bedtime will not eat what's within their macros! Think about it for a moment, most don't have the drive and mental strength to eat proper day in and day out and it's crucial to stick to those macros especially late at night. Now hopefully no more flaming the new guy lol.

    Not new to the game may I add! :)

    How do you know a lot of people who eat late don't stick to their macros? Did you take a survey?

    To the OP: I skip dinner and lunch and eat about 1400-1600 calories from around 5pm to bed time. It helps me adhere to my calorie goal and I've lost 50+ pounds this way. I usually start off with dinner foods and once in a while pancakes with bacon :)

    That still doesn't show that those people are fat because they eat late at night. They are fat because they eat more than they burn. You still haven't proven your point, sorry.
  • Shovelita
    Shovelita Posts: 21 Member
    Eat when you're hungry. Some people I know can't stomach food in the morning, I don't eat after sunset for some reason. Listen to your body, not some study.
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member

    The studies that show metabolism won't change with increasing meal count....

    There are also loads of actual studies showing that eating late at night won't matter, and that losing weight is simply a matter of energy balance. Skipping breakfast and eating later at night is simply a matter of preference, and does not indicate that a person can't eat in a healthy manner.

    I've eaten the majority of my calories later in the day the vast majority of my life. Other than a brief period after a back injury and a lot of high stress/family related issues, I've been within a healthy weight range the rest of my life, many more years than you have been alive.

    Citing statistical data for the rates of people being overweight or obese doesn't change the fact that science doesn't agree with your statements, and that statistical data only applies to those that fall within the group. There are plenty of healthy and fit people that eat all kinds of different schedules and manage just fine.

    Breakfast is just what is says... break fast. If a person eats later in the evening, then doesn't eat again until later the following day, they are often following the same time interval as those that just quit eating at a different time.
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    I eat breakfast, but not right after getting up. I like to sit and relax with a cup of tea before I even think about food.
  • allenalrayes21
    allenalrayes21 Posts: 11 Member
    The book of experience coming from somebody that is at 6% body fat and has a perfect six pack... Where do you get your info a magazine or online forum? How's that working out? I simply said it wasn't a good practice to eat a meal before bed if your trying to lose weight and the part I didn't mention was the type of food your eating prior to bed time. Why would a person use the same practice of eating before bed as a person who is trying to bulk? Eating before bed can also cause acid indigestion, and insomnia as well BUT It all depends on the food that's being ingested. The reason I sad it's not a good practice was due to the fact most ppl arnt strong enough to keep a strict diet especially later in the evening and that's what I state it's not a good practice. But hey if it's working for you then no rsn to stop, but plz show me how much weight your losing and at what rate by eating before bed every night.. It's all opinion no matter what anybody says it through trial and error one learns how there body reacts to certain training methodes and meal timing so don't show me some lame artical that comes from a person that has nvr seen a weight room in their life. So now answer my question where do you get your info from?

    Sorry to the young lady that started this thread as we got slightly off track. And sorry for the rambling that previous post pissed me off.

    That made me laugh, "perfect six pack". congrats dude you are a god im sorry i disrespected you, wtf?!?! I dont eat and go straight to bed obviously i give it a couple hours or so and believe it or not sometimes that late meal was an in n out burger and i still managed to go from 22%-23% body fat and about 205lbs down to about 180lbs at 14% so idk mr. expert *kitten* worked out for me no need to let your roid rage get your panties in a bunch. Everything is different per individual. I can enjoy an in n out burger at midnight and still drop the weight and maintain a significant amount of muscle where as you cant, sucks to suck.
  • boomersports123
    boomersports123 Posts: 20 Member
    Ok this is literally the last post that I'm responding to. What I said was eating late at night isn't a good practice. I did not say it would cause obesity or cause anything at that matter. So let me retract my previous statement and say IN MY OPINION it's not a good practice to eat late at night.. What's funny the argument presented is how do I know what ppl are eating late at night, well how do you know what ppl are eating? Most of America is unfit out of shape and eat un healthy and that's a fact! Take it how you will this is where I stand and you can read all the BS scientific articles you want because that means nothing like most study's out today and most study's arnt even done in a controlled setting which means it's merely opinion. I'm out!!!!
    robertw486 wrote: »

    The studies that show metabolism won't change with increasing meal count....

    There are also loads of actual studies showing that eating late at night won't matter, and that losing weight is simply a matter of energy balance. Skipping breakfast and eating later at night is simply a matter of preference, and does not indicate that a person can't eat in a healthy manner.

    I've eaten the majority of my calories later in the day the vast majority of my life. Other than a brief period after a back injury and a lot of high stress/family related issues, I've been within a healthy weight range the rest of my life, many more years than you have been alive.

    Citing statistical data for the rates of people being overweight or obese doesn't change the fact that science doesn't agree with your statements, and that statistical data only applies to those that fall within the group. There are plenty of healthy and fit people that eat all kinds of different schedules and manage just fine.

    Breakfast is just what is says... break fast. If a person eats later in the evening, then doesn't eat again until later the following day, they are often following the same time interval as those that just quit eating at a different time.

  • boomersports123
    boomersports123 Posts: 20 Member
    My apologies for coming off as a douche.. But everybody is different and responds differently as stated above so that's the key finding out what works best for the individual not what this magazine said was best. But I stated my opinion and some didn't like it and that's fine. Iv never been good at explaining myself logically once I get mad and I apologize for that.
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    I don't eat until 1pm. Only coffee/tea with a little skimmed milk.

    Many people do this, it's called intermittent fasting.

    What he said
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    During the week I rarely eat before 2:00 p.m. On the weekends I usually have breakfast, brunch or whatever (first meal) around 11:00, but then I usually skip lunch. I don't do this for weight loss though. I ate this same way before decided to lose weight. 2 meals a day seems comfortable for me.