Foods that keep you full for 6-7 hours?



  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I just don't understand how that it's even allowed to not be able to get something to eat or use the bathroom for 6 hours.

    But anyway, protein rich foods keep you full for longer, so look at dairy, chicken, eggs, protein powder.

    You can also eat fromage frais / quark (the natural stuff, not the flavoured ones). Just add a little bit of honey to sweeten it a bit and then just eat it with a spoon.
    It basically tastes just like really thick yogurt and it is very, very protein rich and filling.
  • curt40
    curt40 Posts: 137 Member
    I am a huge fan of the green monster smoothie. Google it as there many variations, but it's essentially 2 cups uncooked spinach, almond milk, natural peanut butter, banana, Greek yogurt, flaxseed, and ice cubes. It tastes great and no food cravings for a long time.

    Feel free to add me! I am trying different adders to it too. From good (pumpkin) to it better be healthy because it tastes like my lawn (wheat grass).
  • nhobbit
    nhobbit Posts: 14 Member
    Add some chia seeds to the oatmeal or whatever you decide to eat. They expand during you that full feeling longer.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Looking for some suggestions for foods that keep you full for a long time!

    I have a weekly lab at school that can last up to 7 hours, and of course we're not allowed to eat or drink or leave to do so. It's a bit tricky because the lab starts at 7 a.m., and I find it difficult to eat so soon after I wake up. The past few occasions I've had a protein smoothie and once I choked down a bowl of oatmeal, but by 11 or so I'm usually starving and actually had to sit down once because I felt dizzy. :(

    I'm going to keep trying with the oatmeal because I've heard so much about it being so filling, but I'd love to hear what works for you! Lower calories is always easier, but anything is better than passing out.

    Get a few students together and meet with the tutor, that is totally unacceptable that you cannot eat or drink or use the bathroom for seven hours and it's making you sick. What would they do if someone got dehydrated and fainted, or they had a diabetic student or someone got a water infection? If you get no joy with the tutor meet with whoever is responsible for student health and safety at your school. Just because that is how it has always been doesn't mean you should not (politely and in a mature manner) challenge the status quo.

    If you have oatmeal be sure to include protein and fat not just make it with water, also use jumbo or steel cut oats plus nuts or seeds not small flake porridge or instant oats which are quick to digest. There are some recipes here you might find useful, Smarter Science of Slim contains plenty of protein and healthy fats and fibre all of which keep you full, little to none of the type of carbs that spike and dip the blood sugar.
  • brilynn79
    brilynn79 Posts: 86 Member
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I would need at least 6-800 calories to be able to get through that many hours without eating. Something high in protein and fiber. Can you scarf down a protein bar when you go for a bathroom break?
  • RosemaryBronte
    RosemaryBronte Posts: 103 Member
    20 grams oats plus a chopped apple, 6 nuts, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, an egg and a cup of lite soy milk cooked well to ensure the eggs is cooked - that should give you the protein, carbs and vitamins to survive that excessively long time without food.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Maybe eat more calorie dense foods before your lab.
    This oatmeal has banana, peanut butter and egg so maybe a bit more filling than p l ain oatmeal. I made it without adding the brown sugar and it was tasty. It reheated well the next day.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The lab was 3 years ago, not that these aren't great ideas!
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    oatmeal, with tons of fruit on top, banana/fruit smoothies, keep some nuts in your pocket so you can much and not get caught. Avocado on toast with a piece of fruit or some oatmeal