What were you eating at the age of 16?



  • kirstenb13
    kirstenb13 Posts: 181 Member
    edited February 2016
    I guess I should be grateful I grew up in Europe and had parents that eat decently healthy themselves but I never in my life thought that snack cakes or doughnuts or whatever where anything but treats. I still ate too much of the healthier food though, so it really doesn't make a difference weight wise.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Breakfast was cereal. I had a chocolate croissant for a snack on school days (they sold them at my high school).

    Lunch I don't remember very well, except some ground beef/onion patties (I need to try to recreate those) with instant mashed potatoes or whatever else our baby sitter was making for us (she made tasty couscous and cookies but that's all I remember). Fish fingers. And lamb brains. Sorry :p

    Then a huge snack of random yogurts and puddings when I got home. Sometimes with cookies or some pastry from the bakery.

    Dinner was typically some protein (typically chicken, turkey, duck, fish, sometimes beef), typically panned fried, with canned veggies. Sometimes pasta with tomato sauce, pizza, or some random dish with meat, potatoes, and veggies. I remember my mom's salad of corn, tomatoes, and tuna in tomato sauce. And cheese. Lots of cheese.

    Week ends were pretty much the same with fancier dinners I guess, and often pizza for lunch.

    That was in France 21 years ago...
  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    edited February 2016
    At 16? Puts me at about sophomore year of high school, so:

    Breakfast: a bowl of cereal on school days- Fruity Pebbles about 90% of the time. Loved the stuff. Usually had Eggo waffles or pop tarts on weekends. Sometimes my parents would cook breakfast on Sundays, with all the eggs/bacon/potatoes, or a good stack of pancakes

    Lunch: whatever garbage was sold in school. Weekends consisted of either Hot Pockets or pizza rolls, sometimes sandwiches

    Dinner: Home cooked meal most of the time- always a meat, veggie, carb. We'd have fast food or pizza 1-2x a week due to my mom working late

    Snacks: more pizza rolls or Hot Pockets. Always had Little Debbie-type sweets in the house, so would have the swiss cake rolls or nutty bars. I think I was making myself grilled cheese sandwiches as midnight snacks about this time

    Drinks: never water. Ever. cherry coke and pepsi. Whole milk with dinner.

    Ask me what I ate my senior year/18, and it was significantly worse >.<
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Black coffee all day, almost no food. Terrible diet.
  • yourhiddengem
    yourhiddengem Posts: 171 Member
    Black coffee all day, almost no food. Terrible diet.

    That sounds like my college diet. Mostly cause I was broke, tired and lazy
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Black coffee all day, almost no food. Terrible diet.

    That sounds like my college diet. Mostly cause I was broke, tired and lazy

    That was my diet from like 11 years old until 25 when I became pregnant. I was an avid reader of nutritional information and crazy in the kitchen (had my own catering business at 21) but it didn't click in applying to myself until after I had a child to care for.
  • angelamichelle_xo
    angelamichelle_xo Posts: 646 Member
    breakfast: cereal lucky charms, cinnamon toast crunch, etc..
    lunch at school: "galaxy pizza", "bagel box", "turkey feast", chocolate milk, cookies..
    food after school: sandwich (pbj or deli meats) toast with butter or peanut butter..
    dinner: whatever mom cooked, scalloped potatoes, meat loaf, pot pie, pasta, etc.
    desert: ice cream, always.
  • yourhiddengem
    yourhiddengem Posts: 171 Member
    Black coffee all day, almost no food. Terrible diet.

    That sounds like my college diet. Mostly cause I was broke, tired and lazy

    That was my diet from like 11 years old until 25 when I became pregnant. I was an avid reader of nutritional information and crazy in the kitchen (had my own catering business at 21) but it didn't click in applying to myself until after I had a child to care for.

    Oh wow starting to drink coffee at 11 seems early!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Black coffee all day, almost no food. Terrible diet.

    That sounds like my college diet. Mostly cause I was broke, tired and lazy

    That was my diet from like 11 years old until 25 when I became pregnant. I was an avid reader of nutritional information and crazy in the kitchen (had my own catering business at 21) but it didn't click in applying to myself until after I had a child to care for.

    Oh wow starting to drink coffee at 11 seems early!

    Yep! I didn't get into daily coffee until
    13 or so, but I drank it at 11.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Breakfast: Rice Krispies with whole milk
    Lunch: Dr. Pepper and Cheetos
    Dinner: Chicken with rice or Rice with chicken (Or at least that's what my grandmother used to say we always ate...She didn't like chicken.)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Oh my gosh, I think I lived on calzones form the pizza place across the street from my high school - soooo many after school sports and drama activities, and since school was 25 miles away from home, I ate out a lot.

    Other than calzones, regular purchases were those Grandmas soft baked cookies, crunchy Cheetos, Dr. Pepper, ice cream sandwiches, Taco Bell.... and in between I got my mom's awesome home cooking, so it wasn't all garbage. :smiley:
  • chastity0921
    chastity0921 Posts: 209 Member
    Breakfast: I was able to go off campus so we got $1 sausage biscuits from McDonalds most of the time. Heated honeybuns, or mini donuts at home. Sausage wrapped in pancake, or breakfast pizza at the school cafeteria.
    Lunch: Lunchroom junk, something from the college campus, or fast food.
    Dinner: Mom would bake/fry chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans, or sauerkraut with smoked sausage, or pinto beans with fried potatoes and cornbread (Kentucky living).

    Now I realize why I was fat.
  • leosmith66
    leosmith66 Posts: 69 Member
    My weight in carbs.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited February 2016
    16? Cereal. Sandwich. Healthy dinner. (Spaghetti, or fish, or chicken, or stew, or etc etc etc and always with veggies). Dessert on holidays and special occasions. Sour gummy keys for treats occasionally. Edited to add, oh, and pizza every Friday night, a couple of slices.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Living in a cave on the beach.
    Instant coffee made with hot water from the tap for breakfast. Beer interspersed with Cornish pasties the rest of the day.

    Hey, it was '69. h.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    As I remember it was something like this:
    Breakfast school day- nothing or candy bar and juice
    Lunch school day- nothing
    Afterschool snack- can of soup and crackers
    Dinner- meat, potato, canned vegetable
    Evening snack- popcorn, leftovers

    Weekend or summer breakfast- dinner leftovers or cereal
    Weekend lunch- sandwich/fast food
    Weekend dinner- meat, potato, canned vegetable
    Weekend snack- popcorn, crackers, chips, leftovers
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Anything I could shove in my face, was usually the woe I abided by.

    Same! I was tall and very skinny, and trying to gain weight for football. It was basically a continuous attempt at a GFH bulk, I ate anything and everything in HUGE quantities. Problem is, I was still growing and so active that my TDEE was through the roof - I couldn't gain a pound no matter how much I ate. Sure wish I still had that problem!
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I totally remember this because me and all my friends had basically the same diet.

    Breakfast was coffee only.
    Lunch was diet coke and a dexatrim (anyone remember those?)
    Dinner often was small fast food meal or some of whatever was made at home.

    I was probably around 110 pounds and 5'7". I was scared to death of gaining weight.
  • WishfulThinking0
    WishfulThinking0 Posts: 54 Member
    I was eating around 400-600 calories a day. I'm now fully recovered from that ED and enjoy life a whole lot more!