Can't Retain Water...



  • sparky11
    sparky11 Posts: 9 Member
    I have to force myself to drink the 8 glasses a day... 18?? thats a bit too much. No reason why someone would drink 144oz of water a day. I would definitely get a second opinion before its too late..
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I hope they tested for diabetes, this is a classic sign of it. If they didn't you need a different doctor. I am absolutely serious about this. With all that water consumption you are likely low in sodium and potassium as well. This is something your doctor should have talked to you about.
  • cem2168
    cem2168 Posts: 205 Member
    I hope they tested for diabetes, this is a classic sign of it. If they didn't you need a different doctor. I am absolutely serious about this. With all that water consumption you are likely low in sodium and potassium as well. This is something your doctor should have talked to you about.

    I have been checked for diabetes... I am not diabetic. Maybe I should have them check again?
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Are you diabetic? I only say this because my cousin was recently diagnosed after spending the last month or so drinking constantly and not being able to quench his thirst. Although I'm assuming your doctors have tested for that...
    thats what i was going to ask
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I hope they tested for diabetes, this is a classic sign of it. If they didn't you need a different doctor. I am absolutely serious about this. With all that water consumption you are likely low in sodium and potassium as well. This is something your doctor should have talked to you about.

    I have been checked for diabetes... I am not diabetic. Maybe I should have them check again?

    If you're thirsty enough to drink over 2 gallons of water a day. Yeah. It may not be diabetes, but something is wrong, and this is not an occasion that "I don't know" is an acceptable answer unless its followed by "get your lab work done now," or "go see this specialist."
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    Is it possible you are pregnant? Its one of the early signs..and some women have this the entire pregnancy...
    MBSNANA Posts: 149 Member
    This just seems strange to me. I have problems retining fluid which causes my legs to be severly swollen. If you are drinking that much and peeing all the time has your doctor checked you pottassium level? I take perscribed fluid pills but also take pottassium. If your pottassium is low it will cause weakness, dizzyness and can interfere with your heart rate. Make sure you get checked to be sure.
  • nomsquared
    nomsquared Posts: 35 Member
    Just as a precaution - make sure you don't get water poisoning. People have died from it!
  • fatkidlovescake
    fatkidlovescake Posts: 66 Member
    I was misdiagnosed as various different things before they finally figured out I was diabetic - got a letter from my doctor 10 days after having been rushed to hospital by ambulance and spending 2 days in intensive care when I no longer had the energy to breathe and had been sick 36 times in 12 hours (doesn't even sound possible) asking me to come back in as my blood test results had shown up some anomallies and they wanted to retest me...
    Look up ketoacidosis and see if you have any of the other symptoms and then get your doctor to test you seriously!! I was told if I'd been left overnight rather than having called the ambulance I probably would've died.
    Doctors can be really useless sometimes!!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Doctors can be really useless sometimes!!

    True story.

    I think some of them are so smart that they cant look at what seem to be 'unimportant' symptoms and realize all those symptoms together create a very BIG problem.
  • Retaining a certain amount of water is GOOD. Retaining all or none is BAD. You may be low in sodium. Your body needs the perfect amount of sodium so it can keep the water in you body. Try looking at your sodium intake to see if it's too low :)
    And try finding healthy ways in adding salt to your diet

    Hope this helps and teaches everyone about retaining water <3
  • Also I suggest slowly adding salt to your diet. Too much you will get bloated ><
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm curious why your doctor's didn't provide you with more answers or options. I find it hard to believe that they would have just said "Welp, you aren't retaining any water. Go ahead and figure out on your own what the problem is and how to fix it." Time for a second opinion.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    because I am constantly thirsty and light headed and peeing every 5 minutes! LOL.... I dont retain much of it at all and its becoming unhealthy

    Well of course you are peeing every 5 minutes if you drink that much water. I would be worried if someone was drinking 18 glasses of water and didn't pee that much. As the water goes through you, it does its thing...there are tons of things water does for you...and then carries waste out of your body as urine. You may think you are not "retaining" much water, but the body is using what it needs.

    I also want you to know there is such thing as drinking too much water. If you are on any medication you can dilute them to the point that they don't even work. Drinking too much water can also get your electrolytes out of whack. I was drinking too much water and my sodium and potassium became low. The doc said I was flushing them right out of my body. I don't know what you are trying to accomplish by drinking that much, but I really think it is a bit excessive.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    because I am constantly thirsty and light headed and peeing every 5 minutes! LOL.... I dont retain much of it at all and its becoming unhealthy

    Sounds like something to discuss with your doc then.
  • Josephine237
    Josephine237 Posts: 72 Member
    You should talk to your doctor...You may be diabetic.
  • Josephine237
    Josephine237 Posts: 72 Member
    You should talk to your doctor...You may be diabetic.

    Your electrolytes could also be out of balance,,,see the doc.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Also ask about kidney issues such as CKD. I agree about increasing your salt, so long as your BP is low/normal. Maybe (sorry if this sounds rude) you have a bladder issue if you need to pee that often. Probably not if your body is not reacting normally to being given water but also worth asking your doc when you're next there.
  • fatkidlovescake
    fatkidlovescake Posts: 66 Member
    If you're trying a very low carb diet or cutting carbs completely this can also cause your body to burn fat for energy instead which produces a toxic byproduct called ketones, your body flushes them out as quickly as possible through constant passing of water - this is the same reason why pre-diagnosed diabetics (to get to this level usually type one diabetes - which contrary to what people believe you can still develop past childhood) feel extreme thirst and pee lots although in the case of diabetics the body is also trying to pass excess glucose.
    This would not show up on a standard finger-prick blood glucose test, would show up on a urine test, doctors can use ketostix or you should be able to buy them from a pharmacy to home test.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Retaining a certain amount of water is GOOD. Retaining all or none is BAD. You may be low in sodium. Your body needs the perfect amount of sodium so it can keep the water in you body. Try looking at your sodium intake to see if it's too low :)
    And try finding healthy ways in adding salt to your diet

    Hope this helps and teaches everyone about retaining water <3

    I agree with this. I tried to check your diary but its not open for viewing. You need to retain a certain amount of water for your body/organs to function properly. Too much makes you bloat.. and too little, well makes you pee all the time regardless of the amount you drink and still feel dehydrated. Assuming your doctor has advised you there is no medical reason for your thirt and constant urination, then I would say this would be the next thing for you to look at.